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Strategic Highway Safety Plan Summit Drugged Driving Symposium

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Highway Safety Plan Summit Drugged Driving Symposium"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Highway Safety Plan Summit Drugged Driving Symposium
2017 Maryland Strategic Highway Safety Plan Summit and AAA Drugged Driving Symposium WELCOME! 4/26/2017

2 Moving Maryland Toward Zero Deaths
Transportation Solutions to Connect Our Customers to Life’s Opportunities Moving Maryland Toward Zero Deaths

3 How do We Reverse the Deadly Highway Trend and Move Toward Zero Deaths?
A 3-Step Process Step 1: Building A Good Plan Step 2: Development & Implementation of Effective Measures to Address Risky Behaviors Step 3: Creating a Safety Culture at the Local Level

4 Traffic Fatalities on MD Roads Strategic Highway Safety Plans
Historical Trends Traffic Fatalities on MD Roads 1960 – 2015 830 1987 Gasoline Issues AirBags Strategic Highway Safety Plans Helmet Laws Medevac & Shock Trauma GDL Laws Tougher DUI Laws Primary Belt Laws 443 Progress in Fits & Starts

5 Under Revision & Updating
How do We Reverse the Deadly Highway Trend and Move Toward Zero Deaths? STEP #1 Strategic Vision: Toward Zero Deaths Under Revision & Updating

6 How do We Reverse the Deadly Highway Trend and Move Toward Zero Deaths?
Strategic Vision: Toward Zero Deaths TARGETS & GOALS: Reductions to: By 2020: 391 Fatalities & 2,939 Serious Injuries By 2030: 296 Fatalities & 2,272 Serious Injuries

7 Based on 5-yr Rolling Averages
How do We Reverse the Deadly Highway Trend and Move Toward Zero Deaths? Performance Measures Based on 5-yr Rolling Averages 1) # of Fatalities 2) Fatality Rate 3) # of Serious Injuries 4) Serious Injury Rate 5) Combination of: PED Fatalities& Serious Injuries AND Bicycle Fatalities & Serious Injuries

8 Addressing Risky Behaviors
How do We Reverse the Deadly Highway Trend and Move Toward Zero Deaths? Addressing Risky Behaviors Aggressive Driving Distracted Driving Ped & Bike Safety Occupant Protection Impaired Driving STEP #2

9 How do We Reverse the Deadly Highway Trend and Move Toward Zero Deaths?
Who is best situated to address the problem?

10 Creating a Safety Culture
How do We Reverse the Deadly Highway Trend and Move Toward Zero Deaths? Creating a Safety Culture STEP #3 So, What’s Culture? An examination from: Personal Perspective Community Perspective

11 Has Driving Become too Routine? Does it Compare to Other Activities
How do We Reverse the Deadly Highway Trend and Move Toward Zero Deaths? Has Driving Become too Routine? Does it Compare to Other Activities With LESS Risk?

12 Have We Become Complacent??
How do We Reverse the Deadly Highway Trend and Move Toward Zero Deaths? Have We Become Complacent?? Does Our Level of Attention Equal the Level of Risk?

13 How do We Reverse the Deadly Highway Trend and Move Toward Zero Deaths?

14 Reversing the Deadly Highway Trend
Safety Citizenship Based on the concept of simple intervention … Asking Someone to wear a Seat Belt or - Asking Someone to Refrain from Texting or Talking on a Cell Phone while Driving. Research Findings … Ample Opportunity for Simple Intervention People are Willing to Intervene with Others Who Are Socially Close to Them These Strategies Have Demonstrated Success

15 Reversing the Deadly Highway Trend
Zero Deaths Our Community Core Values

16 Reversing the Deadly Highway Trend
An Unforgiving Place! It’s What We Do Around Here!

17 Reversing the Deadly Highway Trend
SAFETY PLANNING: Locally Developed & Locally Owned What’s in your Plan ?

18 Reversing the Deadly Highway Trend
Questions to Consider…. Are Key Executives & Administrators Invested? Are the Critical Stakeholders Represented? Are all 4-E’s Involved and Collaborating? Is Local Data Available? How will Resources be Addressed? Who will Maintain Momentum?

19 JOIN the JOURNEY On Our Road to Zero Thomas J. Gianni 410-787-4014

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