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Key Performance Indicator - Survey Overview

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1 Key Performance Indicator - Survey Overview
0013-Business Admin. - Marketing Three sets of surveys: Student, Graduate & Employer. Same set of questions are asked for each survey at all colleges and for all programs (some variations may occur). Surveys are conducted at the same time every year. Evaluations are provided at three levels: overall college, program at the college level, and program at the provincial level (i.e. MTCU). 4 10 9 # of Employers included in KPI 21% 29% 38% 37% % Represented 6 13 # of Completed Surveys 19 21 34 27 # of Employers Employer 22 41 32 # of Graduates included in KPI 74% 79% 83% 28 26 42 38 35 53 # of Graduates Graduate 118 120 95 126 # of Students included in KPI 67% 64% 50% 69% 125 99 131 188 195 197 191 # of Enrolled* Student 2010 2009 2008 2007 *# of enrolled comes from the Student Profile Data file as provided by the college

2 Student Distribution by Year in Program
0013-Business Admin. - Marketing 100% 123 97 128 Total --- Year 4 29% 36 20% 24 15% 15 27% 35 Year 3 33% 41 32% 39 39% 38 25% 32 Year 2 37% 46 49% 60 45% 44 48% 61 Year 1* % # Students 2010 2009 2008 2007 *Note a student is determined to be in a specific year of a program based on their response to Question 2 'In which semester/term are you currently enrolled' on the survey.

3 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
KPIs - Summary Report 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing Conestoga’s goal is to deliver programming and services that achieve at least 90% satisfaction level from our students, graduates and employers. Programs are ranked within the college for student satisfaction based on the average of the Capstone questions Q14 and Q26. The student KPI satisfaction rate for this program has remained relatively stable and similar to that of the college for the past four years, and is currently lower than the college’s target of 90%. The graduate KPI satisfaction rate for this program is 78% for the current survey period, based on 27 graduates. The current graduate KPI employment rate for this program is 86%. 100% 94% 91% 93% 85% 83% 76% 79% 88% 87% 4 Year Average 95% 86% 78% 75% 77% 2010 90% 2009 92% 73% 2008 84% 81% 89% 2007 Program College Employer Satisfaction Graduate Employment Rate Graduate Satisfaction Student Satisfaction Average KPI

4 Student Satisfaction by Year 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
68% 69% 80% 85% 75% Overall Program --- Year 4 64% 81% 72% Year 3 61% 59% 83% 71% Year 2 78% 90% Year 1* Capstone Question 45 Capstone Question 44 Capstone Question 26 Capstone Question 14 KPI Program Year *Note a student is determined to be in a specific year of a program based on their response to Question 2 'In which semester/term are you currently enrolled' on the survey. CAPSTONE Q14 'OVERALL, your program is giving you knowledge and skills that will be useful in your future career.' CAPSTONE Q26 'The OVERALL quality of the learning experiences in this program.' CAPSTONE Q44 'The OVERALL quality of the facilities/resources in the college.' CAPSTONE Q45 'The OVERALL quality of the services in the college.‘ Program performance is measured by the results of Capstones Q14 and Q26. These sections capture information that is largely within the discretionary control of the Executive Dean/ Chair/ Faculty and form the prime focus for program analysis and improvement plans. The various service departments will be responsible for analyzing their respective results in the detailed questions leading to Capstones Q44 and Q45.

5 Student Overall Satisfaction 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
88% 68% 69% CAPSTONE Question Q45 72% CAPSTONE Question Q44 91% 80% 79% CAPSTONE Question Q26 97% 85% 87% CAPSTONE Question Q14 75% 77% KPI TOP 3 Program College CAPSTONE Q14 'OVERALL, your program is giving you knowledge and skills that will be useful in your future career.' CAPSTONE Q26 'The OVERALL quality of the learning experiences in this program.' CAPSTONE Q44 'The OVERALL quality of the facilities/resources in the college.' CAPSTONE Q45 'The OVERALL quality of the services in the college.‘ Programs are ranked based on the average of Capstone questions Q14 and Q26. College is the average of all responses at Conestoga in all programs surveyed. Program is the results of the survey for this program. MTCU is the average of all students’ responses across the province who are enrolled in a college offering this program. Top 3 is the average of the top 3 results of similar programs in the Ontario College System if there are at least 4 similar programs included in the MTCU group. Satisfaction ratings above are based on the 'Satisfied' + 'Very Satisfied' categories.

