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2.3 Day I: Other Types of Graphs

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1 2.3 Day I: Other Types of Graphs
By the end of class you will be able to explain the characteristics of a specific type of data display.

2 Graph Jigsaw A: Pareto Graph B: Time Series Graph C: Pie Graph
D: Wild Card

3 In your “Expert Groups” you must…
Define the graph Explain when it would be appropriate to use such a graph Explain any important characteristics of the graph Give an example of the graph

4 Pareto Chart Represents a frequency distribution for a categorical value X-axis: Categories (arranged from highest frequency to lowest) Y-axis: Frequencies Equal width bars! Appropriate frequency units!

5 Pareto Chart: Train Derailments
Bad Track: 23 Faulty Equipment: 9 Human Error: 12 Other Causes: 6


7 Time Series Graph Represents data over a period of time
X-axis: Time Periods Y-axis: Frequency Two sets of data can be compared (compound time series graph)

8 NJTP Travel by Day Tuesday: 156.2 (millions of vehicles)
Wednesday: 160.1 Thursday: 162.3 Friday: 172.8 Saturday: 179.4


10 Pie Graphs Represents percentage of frequencies in a distribution
Must total 360 degrees (100%) Construct accurately with a protractor

11 How People Find Jobs Help-Wanted Ads: 56 Executive Search Firms: 44
Networking: 280 Mass Mailings: 20


13 2.3 Day II: Other Types of Graphs
By the end of class you will be able to create a stem and leaf plot, dot plot, and bar graph to organize data.

14 Stem and Leaf Plots First number(s) in data is the stem
Last digit represents the stem Leaves listed in numerical order Useful for arranging data

15 Marking Period Averages:
95, 86, 80, 55, 76, 55, 90, 92, 82, 55, 77, 67, 80

16 Dot Plots A statistical graph in which each data value is plotted as a point above the x-axis Ensure equal increments on x-axis

17 Named Storms in past 40 years
Construct and analyze a dotplot from the data.

18 Example 2-13: Named Storms
Bluman, Chapter 2

19 Dot Plots and the TiNspire
Insert data into a lists and spreadsheets page. Open a data and statistics page. Select your variable for the x-axis.

20 Bar Graphs Uses vertical or horizontal bars to represent the frequencies of categorical or qualitative data. Ensure equal increments Bars do not touch

21 How People Get to Work Automobile: 27 Bus: 16 Trolley: 13 Train: 10 Walk: 5

How People Get to Work (c) 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

23 How People Get to Work (**A Pareto Chart**)

24 Bar Graphs on TiNspire Insert your data in a lists and spreadsheets page. Select menu, then data, summary plot. Select the correct variables, then graph on a split screen or new page. **Can use similar process for pie charts-just need to change plot type (under menu)

25 Summarizer @t2probstat
A: Pareto vs. Bar Graph: Alike and different B: Pie Graph: Two important things to remember C: Stem and Leaf plot: Most important thing D: Dot Plot: Fact about it

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