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Notebook check 3.

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1 Notebook check 3

2 LT: Use a model to demonstrate your understanding of the motions of Earth and the Moon in relation to the Sun result in the phases of the Moon. Do Now: Agenda: moon phases day 2 What phase of moon is visible during a solar eclipse? What phase of moon is visible during a lunar eclipse? Use a drawing to explain your answer. Update moonlog Moonrise moonset patterns on pg 90 Moon puzzle/ moon demo Notebook check and quiz over moon stats, scale factor, and moon phases.

3 Look at the data table on pg 90.
How are sunrise and moonrise the same, how are they different? Both rise in the east and set in the west. Moonrise time changes significantly day to day. What causes the rising and apparent motion of the Sun and Moon across the sky? Rotation of Earth. Is there any pattern to the time at which the moon rises? 51 minutes later each day. Cut out phases. On back draw a picture and name the phase. Tape them into notebook to use as flash cards. Earth=head, Styrofoam ball=moon, lamp =sun Which way do you need to turn in order to simulate the revolution of the Moon around Earth? Demonstrate New moon? 1st quarter moon? Moonrise, moonset. Introduce globes and flashlight and moons. Demonstrate new, 1st quarter, full and third quarter moon. Demonstrate a lunar eclipse and solar eclipse. Front Back Full moon Reflection: use the RERUN acronym to reflect on what you learned about today’s learning target.

4 LT: Draw a diagram to demonstrate your understanding of the motions of Earth and the Moon in relation to the Sun result in the phases of the Moon. Do Now: Agenda: going through a phase Which student to do you most agree with and why? Alan: “The Moon lights up in different parts at different times of the month.” Barbara: “The phases of the Moon change according to the season of the year.” Catherine: “Parts of the Moon reflect light depending on the position of the Earth in relation to the Moon and the Sun.” Devin: “The Earth casts a shadow that causes a monthly pattern in how much of the Moon we can see from Earth.” Ethan: “The Moon grows a little bit bigger each day until it is full and then it gets smaller again. It repeats this cycle every month” Reading pg Vocab for moon phases. Phases of the moon multimedia: fill out worksheet.

5 Phases of the moon multimedia: fill out worksheet.
Reflection: use the RERUN acronym to reflect on what you learned about today’s learning target. Reading pg Vocab for moon phases: New moon 1st quarter 3rd quarter Waxing Waning Crescent Gibbous Lunar eclipse Solar eclipse Phases of the moon multimedia: fill out worksheet.

6 LT: Calculate a scale factor for a model of how far away the moon is compared to Earth.
Do Now: Agenda: how far? How big? Draw a prediction of what you think the moon will look like today. Will it get bigger or smaller? Will it change its position in the sky? Calculate scale factor practice Scale model of moon and distance between earth and moon. For all mankind dvd: h?v=otvtMfEI_9w

7 Scaling factor practice.
From yesterday you will need the following information (pg 89). Earth’s diameter Moon’s diameter Distance between the Earth and Moon. Measure the diameter of the globe in cm. Divide the diameter of the earth by the diameter of the globe. This is the scale factor. Divide the moon’s diameter by the scale factor. This is how big our moon needs to be in the model. Create a moon out of playdo. Divide the distance between the Earth and moon by the scale factor. This is how far away the model moon has to be from the globe. Cut a piece of string to demonstrate this distance. 6,378 x 2=12,756 km 1,737 x 2=3,474 km 384,000 km Reflection: use the RERUN acronym to reflect on what you learned about today’s learning target.

8 LT: Identify major surface features on the moon surface.
Do Now: Agenda: surface features of moon Review images of the moon on pg in your textbook and record any observations or patterns you notice about the moon’s surface. Moon surface vocab: maria, craters, highlands, rays, rilles brainstorm questions about the moon. Moon stats Introduce moon study Notebook quiz 2 will be graded by Wednesday.

9 Craters: round structures of various sizes with various detail.
Maria(plural): large dark-gray or black areas that are fairly smooth. Singular word is mare. Highlands: light-colored areas with lots of rough mountains and craters. Rays: the white lines that extend in all directions from some craters. Rilles: structures that look like narrow canyons or stream courses. Brainstorm questions about the moon individually. As a table nominate best most interesting questions to share out with class. Fit your question into a category: moon-surface features Moon statistics Moon phases Moon history Other Use pg 89 to answer moon statistic questions. Moon study Reflection: use the RERUN acronym to reflect on what you learned about today’s learning target.

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