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SULA! Don’t get stuck between a rock and a hard place!!

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Presentation on theme: "SULA! Don’t get stuck between a rock and a hard place!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 SULA! Don’t get stuck between a rock and a hard place!!
RMASFAA 2016 – Rapid City, south dakota

2 Session objectives WHO What When Where and how and why?
Re-define first-time borrower What Statutory changes and final regulations When 150% Timeframe and calculations Consequences Loss of eligibility Loss of subsidy Where and how and why?

3 WHAT: Statutory change
Public Law , Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21th Century Act (MAP 21), enacted July 6, 2012. Amended the HEA to establish a limit on Direct Subsidized Loan eligibility. Waived requirement for negotiated rulemaking and master calendar.

4 WHAT: final regulations
Final Regulations posted January 17, 2014 Federal Register Volume 79, Number 12 Higher Education Act of 1965 As Amended Through Public Law 113–67, Enacted December 26, 2013 Sec. 455(q) Page 480 SULA: Subsidized Usage Limit Applies

5 Who: Applies to First-Time Borrowers
A first-time borrower is considered to be: Any student that does not have an outstanding balance on a FFEL or Direct Loan when receiving a Direct Loan on or after July, 1, 2013. Example A: Student has never borrowed before Student enrolls in August 2013 Student receives a Direct Loan Student is a first-time borrower Example B: Student received FFEL and Direct Loans prior to July 1, 2013 Student pays off all FFEL and Direct Loans in 2015 Student enrolls in 2017 Student receives a new Direct Loan in 2017 Student is a first-time borrower

6 When: 150% of Program Length

7 When: determining when eliigibilty is lost
150% limit is met and further eligibility is lost when Remaining Eligibility Period is zero (or less)

8 WHEN: example of remaining eligibility period
Student receives 3 years of Direct Subsidized Loans while enrolled in a two-year program. Student then transfers to a 4-year program.

9 WHEN: example of remaining eligibility period
Student receives 5 full years of Direct Subsidized Loans while enrolled in a 4-year BA program.

10 Consequence of 150%: eligibility loss
Borrower loses eligibility for additional Direct Subsidized Loans when borrower has received Direct Subsidized Loans for 150% of their current academic program. If eligibility is lost, borrower may still be eligible for unsub. Generally measured in time, not dollars.

11 Consequence of 150%: interest subsidy loss
Unless the borrower completed the program, continuing enrollment or enrollment in another undergraduate program of equal or lesser length results in the borrower losing interest subsidy benefits on outstanding subsidized loans, effective from the date of the continuing or new enrollment.

12 Consequence of 150%: interest subsidy loss

13 Consequence of 150%: Interest subsidy loss
Student received 6 years of Subsidized Loans while enrolled in a 4-year program. Student does not complete and enrolls for a 7th year.

14 Consequence of 150%: Interest subsidy loss
Student received 5 full years of Direct Subsidized Loans while enrolled in a 4-year program. Student does not complete and then enrolls in a 2-year program.

15 Consequence of 150%: Interest subsidy loss
Student received 5 years of Subsidized Loans while enrolled in a 4-year program. Student completes the program and then enrolls in a 2-year program.

16 Eligibility for direct unsub loans
A student cannot receive Direct Unsubsidized Loans for a loan period until the student has received all Subsidized Loan eligibility.

17 Eligibility for unsub example #1
Based on COA and EFC, a second-year dependent student is eligible for a Direct Subsidized Loan in the amount of the full annual loan limit of $4,500.

18 Eligibility for unsub example #2
Based on COA and EFC, a second-year dependent student is eligible for a Direct Subsidized Loan in an amount that is less than the full annual loan limit: $4,000.

19 HOW: reporting to COD

20 How: reporting to nslds

21 How: calculating subsidized usage period
Number of days in the loan period divided by number of days in academic year If student’s status is less than full-time, you must prorate Three-quarter time enrollment: Calculated Subsidized Usage Period x .75 Half-time enrollment: Calculated Subsidized Usage Period x .50

22 Example 1 Academic year 08/25/2014 – 05/15/2015
264 days in the academic year Student is in 15 credits for fall Fall loan amount $2750 Fall only loan (08/25/2014 – 12/19/2014) 117 days in the loan period 117/264 = .44 Subsidized Usage Period = .40

23 Example 2 Academic year 08/25/2014 – 05/15/2015
264 days in the academic year Student is in 15 credits for fall Fall loan amount $5500 Fall only loan (08/25/2014 – 12/19/2014) 117 days in the loan period 117/264 = .44 Subsidized Usage Period = 1 Annual loan limit received for a loan period less than a full academic year the sub usage period is 1 If the student less than full-time, you prorate SUP based on enrollment (ie: ¾ time enrollment, 1 x .75 = SUP of .75).

24 Example 3 Academic year 08/25/2014 – 05/15/2015
264 days in the academic year Student is in 6 credits for fall Fall loan amount $2750 Fall only loan (08/25/2014 – 12/19/2014) 117 days in the loan period 117/264 = .44 .44 x .50 = .22 Subsidized Usage Period = .2

25 Example 4 Academic year 08/25/2014 – 08/07/2015
348 days in the academic year Student is in 12 credits for summer Summer loan amount $1000 Summer only loan (05/18/2015 – 08/07/2015) 82 days in the loan period 82/348 = .23 Subsidized Usage Period = .2

26 Example 5 Academic year 08/25/2014 – 05/15/2015
264 days in the academic year Student has two sub loan originations Sub for 3000 (fall 1500/spring 1500) Sub(2) for 500 (fall 250/spring 250) Student is full time when sub disburses, but half time when sub(2) disburses Subsidized Usage Period on COD for the year = .9 Each disbursement is worth a total of .25 if full time .25 x 4 = 1 Student is half time for the first sub(2) disbursement so the sub usage period for that disbursement is .125 .25 x .50 = .125 COD assumes full time for future disbursements = .875 rounded to the nearest 10th = .90

27 NSLDS example Spring Enrollment: 12 credits, Summer Enrollment: 6 credits Academic Year is Fall, Spring, Summer = 348 days Spring Loan Period = 116 days 116/348 = .3 SUP for Spring. Summer Loan Period = 82 days. (82/348) = .235; .235 x .5 = .1 SUP for Summer = .4 Years SUP

28 HOW: problems csu ran into
Summer enrollment reporting to NSLDS CSU summer enrollment status Undergraduates Full time – 6 or more credits Three quarter time – 5 credits Half time – 3 to 4 credits FA enrollment status Full time – 12 or more credits Three quarter time – 9 to 11 credits Half time – 6 to 8 credits RO reported CSU summer enrollment status therefore the subsidized usage period or remaining period was calculated incorrectly Had to manually update enrollment on NSLDS COD rejecting loans when 100% of fall was pulled back and loan period dates were adjusted to spring only during the same transaction

29 Questions?

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