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Washington’s Farewell Address

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1 Washington’s Farewell Address
Bell Ringer Date: December 7th, 2016 Copy down your homework for this week. Get into your group from yesterday and get out Washington’s Farewell Address…. E14 Washington’s Farewell Address

2 Decipher Washington’s Address and construct a well written response.
Today’s Agenda Measureable Objective Decipher Washington’s Address and construct a well written response. Florida Standard: Examine the influences of Washington’s Presidency in the formation of the new nation. Agenda You do: Finish examining Washington’s Farewell Address. We do: In groups, present advice, wisdom, and thoughts in Washington’s Address. Discuss if we lived up to his words. You do: Construct a well written response Essential Question What advice did Washington give to future leaders, citizens, and the nation? Learning Goal - By the end of the lesson you will… Demonstrate how George Washington set a precedent for all future presidents and how this presidency affected the nation.

3 Homework for this Tonight!
DUE TODAY: Hand in your completed outline for the National History Day Project.

4 Killing American sailors and imprisoning the rest.
Chapter 8Review 1) What were the British doing to American Ships and sailors at the end of Washington’s Presidency? Killing American sailors and imprisoning the rest. Capturing American Ships Destroying American ships Impressing American Sailors

5 Johnson Treaty Jacob’s Treaty Adam’s Treaty Jay Treaty
Chapter 8 Review 2) Which treaty settled the disputes between the United States and British ships at sea? Johnson Treaty Jacob’s Treaty Adam’s Treaty Jay Treaty

6 The Guillontine The Guillontong The Iron Maiden The Mace
Chapter 8 Review 3) Which medieval device was used extensively during the French Revolution during the Reign of Terror? The Guillontine The Guillontong The Iron Maiden The Mace

7 Clergy Third Estate Nobility Indentured Servants Chapter 8 Review
4) Which social group of people were paying all the tax and led to the French Revolution? Clergy Third Estate Nobility Indentured Servants

8 Washington’s Farewell Address
Directions: In your group… Finish writing down Washington’s Advice. (Think about these guiding questions) Q: What is Washington's saying or giving advice to… Future Leaders? The Country's future? Citizens. 2) Write down this advice in YOUR OWN WORDS. 3) Discuss among your group which advice is the most important. 4) Choose which advice you will present to the class.

9 Part 1: Washington’s Farewell Address
- The North and South should help each other. - Government needs to keep the nation unified. - Political Parties are a bad idea.

10 Part 2:: Washington’s Farewell Address
Trust and respect each department of government. Don’t let power shift to one office. Don’t let change be a weapon that destroys the gov.

11 Part 3:: Washington’s Farewell Address
Conserve our currency Don’t get involved with foreign affairs. We’re only as strong as our weaker parts.

12 Part 4:: Washington’s Farewell Address
- Prevent making the same mistakes. - Don’t break promises. - Neutrality is needed.

13 Washington’s Farewell Address
Part 1 - North and South should help each other. - Government needs to keep the nation unified. - Parties are a bad idea. Part 2 - Politicians should remain to themselves. - Politicians should be moral and religious. - Avoid political parties. Part 3 - Avoid permanent rivalries and alliances. - Try to stay peaceful with everyone. - Avoid political entanglement. Part 4 - Prevent making the same mistakes . - Don’t break promises. - Neutrality is needed.

14 Washington’s Farewell Address
Class Discussion Looking back and relating to today, has the United States followed the words, wisdom, and advice that Washington gave during his Farewell Address.

15 Washington’s Farewell Address
Directions On a separate sheet of paper, in a well constructed written response answer the question… Has the United States followed the words, wisdom, and advice that Washington gave during his Farewell Address? How have or haven’t we? *3 Paragraphs needed (15 sentences minimum)*

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