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Presentation on theme: "ASTRONOMY."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Astronomy? The study of the objects in Space Levels:
Oldest science Earth, Moon, Sun Positions Planets and the Solar System Stars and Galaxies Levels: Biosphere / Planet Solar System Galaxy Universe

3 MOTION of the EARTH Rotation – Spinning on axis 1 Rotation = 1 Day
Revolution – traveling in orbit around the sun 1 Revolution = Days Leap Year – an extra day added in February once every 4 years to make up for the extra ¼ day it takes for each revolution

4 MOTION of the EARTH Tilt of Axis  23.5o
Summer and Winter– Earth is tilted towards or away from the sun Solstice – the day when the axis is pointed directly at or away from the sun Northern Hemisphere season is opposite of Southern Hemisphere Summer in the northern hemisphere (axis pointed toward the sun) is winter in the southern hemisphere (axis pointed away from the sun) Amount of Daylight Changes Tilt of the Earth’s axis also explains why the amount of daylight changes from summer to winter

5 Spring and fall– The earth’s axis is not tilted toward or away from the sun
Equinox – the day when the amount of daylight and night time is equal everywhere on Earth Vernal Equinox – first day of spring Autumnal Equinox – first day of fall

6 MOTION OF THE MOON Moon revolves around Earth 27 days = 1 revolution
Rotates at same rate Same side of moon faces Earth Phases - How much of lighted side you see from Earth Waxing – getting bigger Waning – getting smaller Crescent – see a little bit Gibbous – see most of it Phases repeat every 29 days (approx. 1 month)

7 MOTION OF THE MOON Eclipse – when an object in space casts it’s shadow on another object Lunar Eclipse – Earth casts shadow on the moon Solar Eclipse – Moon casts shadow on the Earth Umbra – darkest part of the shadow Full Eclipse Penumbra – less dark part of the shadow Partial Eclipse


9 MOTION OF THE MOON Tides – the rise and fall of water every 12.5 hours
4 tides every day  high, low, high, low Caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun on the water on Earth Moon has biggest effect Oceans are effected the most Spring Tide – moon, sun and Earth are in straight line Greatest difference in height of water between high tide and low tide Neap Tide – moon, sun and Earth form a right angle Smallest difference in water height between high tide and low tide


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