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Group 10 Rachel Martin David Mount Leah Strickman Emma Wendt

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1 Group 10 Rachel Martin David Mount Leah Strickman Emma Wendt
Choosing Atrium Lighting in the new Graduate School of Business Knight Management Center Group 10 Rachel Martin David Mount Leah Strickman Emma Wendt

2 Overview Existing atrium decision process
Atrium lighting as project focus Recommended decision process: MACDADI Organizations Goals Preferences Options Analysis Value Innovations

3 We speculate atrium selection is problematic Midterm: Pre-data
Atrium Current State Narrative No Stakeholder goals up front Few options provided Stakeholders engaged late; act as designers Midterm: Pre-data

4 We focus our project on lighting Actual atrium selection is even more problematic than we suspected
Atrium Current State Narrative Atrium appears in the architect’s plans We changed our project to a more detailed decision The Atrium Lighting Decision Midterm: Post-data

5 Narrator model from architect
Thorough atrium lighting design process, but stakeholders not included Architect’s Atrium Lighting Decision

6 Our Future State Narrative
Stakeholders matter Atrium Lighting Decision Future State Narrative Narrator link

7 MACDADI Model Organizations
Students Faculty Staff Designers Donors Owners Community Stakeholders Owner Stakeholders matter MACDADI Model → Organizations * Goals * Preferences * Options * Analysis * Value

8 MACDADI Model Clarify goals to clarify design decision
Promotion of Academic Excellence Inspire Visual Wow Factor Aesthetic Appropriate Lighting Level Functionality Library Feel Accessibility Study Space Economic Responsibility Ease to Construct Proven Design Time To Build Time to Design Code Compliant Environmental Sustainability LEED Platinum Get Daylighting Credit Comfort Innovative MACDADI Model → Organizations * Goals * Preferences * Options * Analysis * Value

9 MACDADI Model Weighting preferences shows
economics and owners matter most MACDADI Model → Organizations * Goals * Preferences * Options * Analysis * Value 9

10 MACDADI Model Designers generate 3 options
0 Sawtoothes 3 Sawtoothes 6 Sawtoothes MACDADI Model → Organizations * Goals * Preferences * Options * Analysis * Value

11 MACDADI Model Analysis - Outlined ratings for 3 goals
Promotion of Academic Excellence MACDADI Model → Organizations * Goals * Preferences * Options * Analysis * Value

12 MACDADI Model Analysis – 6 and 3 panels similarly and better
MACDADI Model → Organizations * Goals * Preferences * Options * Analysis * Value 12

13 MACDADI Model Value MACDADI Model → Organizations * Goals * Preferences * Options * Analysis * Weights * Value 13

14 Innovation Weighted the opinions of different stakeholders to acknowledge the relative importance of each MACDADI Model → Organizations * Goals * Preferences * Options * Analysis * Value

15 Weight stakeholders – owners and economics become more important
Innovation Weight stakeholders – owners and economics become more important MACDADI Model → Organizations * Goals * Preferences * Options * Analysis * Value 15

16 Weight stakeholders – final design doesn’t change
Innovation Weight stakeholders – final design doesn’t change MACDADI Model → Organizations * Goals * Preferences * Options * Analysis * Value 16

17 Summary Consider stakeholders Choose 6-sawtooth option
Weight stakeholder preferences Recognize economics can still be most important goal Choose 6-sawtooth option

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