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Small Satellite Design Club 6th GBM December 1, 2015

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1 Small Satellite Design Club 6th GBM December 1, 2015
President: Claudia Corcho VP Internal: Alexander Soto Historian: Michelle Sanchez VP External: Stephanie Pastor Social Director: Noorul (Fractal) Hassan Treasurer: Aaron Dagen Research Director: Mikhail Belibasis Secretary: Alfred Jennett BEC Representative: Kevin Almanzar Webmaster: Evan Bishop

2 What Have We Accomplished?
Design Teams Outreach Socials

3 Long Sleeve Shirt They are here!!!
Come to me after the meeting to pick-up and so I can sign you off.

4 CanSat Updates Team Lead: Christopher Charters
Meeting Monday and Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in NEB 109. Working on budget for project. Big update at tomorrows meeting!

5 High Altitude Balloon Team
Reaches a high enough altitude to be able to capture images of the curvature of the earth. The launches will include both the construction of the balloon, parachute, and payload system. Fridays at 5:15 PM in room MAE-A 221. Meeting this Friday! Will be working with the structures subsystem of Rocket Team.

6 Outreach MAE Transition Orientation- October 8 in the Grand Ballroom. From 5-7PM. Presented on what SSDC does to Sophomore engineering students. Fractal and me.

7 Outreach November 13 from 2:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
November 14 from 9 AM - 2Pm. WISE school students visiting UF. Helped SwampSat 2 in showing students around the SSG Lab as well as demonstrating things like CanSat, HAB, and building antennas! Chris, Ryan, Fractal, and Me on first day. Chris and Fractal on second.

8 Outreach Starry Night-November 13, Florida Museum of Natural History. From 6PM-11PM. Michelle and Aaron also there!

9 Socials Supermoon Lunar Eclipse-September 27 in Paynes Prarie dock.

10 Socials Newberry Cornfield Maze-October 24.
Briefly mention Santa Fe Planetarium.

11 President’s Inaguration
President Fuch’s will be going over all the MAE organizations and what they have to present. We will be presenting a mock up of CanSat for students and faculty to interact with. Thursday, December 3 from 3:00 PM-5:00 PM in the NEB Rotunda. Come and see CanSat as well as what other clubs have to offer. There will be FREE FOOD, PRIZES, and a PHOTO BOOTH!!! Dean Abernathy, and Dr.Taylor will give a speech as well!

12 Shirt Design Contest Make a design for a black T-Shirt.
Has to have the SG logo on it somewhere. Anyone interested let me know so I can send them the SG and SSDC logo to incorporate into design. Winner will get the shirt for free!!! SG logo probably on sleeve.

13 Where We Are Headed! Design Teams Outreach Socials Speakers

14 Spring Semester Design Teams
CanSat- Will go to AIAA Conference, CanSat Competition HAB- Launching Rocket Team payload in mid February There may be one more team, depending on whether it can be achieved in one semester. AIAA Conference in Starkville, Mississippi. Cost is mostly free, and you can write your own research paper if not on CanSat.

15 Spring Semester Outreach Socials Speakers
Junior Science, Engineering and Humanities Symposium in Grand Ballroom on February 1st. E-Week Socials Rocket Launches Laser Tag Social Movie Socials Speakers Speakers working on DebriSat in January Dr.Conklin in February Larry Fineberg from NASA in March

16 Questions? Visit us at :

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