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SCHOOL HEALTH Dr. Abd Alla El hamadi.

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1 SCHOOL HEALTH Dr. Abd Alla El hamadi

2 OBJECTIVES Students should know how to: 1-Define school health.
2- Understand Health promotion through school health services. Know disease prevention & control of health hazards through school health services. Understand the importance of early diagnosis & treatment of diseases. Understand the special care for the disabled Know the rehabilitation of the handicapped

3 DEFINITION An organized activity to promote, protect and improve the health of school pupils, staff & the community. Objectives of school health program: Health promotion of school children Prevention & control of health hazards Early diagnosis & treatment of diseases. Special care of the disabled Rehabilitation of the handicapped

4 Why SCHOOL HEALTH ? School pupils = 15% of population
Vulnerable group(for infectious diseases) Liable to accidents( very active) Growing age School years the best time for health education Family health promotion through schools

School health environment School health services(medical care, health promotion& prevention of health hazards) School health education

Site of school: Easily reached Away from noise Away from dangerous areas Away from bad odor sources Away from pollution Well drained area

7 SCHOOL BUILDING Solid material Not more than three floors
Shape allow good natural ventilation & light Adequate space between buildings 2/3 of total area for playgrounds

8 THE CLASSROOM Shape: 1- rectangular(6x8 m)
2- students not more than 30(1-1.5 m2/student) Ventilation: Windows= 1/5 of surface area At two sides for better air flow Designed according to weather

9 LIGHT Adequate quantity, quality & distribution Natural or artificial
From sides of building never from front

10 DESKS AND SEATS Comfortable Different sizes Space between each 60 cm
Front space> 1.5 m Desk better to be slope Feet rested on ground

11 Water Supply Better from piped system or underground No common cup

12 Sewage Disposal In urban Water carriage system
In rural pit latrines or any 7-10/100 (7-10 lat.for 100 students) Refuse disposal: Municipal system Burning or any

13 Food Safety Sanitary kitchen, lunch room, canteen & food stores
Food handlers screening Prevent street food sailors around schools Health education Insect & rodents control

Health promotion Prevention of health hazards Medical care Health education

15 Health promotion Adequate nutrition(school feeding program)
Sanitary school environment Physical exercise Fulfill needs for mental development Prevent mental fatigue(good arrangement of day activities and home work) Social welfare & recreation

Must provide 50% of recommended dietary needs of proteins, vitamins & minerals. Food safe, popular & palatable Canteen contain snacks & milk

17 Value of school feeding
Support growth & health promotion Contributes to educational progress Provide a chance for nutrition health education Supplement home feeding in poor countries

Infectious diseases Parasitic diseases Nutritional deficiency diseases Injuries Disability

19 Infectious Diseases Respiratory diseases: common cold, bronchitis measles, mumps….. Food borne diseases: enteric fever, hepatitis A, dysenteries & food poisoning Contact diseases: scabies, trachoma

20 Predisposing factors of infection
Insanitary school environment(crowded, ill-ventilated class rooms, bad food sanitation) Unhealthy habits Lowered body resistance Existing reservoir of infection(carrier)

21 Prevention Environmental sanitation Health education Vaccination
Chemoprophylaxis(rheumatic fever, Meningitis, TB…..

22 Prevention cont…. Measures for school personnel(pre-employment health examination, screening for common diseases, training on food safety, periodic examination) Case finding & management Control of contacts & environment

23 PARASITIC DISEASES As entrobius vemicularis, Ascaris, Schistosoma……
Predisposing factors: 1- Insanitary school & community environment 2- Poor personal hygiene Prevention: 1- Environmental sanitation 2- Health education

24 Control Case finding(urine & stool analysis)
Management of cases & prevention of autoinfection Measures for contacts

25 Nutritional deficiency diseases
Protein, Iron, Vit A Predisposing factors: 1- Inadequate home & school feeding 2- Unhealthy food habits(no breakfast, no fruits nor vegetables….) 3- Parasitic infections

26 Injuries Wounds, fractures, bleeding, falls, traffic & home accidents
Prevention: 1- Safety measures on buildings 2- Health education about dangerous behaviors Control: 1- Trained personnel for emergency & first aid 2- Transport for referral

27 Disability As congenital or acquired as rheumatic heart disease, polio, vision & hearing defects Minor & mild cases of disability can attend school regularly with special care Severe cases of disability (e.g. the deaf, blind, or mentally retarded) need special institutes

28 Medical care Health appraisal: ( organized activities to assess the physical, mental, social & emotional status of the pupil) Purpose: 1- Screening for health problems (weight.,height,vision,hering,dental exam.) 2- Pick pupils who need special care 3- Baseline data for follow up 4- Opportunity for health education

29 Components of health appraisal
Comprehensive medical exam Curative clinical services Screening tests Survey studies Daily observation

30 Comprehensive medical examination
Primary exam at school entry(6 years) Periodic exam every 3 years( 9, 12, & 15 years) Components of exam: History Physical exam Personal interview Investigations

31 Clinical services School health units Specialized clinics

32 Screening tests Anthropometric measures Visual disorders
Hearing defects Dental exam Nutritional deficiency Parasitic diseases Handicapping conditions IQ testing

33 Survey Studies Required for a definite health problem e.g. nutritional problem, parasitic diseases, smoking, dietary habits….. To know the magnitude of the problem, plan for intervention & control

34 Daily observation Weight changes Loss of interest Easy fatigability
Visual problems Skin conditions Emotion & behavior problems Personal hygiene Absence

35 First aid services Materials Trained personnel
Transport for emergency referral

36 Comprehensive Mental Health Screening
Carried at three levels: Level 1(school level): 1- At school entry (life style changes ?depression) 2- At 2ry school (anxiety) Level 2 (school health unit) Detection of developmental problems Referral to specialized centers

37 Mental health screening…….
Level 3 (hospital level): Concerned with: 1- Management of mental health problems 2- Communication with levels 1 & 2 3- Referral to special education systems

38 School health record A record for every child for registration of all health data of the pupil it contains: 1- Personal & social data 2- Results of health appraisal 3- Vaccines 4- Detailed past medical & surgical history including injuries

39 Value of the record Provides valuable past medical history
Allows follow up of chronic diseases Collection of data important for school health planning Used for evaluation of services

40 School Health Education
Carried by school personnel, school nurse, health unit staff, NGOs Directed to pupils, families & community About health promotion, disease prevention & utilization of health services

41 Methods of HE Individual Small groups Large communities

42 The Role of school health unit personnel
The physician: 1- Curative services 2- Preventive services School nurse: 1- Daily observation of school environment, pupils 2- First aid & emergency measures 3- Health education

43 School teacher Case finding through daily observation(visual & hearing problems) Health education Do simple screening tests after training Provide special care for the handicapped Supervision of school environment

44 Children with disability
Impairment(minor disturbance) Disability(restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human at his age) Handicap(Disadvantage that limits or prevent the fulfillment of a role which is normal for his age

45 Categories of Childhood Disabilities
Sensory( visual, hearing….) Mental & psychological(IQ,….) Traumatic Brain injury Orthopedic(polio, amputation….) Physical(RHD) Delicate child(DM, Asthma)

46 Prevention & control of Disability
Etiology Congenital( genetic or in utero exposure to risk) preventable at antenatal level Acquired(preventable at school health level) Both need rehabilitation

47 Thank you

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