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Floor Hockey.

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1 Floor Hockey

2 History of NHL NHL was founded on November 26th 1917
Orginal Six: Boston Bruin, Chicago Black Hawks, Detroit Red Wings, Montreal Canadiens, New York Rangers, Toronto Maple Leafs. NHL has now expanded to 30 teams, Players from all over the world play in NHL Montreal Canadiens have most championships: 23

3 Miracle on Ice

4 Grip Non-dominant hand (non-writing hand) at top of stick handle
Dominant hand (writing hand) about one foot below Should carry stick with blade close to ground Stick can only be raised thigh high.

5 Stick Handling “Light taps” using both sides of the blade
Head up as you get better Puck should not travel very far with each hit

6 Passing Stronger strike, but under control
Call your partner’s name before passing Follow through Soft Hands

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