6 Learning Experiences (Q3-Q14) 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
97% 100% 81% 85% 86% 124 Q14 OVERALL, program gives knowledge & skills useful for future career 69% 70% 72% 125 75% Q13 Provides experience useful to your future life outside of work 77% 94% 62% 66% 63% 119 61% Q12 Provides opportunities to further education after graduation 67% 65% 64% 76% 78% Q11 Develops your computer skills 80% 99% 79% 74% 122 Q10 Develops your ability to solve problems 92% 98% 90% 88% 84% Q9 Develops your ability to work with others 68% 82% 57% 59% 51% Q8 Develops your ability to solve problems using math techniques 123 Q7 Develops your speaking skills 55% 120 Q6 Develops your writing skills 58% 56% 121 Q5 Has teachers who help you to understand your chosen career 87% 83% Q4 Includes topics relevant to your future success 89% Q3 Provides you with skills & abilities specific to your chosen career TOP 3 Satis. 2010 Student Import Student Satis Student Satis Student Satis Student Satis. Total Valid Resp. 2010 Student Satis Satisfaction ratings above are based on the 'Satisfied' + 'Very Satisfied' categories.

7 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
Facilities 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing 88% 100% 73% 64% 78% 124 69% Q44 OVERALL quality of facilities/resources 87% 72% 67% 75% 119 Q43 Comfort/cleanliness/accessibility of college facilities 82% 62% 72 60% Q35 Recreation/Athletics 91% 51% 42% 36% 113 49% Q34 Bookstore 55% 53% 110 Q31 Space for individual/group study 76% 97% 65% 74% 120 Q28 Open access computer labs/resources 96% 66% Q27 Library/resource centre TOP 3 Satis. 2010 Student Import Student Satis Student Satis Student Satis Student Satis. Total Valid Resp. 2010 Student Satis Satisfaction ratings above are based on the 'Satisfied' + 'Very Satisfied' categories.

8 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
Services 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing 86% 99% 64% 63% 74% 124 67% Q45 OVERALL quality of services 87% 78% 31% 25% 41% 21 43% Q42 Employment/placement/career services 76% 61% 50% 29% 10% 11 9% Q41 Co-op/Field Placement Services 48% 88% 79% 59% 58% 47 72% Q40 Financial aid services 85% 62% 53% 56% 46 Q39 Safety and security services 49% 37% 115 39% Q38 Cafeteria/food services 71% 55% 31 52% Q37 Health services 91% 104 Q36 Registration/Records Services 54% 73% 10 70% Q33 Special needs/disability services 60% 57% 46% 26 Q32 Counselling/native counselling/advising services 44% 14 Q30 Special skills services 81% 65% 18 Q29 Peer tutoring services TOP 3 Satis. 2010 Student Import Student Satis Student Satis Student Satis Student Satis. Total Valid Resp. 2010 Student Satis Satisfaction ratings above are based on the 'Satisfied' + 'Very Satisfied' categories.

9 Courses and Experiences (Q48-Q54) 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
76% 87% 83% Q54 Provides you with challenging courses. 78% 81% 84% Q53 Has at least one person you can rely on for useful information 55% 49% 54% Q52 Provides information on student financial aid services 56% 58% Q51 Provides information on social opportunities 35% 32% Q50 Provides support to deal with your non-academic responsibilities 68% 71% 70% Q49 Provides support to deal with your coursework 75% 82% Q48 Encourages you to spend time on your coursework MTCU 2010 Program 2010 College 2010 Student results above are based on the ‘Agree’ + ‘Strongly Agree’ categories.

10 Courses and Experiences (Q55-Q65) 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
82% 83% 89% Q65 Work hard to meet the demands of your courses 31% 19% 28% Q64 Discuss ideas from your courses with a teacher 29% 18% 27% Q63 Discuss your course performance with a teacher 9% 5% 4% Q62* Skip classes 90% 95% Q61 Complete homework assignments/projects on time 79% 78% 77% Q60 Select and organize information from different sources to complete an assignment/project 81% 87% Q59 Review an assignment/project before submitting it 84% 92% 73% Q58 Work with other students on assignments/projects 53% 56% 40% Q57 Present information to your class 50% 45% 49% Q56 Ask questions in class 60% 59% Q55 Participate in class discussions MTCU 2010 Program 2010 College 2010 *Note that this item is worded negatively Student results above are based on the ‘Usually’ + ‘Always’ categories.

