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Bundesnetzagentur 15.05.2018 SEAMCAT’s post processing feature Example 3: Location Probability (SE43) Karl Koch, BNetzA, CEPT SEAMCAT.

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Presentation on theme: "Bundesnetzagentur 15.05.2018 SEAMCAT’s post processing feature Example 3: Location Probability (SE43) Karl Koch, BNetzA, CEPT SEAMCAT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bundesnetzagentur SEAMCAT’s post processing feature Example 3: Location Probability (SE43) Karl Koch, BNetzA, CEPT SEAMCAT Workshop Copenhagen, –

2 Bundesnetzagentur TOPICS only to show a more complex plugin which has been presented to PT SE43 when discussing the TV White Space Cognitive Device issue The plugin has been used To show how SEAMCAT distributes the VLR to “pixels” To show the wanted Signal (dRSS) in terms of “location probability” But basically to explain that the simulated probability of exceeding the limit of C/(N+I) is the same as the PT’s definition of “Degradation of Location Probability” Thanks to Stella for support Karl Koch | SEAMCAT Workshop June 2013 | location probability

3 Show results calculated panel
Bundesnetzagentur Source – overview PPP Methods required through the interface Show results calculated panel Karl Koch | SEAMCAT Workshop June 2013 | location probability

4 Source – overview – part 2
Bundesnetzagentur Source – overview – part 2 XML Karl Koch | SEAMCAT Workshop June 2013 | location probability

5 How it works - scenario Parameters defining the area to be considered
Bundesnetzagentur How it works - scenario Parameters defining the area to be considered Karl Koch | SEAMCAT Workshop June 2013 | location probability

6 Bundesnetzagentur How it works - scenario Considering the inverse complementary cumulative normal distribution function, the mean value of dBm “guarantees” the required min value of dBm for 95% of all locations, independent on the size of the simulated area. Karl Koch | SEAMCAT Workshop June 2013 | location probability

7 How it works - scenario Bundesnetzagentur 15.05.2018
Karl Koch | SEAMCAT Workshop June 2013 | location probability

8 How it works - results Bundesnetzagentur 15.05.2018
Karl Koch | SEAMCAT Workshop June 2013 | location probability

9 How it works - results Bundesnetzagentur 15.05.2018
Karl Koch | SEAMCAT Workshop June 2013 | location probability

10 How it works - scenario Bundesnetzagentur 15.05.2018
Karl Koch | SEAMCAT Workshop June 2013 | location probability

11 How it works - scenario Bundesnetzagentur 15.05.2018
Karl Koch | SEAMCAT Workshop June 2013 | location probability

12 How it works - scenario Bundesnetzagentur 15.05.2018
Karl Koch | SEAMCAT Workshop June 2013 | location probability

13 As said, only another example to show what you can do with SEAMCAT 
Bundesnetzagentur How it works - comment As said, only another example to show what you can do with SEAMCAT  Karl Koch | SEAMCAT Workshop June 2013 | location probability

14 Thank you. Questions? Karl Koch BNetzA Fon +49 681 9330 - 515
Bundesnetzagentur Thank you. Questions? Karl Koch BNetzA Fon mailto Karl Koch | SEAMCAT Workshop June 2013 | location probability

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