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Our Place in God’s Story

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Presentation on theme: "Our Place in God’s Story"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Place in God’s Story
Part 3: The King and the Kingdom

2 living under God’s Rule/Blessing
The Kingdom of GOD God’s People in God’s Place living under God’s Rule/Blessing

3 EXODUS The God who RESCUES The God who RULES
“I am the LORD your God who brought you out of Egypt… You shall have no other gods before me”- Exodus 20:2-3

4 EXODUS The God who RESCUES The God who RULES The God who RELATES
“Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle”

5 LEVITICUS The God who is HOLY: “Be holy because I am holy”
SIN matters and must be paid for The DAY of ATONEMENT

6 NUMBERS God goes before them in a PILLAR of CLOUD
A journey that should take weeks takes 40 YEARS “These things happened to them as examples, and were written down as warnings for us…” 1 Cor 10:11

7 DEUTERONOMY Moses preaches: TRUST God LOVE God Do not FORGET God

8 JOSHUA They conquer the land by OBEYING God
“Be strong and courageous… meditate on the book of the law… do not be afraid, for the LORD your God is with you” They conquer the land by OBEYING God

9 JUDGES A cycle of sin and grace SIN – JUDGMENT –
REPENTANCE – RESCUE - PEACE “In those days Israel had no KING, everyone did as they saw fit” – Jud 21:25

10 RUTH How Ruth from Moab became King David’s GREAT-GRANDMOTHER

11 SAMUEL The last and greatest of the JUDGES People ask for a KING
Like the OTHER NATIONS Samuel urges them to serve God WHOLEHEARTELY & continues to PRAY for them

12 SAUL Starts well, but becomes DISOBEDIENT
“To obey is better than sacrifice… Rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft” 1 Samuel 15:22-23

13 DAVID God looks on the HEART Defeats Goliath by TRUSTING God
Sins badly, but REPENTS Wants to build a TEMPLE for God God promises him a THRONE forever

14 SOLOMON God gives him great WISDOM The visit of the QUEEN of SHEBA

15 The KINGDOM of GOD is at hand. And BELIEVE the good news.
“The time has come. The KINGDOM of GOD is at hand. REPENT, And BELIEVE the good news. (Mark 1:14-15)

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