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Year 12 Welcome Evening “The leadership in the sixth form is outstanding and inspirational teaching in the sixth form ensures that all students make outstanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 12 Welcome Evening “The leadership in the sixth form is outstanding and inspirational teaching in the sixth form ensures that all students make outstanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 12 Welcome Evening “The leadership in the sixth form is outstanding and inspirational teaching in the sixth form ensures that all students make outstanding progress.” OFSTED 2015

2 Examination Results & progress
Leading provider of post-16 education with a national reputation 83% of grades were A* - C 67 students achieved AAB or better Results in the top 10% nationally again (ALPS ‘outstanding’) A third of all A2 grades were A*/A

3 Aims of tonight The right courses and study programme
The importance of the tutor Involvement in the wider life of the sixth form

4 Transition into sixth form
Guided Independent Learning is unique to Thomas Hardye. The programme equips students with the skills to learn independently, it also examines attitudes to study and helps students to develop positive habits: Library Induction Study Expectations Research skills Note taking Referencing Presentations Revision

5 Transition into sixth form
The 7 sessions are designed to help students make the transition from GCSE to Sixth Form study and cover some of the skills and qualities that we see as important characteristics of excellent sixth form students. These 45 minute sessions are compulsory and should offer an interesting mix of theory and practical tips to enable students to be as successful as possible in Year 12. Thursday 7th September: An Intro to Guided Independent Learning, Study Expectations and the impact of Digitisation on Learning with Mr Bewley Thursday 21st September: Growth Mindsets, The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice with Mr Hall  Thursday 5th October: Online Learning /Future Learn with Mr Bewley  Thursday 19th October: Note taking, Organisation and Mind-Maps with Mr Bewley  Thursday 9rd November: The History of Learning and New Developments with Mrs Taylor Thursday 23st November: Revision, New and Alternative Strategies with a range of THS teachers offering insights as students prepare for the mocks Thursday 7th December: Southampton University “Learn with Us”, Approaches to Academic Reading and Time Management with Dr Rebecca Nash

6 Two year study programmes
September 2017 Summer tasks & Welcome Evening 2nd & 3rd November Progress Test (1) 8th-12th January Progress Test (2) 22nd March Subject Consultation 8-11 May Mock Exams July Individual progress conversations September 2018 – June Year 13 Year 12 will all follow a two year study programme.

7 Extended Project Qualification
Independent research project on a topic of the student’s choosing Worth half an A level in UCAS points (A* 28 UCAS points) Excellent preparation for University Completed by the end of Year 12 Rewarding and enjoyable! Excellent results: Results 76% A*-A at THS (41% A*-A Nationally) The course starts in the next few weeks, see Mr Hall for more details

8 Positive attitude to learning
Our students first priority must be the successful completion of their entire programme of study. The Sixth Form promotes high standards of maturity, self-discipline and learning through positive encouragement. We expect every student to display an excellent attitude to learning

9 Positive attitude to learning
Homework: Tasks that have been set to be completed by the teacher outside of the lesson. Self directed tasks: Wider reading around the subject to develop breadth of knowledge, past exam papers, reworking notes from previous lessons to solidify knowledge & adding to coursework etc. 3 A Levels or equivalent = 27 lessons over 2 weeks The expectation is that students spend at least an equivalent amount of time studying independently as they do time in lessons (minimum) Students will also be set additional tasks directed by the teacher to complete outside of the lesson (Homework). Students will be expected to complete self directed tasks in addition. So at least 36 hours per week of lessons, homework and self directed independent work should be undertaken.

10 Attendance Regular attendance and routine is the key to success Monday to Friday 8.50am pm. Known absence - Leave of Absence Form. Unwell - phone call to school everyday before 9am. Off school for a prolonged absence - medical verification needed. Punctuality - access to the tutor programme

11 Participation Broader education
Desired by universities, apprenticeship providers and employers Develops so called ‘softer skills,’ Communication, leaderships, time management & responsibility

12 Participation: What’s on offer
STEM Clubs Model UN Japanese Duke of Edinburgh Amnesty International Student Union Sport Music Performing arts Debate Club Politics and Economics Society Biomeds Russian And much more. “Students benefit from an exceptional range of extra- curricular activities.” OFSTED 2015

13 Employers and Universities say…
We look for of examples of students showing initiative during their school life. Things life completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award or getting involved in fundraising is evidence of this. Humphries Kirk solicitors We look for students who have participated as fully as possible in school, college or community life. That they have made the most of opportunities available to them and also demonstrated some experience of society beyond their immediate environment. Exeter University We look for evidence that people enjoy helping others. South West Ambulance Service We look for applicants who have varied extra- curricular interests and enjoy participation in areas such as sport music and the arts in general. Participation will be valued , but any achievement in extra- curricular activities will also be recognised. Kings College London When students volunteer it shows passion and interest in areas outside of study. JP Morgan

14 Futures The Futures programme consists of varied events and support including employment workshops, clear guidance on applications, personal statement and CV writing, work experience, practice interviews and subject specific support about HE courses. We are proud that students from the Thomas Hardye Sixth Form follow a wide range of pathways. Whatever their preference all are supported. Early Applicant Presentation, with Mrs Platt 6:45pm

15 Travel Subsidy The Travel Subsidy is a one off payment of £100 towards the cost of travelling to and from the Thomas Hardye School. Students wishing to apply for the payment should ensure they meet all the criteria below and provide sufficient evidence to support their application (Copy of bus pass/travel expenses) Eligibility Criteria (please tick): Enrolled at the Thomas Hardye Sixth Form in September 2017 as a Year 12 student Currently live at least 4 miles away from the Thomas Hardye School Currently using public transport to travel to and from the Thomas Hardye School Photocopy of bus pass/travel expenses attached to form

16 Communication We seek to work closely with parents and guardians, in order to ensure the success and wellbeing of students. We believe parents and guardians play an important part in our students’ academic lives; there to help guide them in the decisions they make, and support them through their studies. By developing a strong partnership with parents and guardians from the very start we hope to make the transition into the sixth form a smooth and meaningful one for students. Website Telephone Letters (the portal) Meetings Sixth Form Parents Focus Group

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