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A Level Photography (Edexcel)

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1 A Level Photography (Edexcel)
The A level Photography course is a dynamic and challenging option where students develop their digital, analogue and analytical skills. Exhibition and presentation are a large part of the Photography experience. It is a prerequisite that students have studied a GCSE Art & Design course, have an aesthetic understanding and a genuine interest in different types of photography, its history and purpose. The Photography course develops a working knowledge of SLR cameras, dark room practices, as well as learning about digital photography and the use of Photoshop. It is expected that students visit galleries and exhibitions in their own time and use the resources found within their own work. Students develop the skills to interpret and convey ideas and feelings using photographic techniques and also written analysis. This is in the form of critical analysis via essays, extended responses, statements and also visual accounts. The research of other Photographers and connecting findings to individual work is mandatory. An exciting exhibition of students’ work will conclude the course. Recently graduated students who have studied this subject have been successful in gaining places on degree courses such as Photographic Arts, Film and TV at universities such as UEA and Westminster and Art Foundation courses at various colleges. Film-based Photography The use of light as the most important element in photography. Film types, film speeds, specialised films which will facilitate the processes of generating and developing ideas. View point, composition, focus, shutter speed, exposure. Dark-room techniques involving the recognition of appropriate paper types, developing and printing, emulsions, exposures, tone and contrast acquisition and manipulation of the image through computers, scanners, photocopiers and, view point, composition, focus, shutter speed, exposure. Dark-room techniques involving the recognition of appropriate paper types, developing and printing, emulsions, exposures, tone and contrast acquisition and manipulation of the image through computers, scanners, photocopiers and computer software. Digital Photography The use of light as the most important element in photography. The basis of digital photography, including the pixel and digital processing, viewpoint, composition, focus, shutter speed, exposure. The use and qualities of image acquisition hardware and software and image manipulation and analogies between digital and other forms of photography. The relationships between colour and tone for screen- and print based media. The use of a range of source material, software and hardware in the generation and development of ideas. Film and Video Storyboards, scripting, camera angles, viewpoints, length of shot, cutting Qualities of lighting in both studio- and location-based work. Various animation processes, such as stop-frame, rostrum and 3D modelling Qualities and functions of various film and video formats, for example 16mm film, analogue video, digital video, .flv, .mov, The use of sound, narration and storyline and their relation to moving images. Editing, including knowledge of the variety of ways in which images might be juxtaposed to create appropriate effects.

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