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GCC- Annual Meeting Outcomes
15 May 2018 GCC- Annual Meeting Outcomes Manik Bali and Larry Flynn GSICS Coordination Center, NOAA
TABLE OF CONTENT Annual Meeting Outcomes ( GCC) Follow-up activities
Introduction Annual Meeting Outcomes ( GCC) Follow-up activities Conclusions
INTRODUCTION The GSICS Annual meeting was held in New Delhi , India March, 2015. Brainstorm the GSICS activities in the past year GCC thankful to the hosts IMD (AK, Rathore, Singh) Venue in India was an opportunity to… Encourage Indian calibration researchers in GSICS activities (New Avenues , Newsletter etc ). Get an insight into Use of Satellite Cross Calibration in the context of Met research in India and the subcontinent ( For Example. Monsoon Research).
GRWG Briefing Report and MW sub-group report) Simplifying GSICS product: for new users, a web interface with a front-end guide to prompt users to the correct product could be put in place. WMO stressed the importance and value of providing such an interface. Action: GCC (Manik Bali) to write a prototype guide to product selection and circulate for review by 2015 GUW. Need Clarification: Web interface already exists as GSICS products are monitored at GPRC’s where NRT impact of correction is shown via plots ( JMA, KMA, NOAA, EUMETSAT).
Agenda Item: 2s Requirements for NRTC/RAC/ARC Rob reviewed the inter-calibration requirements for various climate application projects and explained how "absolute" and "relative" re-calibrations (FCDRs) can be inter-converted using SBAFs. Action: Rob will circulate his review of FCDR inter-calibration requirements to GRWG/GDWG, identifying which type of inter-calibration product could meet each of these. Action: GCC to review these FCDR inter-calibration requirements, in the framework of the GSICS User Product Guidance, to identify where common inter-calibration types, which are not specialized to specific applications, and report to GRWG. These could be considered as potential future GSICS products.
15 May 2018 DISCUSSIONS AND ACTION ITEMS Agenda Item: 3a Intro to VIS/NIR session Decision: The solar spectra should be added in the GSICS data base (as the SRFs). Action: Jack Xiong (NASA) to deliver the MODIS spectral response to the GSICS wiki Action: GCC to add link from SRF page on GSICS Wiki to NASA's SRF plotting page, where these can be visualized . What spectral range and resolution? Note: the UV SG has a project related to this for the UV.
Agenda Item: 5a MTSAT-IASI towards pre-operational Action: GCC to introduce one reviewer for JMA GEO-LEO IR products. GCC: ed to Masaya some months ago and had proposed that we can introduce reviewers. We can invite members of GPAT or use the EXEMPT clause of the GPPA. Tim proposed to relax the GPPA when uncertainty analysis is missing some uncertainty sources. In this case, the product follows the same ATBD but redefines the uncertainty analysis.
Manik and Fred support the proposal. Action: GCC to update the GPPA to clarify the relaxed requirement for uncertainty analysis for similar products in the same class after the first to allow only Type B time series analysis of random uncertainties. GCC: The GPPA does not explicitly state the extent of uncertainty anal required. It is a requirement that is okayed between the User, producer and EP
Agenda Item: 5b GOES-IASI towards operational GOES-IASI product in pre-op phase. Is it ready to move to op phase. ? Does NOAA need full scale diurnal uncertainties assessment to move to OPE? As discussed previously, as soon as the user is informed about the range of applicability of the product (outside the midnight period), it is fine. Action: NOAA to update the product user guide for GOES-IASI products accordingly. Tim: what are the next steps for NOAA? Manik: from the GPPA check list point of view, everything is completed. Tim: so we should move to OPE. Manik: what about processing the complete family of GOES? Tim: if all instruments are processed in the same way, then the promotion to OPE can go ahead. However, if a specific instrument requires adjustment, it may require the GPPA again. But this cannot be appreciated from the outside. Tim: due to limited resources, only 2 MSGs can be processed to a pre-op standard. But the issue is being addressed. Fred: NOAA has similar issues.
Agenda Item: 7f Calibration Site Information in OSCAR) Action: Manik to interact with Jérôme to push forward the development of the expert system as a tool to select inter-calibration reference instruments Action: Tim to provide to Manik a list of parameters from his scoring proposal to include them into the expert system. GCC: Manik, Mitch working on paper on GSICS references. Related work done by Likun Wang at NOAA.
GSICS Quarterly Special Issues/Editors People are concerned about the formalism currently adopted by the newsletter, where it could prevent researchers to publish their work. It prevents possible contributors to send papers. Action: GCC takes this feedback on-board and will propose an approach more like conference proceedings GCC: GCC took the following steps Looked at Copyright clauses of major journal publication. Took views from NOAA library. Neal Kaske - NOAA Apr 20 (1 day ago) to me, Stanley, Anna Manik, Yes, this can be seen as infringing on the journal's copyright. Most journals will permit you to use a figure - all you need to do is ask the publisher for permission. As for text from an article - as always use quotation marks and provide a full reference to the source. Neal
Articles written by NOAA Federal Employees are exempt from Copyright restrictions. Their research is public. Journals that are Open Access : Allow publication provided credit is given ( Sensor, EGU-Atmos-Chem-Phys, AMS -JTECH). Articles published by the EGU come under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 ( for example ) Mausam, IMD Journal gave permission to copy content if credit is given. GCC would advice authors to give due credit to journals and if required seek permission from journals wherever necessary, while submitting articles for the GSICS Newsletter. Do we need a Copyright verse for the Newsletter ?
Agenda Item: 2r What is a GSICS product?
It was discussed whether Inter-calibration algorithms themselves could be considered as potential GSICS products. This would require them being reviewed through the GPPA, which would require the algorithms to be applied to test datasets to check their quality. GSICS would now have … GSICS Deliverable GSICS Product A deliverable would not go through a GPPA while a product would ?? We can bring in CEOS standards to measure deliverables ( Ref: discussions with Hans Peter WG-38) Action: Jérôme to draft proposal on terminology for GSICS deliverables based on this discussion and circulate for review before Exec Panel, then the User Workshop.
Encourage Indian calibration researchers with GSICS activities (New Avenues , Newsletter etc ). Get an insight into Use of Satellite Cross Calibration in the context of Met research in India and the subcontinent ( For Ex. Monsoon Research). Good discussions with IMD and ISRO on GSICS product generation and access to reference instrument data. ISRO has submitted their first Cross calibration product to GSICS ISAT3D/IASI NRT product. GPAT members contacted GCC would reveal plan of action ( as discussed ) propose an optimized GPPA. GPAT members need confirmation about receiving WMO appreciation certificates .
Visit to Indian Institute of Science-Bangalore
Manik Bali was invited to give a talk at Indian Institute of Science. IISc is one of the premier institutes of research in India and over the years has focused on Meteorology/Monsoon research that uses satellite data. IISc is a hub of South East Asian Met research. They have used Sat cross calibration for research on Monsoon. Want to hold a GSICS Workshop to train students and regional countries on benefits of having Satellite cross calibration. MW + GPM-X could be a good fit.
Thank you
Moving to the EP Meeting
Key decisions/discussions to be discussed in the Reference for VIS/IR Preop to Op transition Newsletter. What are GSICS products? Jerome designed document templates for the EP. Provide template to KMA ( before they submit their product)
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