11 Graduate Satisfaction - Benchmarks 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
75% 78% 79% Q34 Satisfaction with usefulness of college education in achieving your goals after graduation ('very satisfied' + 'satisfied') 81% 83% 84% Q33 Overall satisfaction with the college preparation for the type of work you were doing ('very satisfied' + 'satisfied') 72% 77% Q21 Skills developed during college helped you get a job ('extremely helpful' + 'helpful') 61% 68% Q20 Job relates to college program ('yes' + 'yes, partially') MTCU Program College Overall Measures 63% 55% 81% F) Skills developed in co-op, clinical, field placement experience, and career placement services 77% 80% E) Preparation for the job market 86% 90% D) Equipment was up-to-date 91% C) Overall quality of instruction 95% 93% B) Courses were up-to-date 88% 89% Q22. A) Course content MTCU Program College Graduate Satisfaction* with Program Aspects *Satisfaction ratings above are based on the 'Satisfied' + 'Very Satisfied' categories.

12 Graduate Satisfaction (Q31/32A-R) - Trends
0013-Business Admin. - Marketing 89% 100% 92% 85% 18 94% R) Responsible 86% 81% Q) Adaptable 78% 72% 91% 83% P) Creative & innovative 88% O) Productivity 95% N) Quality of work 87% 90% M) Time management 97% L) Organization & planning 96% K) Teamwork 56% 80% J) Research & analysis I) Problem solving H) Critical thinking 84% G) Computer skills 73% 77% F) Math skills E) Comprehension D) Written communications 93% C) Oral communication 75% B) Specific job-related skills 69% A) Specific job-related knowledge MTCU Satis. 2008/2009 Graduate Import. 2008/2009 Graduate Satis. 2005/2006 Graduate Satis. 2006/2007 Graduate Satis. 2007/2008 Graduate Satis. Total Valid Resp /2009 Graduate Satis. 2008/2009 . Satisfaction ratings above are based on the 'Satisfied' + 'Very Satisfied' categories.

13 Employer Satisfaction (Q72/73A-R) - Benchmarks
0013-Business Admin. - Marketing 96% 100% 95% R) Responsible 94% Q) Adaptable 83% 79% P) Creative & innovative 90% 93% O) Productivity 98% N) Quality of work 92% 89% M) Time management L) Organization & planning K) Teamwork 82% 67% 72% J) Research & analysis 81% 91% I) Problem solving 87% H) Critical thinking G) Computer skills 78% 75% 80% F) Math skills E) Comprehension D) Written communications 88% C) Oral communication 84% B) Specific job-related skills 86% 85% A) Specific job-related knowledge KPI - Employer Satisfaction MTCU Program College . Satisfaction ratings above are based on the 'Satisfied' + 'Very Satisfied' categories.

14 Employer Satisfaction (Q72/73A-R) - Trends
0013-Business Admin. - Marketing 96% 100% 89% 4 R) Responsible 94% Q) Adaptable 83% 88% 86% P) Creative & innovative 90% O) Productivity 98% N) Quality of work 92% 78% 75% M) Time management 80% L) Organization & planning K) Teamwork 82% 50% 3 67% J) Research & analysis 81% I) Problem solving 87% H) Critical thinking G) Computer skills F) Math skills E) Comprehension D) Written communications C) Oral communication 84% B) Specific job-related skills A) Specific job-related knowledge MTCU Satis. 2008/2009 Employer Import. 2008/2009 Employer Satis. 2005/2006 Employer Satis. 2006/2007 Employer Satis. 2007/2008 Employer Satis. Total Valid Resp. 2008/2009 Employer Satis. 2008/2009 . Satisfaction ratings above are based on the 'Satisfied' + 'Very Satisfied' categories.

15 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
Observations 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing Overall KPI The KPI rates for this program for the current survey period are: Student KPI satisfaction, 75%, Graduate KPI satisfaction, 78%, Graduate KPI employment, 86%, and Employer KPI satisfaction, 100%. The student satisfaction rate for this program is similar to the college and the previous three survey periods. Student Satisfaction Survey In general, student satisfaction ratings for aspects of this program applicable to the majority of students were similar to the previous year, with the following exceptions: ‘develops your ability to solve problems using math techniques’, 15% higher, ‘has teachers who help you to understand your chosen career’, 13% higher, and ‘teachers’ presentation of the subject material’, 11% higher.

