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Detroit, Michigan, USA.

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1 Detroit, Michigan, USA

2 Satellite image of Detroit,
Localisation -Detroit is located in the state of Michigan on the river Detroit. Detroit is the largest city in the state, the 10th largest city in the United States. Satellite image of Detroit,

3 Climate -Detroit has a continental climate, which is influenced by the Great Lakes. Winters are generally cold, with the minimal temperatures which can come down under 10 °C, while summers can be warm and wet, with the temperatures which often surplus 30 °C.

4 History The city of Detroit -The first settlers arrived in 1701.
- After the surrender of Montreal in 1760, the commander Rogers and his 200 Rangers was sent to take up Detroit. The city was French command. - In 1883, Detroit was given up to the newly independent country-the USA- by France. The city of Detroit

5 Population Ethtnicity map -There are more than 900 000 inhabitants.
-Detroit is mostly black (there are 81% of African-Americans). -The population is mainly black and white. It is middle class. Ethtnicity map

6 Districts Population's density
-There is the Indian Village District on the east side. There is 1% of Native-Americans. The Indian Village has a number of architecturally-significant homes built in the early 20th century. Population's density

7 Culture -There are Detroit Institute of Arts and the Montown Historical Museum but especialy the Fox Theatre. -Detroit is the capital of automobile of the USA. It has a profound impact on the world for its being the automobile capital of the world. Detroit has crafted American culture. Fox theatre

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