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Published byRosamund Phelps Modified over 6 years ago
How does the LHC work? What is the 'Higgs boson' What might be next?
CERN: The Higgs boson and the High Energy Frontier? Bill Murray Warwick University / RAL, STFC 26th January 2017 How does the LHC work? What is the 'Higgs boson' What might be next?
Lots of questions... Mass (pre-LHC problem!)
Without Higgs mechanism particles are massless: Gravity there is no gravity in this model Neutrino Mass Neutrinos have mass – but how? We do not know Dark matter Most matter in the Universe is something unknown Dark energy An unknown force accelerates the Universe expansion Matter-antimatter asymmetry Where did the antimatter go after the big bang? The naturalness problem I will explain this later
Mass: Higgs idea One problem was, the maths said all the particles should weigh nothing That is not true But it is hard to change the equations, add mass a mass term violates 'gauge symmetry' Peter Higgs et al, in 1964, had an idea.....
What is Higgs' mechanism?
Doublet of SU(2)L, Φ=(Φ1,Φ2) Potential respects SU(2)L But Vacuum does not! Fermions: Interact with Higgs field slows them down generates mass 3 degrees of freedom in Boson masses 4th becomes fundamental scalar Bosons: SU(2)L interact, gain mass U(1) and SU(3)c do not, massless Go to 3rd year particle physics course!
Higgs' idea of mass Think of a fish tank:
Empty the tank The fish will call this an empty tank
but it still has water in it
Higgs theory Maybe the same applies to us?
What if empty space is actually full of stuff A field of weak charge everywhere It slows you down moving through it And we feel that drag as mass If we could get outside then we would be massless But we cannot. How do we know if its true? If we kick the 'water' (or Higgs field) we should make it ripple The ripple is called the Higgs boson But how do we kick the Higgs field? Build the LHC!
A huge accelerator: CERN's LHC
CMS Geneva Airport LHCb Alice ATLAS CERN © Photo CERN
LHC operation LHC accelerates protons to 6.5 TeV (6500 GeV)
Previous CERN proton accelerator got to 630 GeV 1eV is the energy an electron gets from a 1V battery 1 GeV is the energy required to make a proton (E=mc2) Speed is c They circle the 27km tunnel 11,000 times / second The pass the accelerating cavities a million time in only 100 seconds Increasing their energy is not really the problem Making the bending them is the tough job Consider the lateral acceleration…. 1017G 8.3Tesla magnets 12000 amps in a wire, coiled ~80 times This is superconducting, or I2R losses would be huge
LHC beam Beam energy is dangerous! Enough to melt 2 tonnes of copper
Design 2012 2016 Bunches 2808 1380 2041 Protons / bunch 1011 Particle energy 7000GeV 4000GeV 6500GeV Stored energy 350MJ 140MJ 280MJ Beam energy is dangerous! Enough to melt 2 tonnes of copper Or burn a hole through the magnet system Also 11GJ stored in the magnetic fields ~25tonnes of TNT Caused damage & 1 year delay in 2008
Data Delivered “fb-1” measure amount of data
proton-proton collisions 5.5fb-1 in 2011, 22.8fb-1 in 7/8 TeV 4+39fb-1 in 13 TeV i.e. more data in 2016 than the previous years combined No complete results yet
LHC collisions The beams have 6.5 TeV: 13 TeV in collision
But a proton is a bag of quarks Only rarely do two high-energy quarks collide head on Approximately two collisions in 1010 makes one How do we recognize a Higgs if we make one? Decays immediately to known particles Need a detector that can measure and characterize the particles
ATLAS detector
What do we see in collisions?
Here is an event with 2 muons
Most particles are stopped at the green calorimeter Muons get right to the outside Two are seen here They are heavy copies of electrons They both come from the same collision Are they connected?
How to find the Higgs? The Higgs boson breaks up almost instantly
There are lots of ways it can decay: Two photons Two Z bosons WW, bb, ττ, …. The problem is background We smashed 2x1015 protons in LHC already We need to sort through all that to find Higgs candidates Clean, well measured decays are important Even if rare Decay to 2 photons and 2 Zs were used for the discovery
H→γ γ Not a common decay 2 per 1000 Higgs
But can measure photon energies well Extract mass Photon is neutral, so no track But a cluster of energy in 'ECAL' But photons are light – lots of light comes out of collisions
Two photon mass: Is there a bump?
2011/2012 2015/2016 Lots of events have 2 photons So look for excess of ~500 Higgs bosons Small peak at 125: seen in 2012 and 2016 (phew)
Four-lepton mass: Yup, bump!
Red/purple are known background sources Background reasonably described Note peak at 91 from Z to four leptons Clear peak at 125 – both in 2012 and 2016 data
OK, so what? Well...lots Does it interact with matter, or only forces?