16 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
Observations 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing Student Satisfaction Survey (cont’d) Analysis of learning experience composite indicators appears to indicate similar results over the past three years for career development and communication skills. Student satisfaction ratings for learning experiences were similar to the Top 3, with the exception of ‘provides you with opportunities to further your education after graduation’, which was 16% lower. Student satisfaction ratings for teachers and courses, for those aspects applicable to the majority of students, were similar to or lower than the Top 3. The greatest differences occurred for: ‘quality of classroom learning’, 26% lower, ‘feedback about your progress’, 23% lower, and ‘teachers’ presentation of the subject material’, 20% lower.

17 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
Observations 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing Student Satisfaction Survey (cont’d) Importance ratings for learning experiences ranged from 82% to 100%. Satisfaction ratings (61% to 89%) were lower, with relevant differences ranging from 11% to 33%. The greatest potential for improvement appears to be for: ‘provides you with opportunities to further your education after graduation’ (94% importance, 61% satisfaction), ‘develops your writing skills’ (94% importance, 64% satisfaction), and ‘has teachers who help you to understand your chosen career’ (98% importance, 69% satisfaction). Importance ratings, for those aspects of teachers and courses applicable to the majority of students, ranged from 91% to 100%. Corresponding satisfaction ratings (48% to 84%) were lower, with relevant differences ranging from 16% to 49%. The greatest potential for improvement appears to be for: ‘feedback about your progress’ (97% importance, 48% satisfaction,), and ‘course materials’ (96% importance, 51% satisfaction).

18 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
Observations 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing Results for Section F concerning college support ranged from a low of 32% agreement (strongly agree + agree) for ‘college provides support to deal with your non-academic responsibilities’ to a high of 87% agreement for ‘college provides you with challenging courses’. Results for Section G concerning student participation ranged from a low of 18% (always + usually) for ‘discuss your course performance with a teacher’ to a high of 92% (always + usually) for ‘work with other students on assignments/projects’. Additionally, only 5% of students reported they always or usually skip classes. For demands on students’ time, about nine out of ten students reported spending 10 hours or less per week ‘traveling to and from the college’ (90%), ‘providing care for dependents’ (90%), ‘participating in college activities other than attending classes or labs’ (95%), and ‘participating in volunteer activities’ (98%). Students appeared to be spending more time per week on ‘coursework outside of class’ (21% reported 11 to 20 hours) and ‘working for pay’ (39% reported 11 to 20 hours).

19 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
Observations 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing Graduate Satisfaction Survey Overall measures of graduate satisfaction ranged from a low of 77% for ‘job relates to college program’ and ‘skills developed during college helped you get a job’ to a high of 83% for ‘overall satisfaction with the college preparation for the type of work you were doing’. Graduate satisfaction with program aspects ranged from a low of 55% for ‘skills developed in co-op, clinical, field placement experience, and career placement services’ to a high of 95% for ‘course content’ and ‘courses were up-to-date’. Graduate satisfaction with the various skills and abilities ranged from a low of 83% for ‘specific job-related knowledge’, ‘critical thinking’, ‘quality of work’, and ‘creative and innovative’ to a high of 100% for ‘oral communication’, ‘comprehension’, and ‘research and analysis’. Importance ranged from a low of 56% to a high of 100%.

20 TOP 3 Programs - KPI Benchmarks 0013-Business Admin. - Marketing
89 88% Overall KPI TOP 3 Average 42 85% La Cité 61029-Administration des affaires - marketing 37 89% Fanshawe BAM2-Business Administration - Marketing 10 95% Seneca BAMC-Business Administration - Marketing (Co-op) Overall KPI 75 Facilities & Services TOP 3 Average 28 84% BAE-Business Admin-marketing (Event Mkt Mgmt) 90% 91% Facilities and Services 64 94% Learning TOP 3 Average 47 93% Algonquin 0216D01FS-Business Admin - Marketing 7 Boréal AAFM-Adm des affaires - marketing (3) 100% BAMC-Business Administration-marketing (Co-op) Learning Responses % TOP 3 Programs STUDENT SATISFACTION Note that the Top 3 KPI benchmarks are based on the Shared Provincial Dataset . A top 3 Program Average is calculated if there are at least 4 programs included in the MTCU group and at least 30 responses in total for the Top 3 Programs.

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