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Miranda Kalaskey District 6 Community Service Chair

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Presentation on theme: "Miranda Kalaskey District 6 Community Service Chair"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miranda Kalaskey District 6 Community Service Chair
WVU ASDA Chapter VP WVU 3rd year Dental Student

2 What is Community Service?
“Community service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near the area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefits of your work.”  From: service What is Community Service? WVU ASDA making and serving dinner at The Rosenbaum House

3 Why I love Community Service?
Fun Connections Education Opportunities Giving back Making new friends Shows that you care about the community Great way to help others Just the right thing to do! Why I love Community Service? Volunteering at Miss Ability Pageant

4 Different types of Community Service?!
SO many options for community service Cooking and serving meals to those in need Fundraising for a charities Oral hygiene education Dental related opportunities Cleaning up the community by picking up trash/litter Speaking to classes on OHI There are so many more exciting kinds of community service! Different types of Community Service?!

5 Visiting the WVU Children’s Hospital

6 Volunteering at Miss International Pageant
WVU ASDA explaining oral hygiene at a health fair

7 ASDA Outreach and ideas for your chapter
A few ASDA members went to Genoa Middle School for career day. We presented students with a power point presentation about the dental profession, followed by a question and answer session. Students were able to pick which professions they were interested in and we had over 80 students sign up to hear about the exciting field of dentistry!!  ASDA Outreach and ideas for your chapter

8 OSU participated in "Communities in Schools"  twice at Finland Middle School. We passed out oral hygiene supplies and instructions and reached over 100 families. OSU

9 ASDA Chapters Outreach
 Our other event this summer was called Miracle League. It is a baseball league for kids with special disabilities. We helped sell merchandise, work concessions, and cheer on the teams. ASDA Chapters Outreach

10 Cleaning a dental office that was nearly destroyed by local flooding

11 WVU ASDA at Special Smiles 2016 and 2017

12 Health Fair

13 RAM(Remote Area Medical) Clinic





18 Some WVU ASDA members and a pharmacology professor participating in Barbells for Boobs, a charity organization whose funds go toward early detection and screening for breast cancer. Great workout for a great cause! WVU ASDA

19 I hope you have some new ideas to take back to your chapter!
Any Questions? I hope you have some new ideas to take back to your chapter!

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