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5th General Body Meeting October 23, 2012

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Presentation on theme: "5th General Body Meeting October 23, 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 5th General Body Meeting October 23, 2012

2 Design Teams Design/Build/Fly R&D Team Rocket Team Next Meeting: TBD
Working On: parametric optimization using MATLAB Contact: Eric Spenceley, Office Hours: Fridays, 1PM-4PM, MAE-C 121 R&D Team Next Meeting: Thurs, 10/25, 6:15PM, Weil 234 Contact: Maggie Owen, Rocket Team Next Meeting: Tues, 10/23, 8PM, Matherly Contacts: Rob Hill: Stephen Stuthers:

3 Intramurals Indoor Soccer Team
Next Game: Wed, 10/31 Wed, 5:50-6:40PM, SW Rec Team Name: AIAA Color: Dark Blue Contact: Doug Meade:

4 A Night in Space: Thurs, 11/1
12:00PM-2:30PM Reitz Colonnade: Educate students on career fields in the space industry. 5:00 PM Arredondo Cafe: Introduction to Outer Space and Space Systems Design SSDC & AIAA 6:30 PM: Introduction of Key-Note Speaker -Sahadeo Ramjatan (SSDC President) and Joseph Veingrad (AIAA President) 6:40 PM: Key-Note Speaker - Importance of Space Exploration 8:00 PM: Movie - Apollo 13 10:45 PM: Closing Remarks

5 Aerospace Day: College Edition, Sun, 11/4
10:30AM, Reitz 361: Discuss schedule 11:15PM: Rocket Team, DBF, and Career Development presentations; lunch is served 12:15PM: Tour of Dr. Abbitt’s lab 1:00PM, Flavet Field: Egg drop competition 1:45PM: Rocket building and launching Limited to the first 30 Students Contact: Kristen King:

6 Stay With It, Wed, 11/14 AIAA, ASME, IEEE 2 guest speakers:
Dr. Kevin Bowcutt, Chief Scientist of Hypersonic from Boeing Dan Preistly, Design Engineer from Tesla Motors Time & Location: TBD But: SAVE THE DATE

7 AIAA T-Shirts $15 Contact: Kyle Kreiter,

8 AIAA Central Florida Section
Join AIAA Committees Nominations due December (can nominate yourself) AIAA Corporate National Members are willing to review Senior Design and Conference Papers Contact for details: Samin Haque, Become a National Member!

9 AIAA Student National Membership: $20
Starting 11/1: Increase from $20 to $25 Must need for AIAA Regional Conference Currently: UCF is beating us. RESULT MUST BE:

10 Are You Graduating? Stoles for Sale
with Name, Fall/Spring Graduation Contact for details: Samin Haque,

11 BEC E-Gator The E-Gator is the BEC’s official publication with the aim of keeping faculty and staff as well as students up to date on the achievements and upcoming events of student organizations within BEC. Check out AIAA’s article:

12 ULA Internship Applications
Due October 31

13 Next Meeting: November 6, 2012
11/6, 6:30PM, CSE E121 Speaker: Peter Chitko Branch Chief, NASA

14 Follow Us!
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