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Governance of Higher Education in Mongolia

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1 Governance of Higher Education in Mongolia
Presenter Ganbat Ts.

2 What is the organization in higher education system?
About 100 HEIs 170,000 students 8000 faculty members Major 5 Public Universities: National University of Mongolia Mongolian University of Science and Technology Mongolia State University of Education Health Sciences University of Mongolia Mongolian State University of Life Sciences

3 Who makes policies for higher education development
The Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education (MECS) Advisory Council on HE under the Minister of Education The Working Group Committee on Higher Education Policy including all the representatives of stakeholders

4 Administration of the higher education system
Mongolia tertiary education is administered directed by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture. Regulated by the Law of Higher Education. The MECS has overall responsibility for tertiary education. Public and private universities are accountable to MECS Each HEIs have Board of Trustees /appointment of members, more autonomy by the law of HE/

5 HEIs has several committees: - strategy development - academic board
If there is any committee on higher education, who are the members? How are they appointed? HEIs has several committees: - strategy development - academic board - research board - student service - Faculty committee -alumni committee

6 What are the responsibilities and powers of that committee?
In case of Strategy development committee; Decision makers Researchers Faculty members Employers/entrepreneurs Graduates

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