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Exploring and Presenting Results

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1 Exploring and Presenting Results
Laura Biggins v

2 I have my results… what next?

3 I have my results… what next?
1. Interpret and explore 2. Presenting results

4 Interpreting and exploring results
How can the results be displayed so that I can interpret and explore them most easily? Understanding the functional terms (incl GO hierarchy) Finding relevant information amongst the masses (GOslim, redundant terms, clustering) Presenting results How should I present my results? What information should I include? 2 main things here - How should we presenting results in a way that makes sense – graphically or textually – how to display it and what information should be included – what is relevant? - How should results be presented to ourselves – how can they be displayed so that we can interpret them? Assuming we’ve got a large table of results. The issue here is selecting relevant information – condensing Small lists Let’s think about what makes sense to display If you’re comparing between 2 datasets and showing a comparison between one or two categories

5 Interpreting and exploring results
Sometimes tables may be sufficient .

6 …but large tables are often difficult to interpret

7 Overlaps in gene lists Gene ontology is hierarchical general Parent
Root ontology terms 1 2 3 general specific Parent Child

8 Overlaps in gene lists Most genes are associated with more than one GO term Many annotation sources e.g. G:profiler - Gene Ontology terms, biological pathways, regulatory motifs of transcription factors and microRNAs, human disease annotations and protein-protein interactions

9 Exploring overlaps

10 Exploring hierarchy - Panther
Interactive pie charts to explore the lower level categories – nice for exploring if you’re interested in some of the categories. This is separate to the overrepresentation test

11 Exploring ontology structure - GOrilla
Good thing about GOrilla – shows the hierarchy of the GO terms Also a way of presenting results

12 Exploring ontology structure - GOrilla
But – if lots of info, difficult to interpret

13 g:profiler - filtering

14 DAVID – functional annotation clustering
david clusters by overlapping genes

15 GOrilla - REVIGO Gorilla does have an option that allows the results to be displayed in REVIGO.

16 GOrilla - REVIGO

17 Reducing redundancy Use a filtering tool
Use a GOslim – may lose detail Use a clustering tool Select non-redundant terms yourself – be consistent P-value filter, top x number of categories, largest categories, most enriched Could be worth trying a GOslim

18 Displaying results What information should I include?
How should I present my results?

19 What information should be included?
Choosing what to display

20 Figure examples - bad From panther – ugly and not ok – large categories may have much larger numbers

21 Figure examples – better bar charts
The number of genes should not be displayed. DAVID Enrichment score = the geometric mean (in -log scale) of member's p-values in a corresponding annotation cluster, is used to rank their biological significance. Thus, the top ranked annotation groups most likely have consistent lower p-values for their annotation members.

22 Figure examples - table
If you want to include more information than can be easily interpreted on a graph, include a table. How to select key terms to put in the table. What numbers to include?

23 Figure examples - GOplot
R package to display results from ontology analyses Circle area is proportional to the number of genes Area of circle is proportional to the number of genes

24 Figure examples - GOplot

25 ClueGo App within Cytoscape
ClueGO integrates GO terms as well as pathways Creates a functionally organized GO/pathway term network

26 Summary Explore the data – use common sense
Do not try and plot absolutely everything Choose a method to deal with redundant terms Think about what you’re plotting and whether it makes sense Do not be afraid of including tables

27 Practical

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