Now we see H→ττ, a fermion Is it a Higgs It looks like spin 0 – that’s pretty suggestive Is it the Higgs Got to check all its decays are right Is it the only Higgs boson? String theory, combining QM+Gravity, expects 5 or more. Does it decay to Dark Matter? This would mean an invisible decay..we are looking. But I stick to two questions: The Brout-Englert-Higgs field Naturalness
What about the Higgs field?
The Higgs mechanism needs the field filling space Unlike light, you turn it off and it is still there ~2 Higgs bosons / fm3 The density of the field is cosmologically ridiculous It is 120 orders of magnitude larger than dark energy – and the opposite sign Remember: we don't have a quantum theory of gravity So do we really expect you to believe its there? We should measure the self-coupling of the Higgs This is what generates the field. We might learn something from studying events with two Higgs bosons at once But that will be a very hard road to follow...
How to see Higgs self-interaction
Need to produce 2 Higgs bosons Only the LHC can hope to do this today They are much rarer than one Higgs The best Higgs modes: γγ and ZZ→llll have BR of and respectively If we want HH→ γγγγ we can make one by 2035!! Not enough to measure So we need to try to use more abundant modes e.g. HH→ γγbb has 300 predicted – but can they be seen? This is one of the major reasons we are planning to run LHC to 2035. Warwick working on replacement ATLAS tracker
A tale of two top loops Z and Higgs bosons are neutral and interact with top quarks They can split (Uncertainty) into a tt pair and reform again This changes measured properties Precise measurements of Z bosons at LEP (etc.) in 1990s predicted mt=173±12 GeV C/f 173±1 GeV from measurement Conclusion: Loops are real and work as we expect
A tale of two top loops Higgs boson properties are also changed by top loop But maths is different because H is spin 0, Z spin 1 Effect is to correct measured mass to be M2H,meas = M2H,bare + p2max/c2 pmax is the highest momentum allowed before theory changes e.g. scale of Gravity? ~ 1018 GeV So the fact we see 125GeV says our theory stops around 125GeV!
Naturalness This suggests something is missing with a mass near the Higgs boson mass Supersymmetry would fix this with a top-partner the ‘stop’ And it has a dark matter candidate too... But there are many other ideas This makes us very enthusiastic about the 2016 LHC data Energy raised from 8→13 TeV Anything might be round the next corner….
What comes next? We have found a Higgs boson
This confirms a 'Higgs Field' filling space Unlike light, you turn it off and it persists But it is much denser than lead... This is something radically new It is not like matter, not like a force Newton, 1704, described world as these It is a Higgs field, something new. Now we need to understand it LHC just produced large amounts of high energy (13TeV) data maybe we will find something else too! 1964 2012
The complete theory: We have maths that describes particles and forces
But we cannot discuss that here
Particle identification
Look at me! I'm a neutrino Reconstruct long-lived particles in the detector Basically only a few types: photons(γ), e-, μ-, p+, π+, n, ν Can identify type by interaction pattern in the detector Measure the momentum by bending in magnetic field Electrons, muons and photons especially useful There are none in a proton so their presence is suggestive We can measure their energy very well
Evidence: H to ZZ The measured HZZ rate is about 10xHγγ
After allowing for Z→ll Br So HZZ must be single vertex, not a loop The Z interacts with weak charge ZZH vertex shows the H must be weak charged But Z is neutral (Charge and weak charge) So in H→ZZ where does the charge go?
Evidence: H to ZZ The measured HZZ rate is about 10xHγγ
After allowing for Z→ll Br So HZZ must be single vertex, not a loop The Z interacts with weak charge ZZH vertex shows the H must be weak charged But Z is neutral (Charge and weak charge) So in H→ZZ where does the charge go? It is really a 4-point coupling One leg 'grounded' in the vacuum The ZZ decay needs vacuum help With a (weak) charge! The apparent 3 point couplings come from expanded about v There IS a field ∂ μ ϕ ∂ μ ϕ
LHC running
LHC magnets
The 4 big detectors LHC has 4 points where the beams cross ATLAS
Designed to see what happens at the highest energy 'General Purpose' – ready for anything e.g. Higgs, Supersymmetry, dark matter, black holes CMS Similar to ATLAS. 2 experiments check each other LHCb Studies b quarks, for matter-antimatter differences LHC energy & luminosity means lots of particles ALICE Studies the quark gluon plasma A soup of free quarks when two lead nuclei collide LHC switches to Pb+Pb for last few weeks of year
The Higgs self-interaction
The Brout-Englert-Higgs theory replaces a mass term (mφ2) by a two-term piece (-mφ2+φ4) Φ is the field density The field-energy, or action, has a minimum away from zero It is this that means the Universe sits in a high Higgs density state
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