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Final Expenditure Report General Instructions

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Presentation on theme: "Final Expenditure Report General Instructions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Expenditure Report General Instructions
July, 2016 Maryanne Durski, Executive Director, Office of Local Finance

2 Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) Other Grants (excluding State Funds and School-level Grants)

3 Reimbursement Requests FY16
Reimbursement Requests for FY15-16 ePlan is still open for reimbursement request for FY 15-16 Expenditures prior to June 30 should be requested from FY16 funds in ePlan prior to completing the Final Expenditure Report (FER) Fiscal Information As Of Date should be June 30, 2016

4 Reimbursement Requests FY17
Reimbursement Requests for FY16-17 Expenditures incurred July 1, 2016 and later should be requested from FY17 funds in ePlan FY17 application must be in “LEA Authorized Representative Approved” OR “Revision Started” status

5 Final Expenditure Report
Final Expenditure Report (FER) Covers expenditures incurred between July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Due August 1, 2016 in ePlan

6 Final Expenditure Report - Carryover
Carryover (if applicable) loaded ONLY after FER is completed – part of the FER process Carryover will move into new grant application where it will need to be budgeted

7 FER - Procedure Application must be in Approved status
All pending reimbursement requests must be paid OR If a reimbursement request has been started for FY16, it may be deleted prior to beginning the FER; reimbursement will be made as part of the FER process. If there is a reimbursement request for a negative amount, delete the request. “Excess” funds will be moved to FY17 as cash on hand.

8 FER - Procedure End of Fiscal Year All application revisions complete
No intent to further revise No pending Reimbursement Requests LEA changes status to “FER Draft Started”

9 FER - Procedure LEA is now in the FER workflow
No more budget or application revisions allowed May not create any new Reimbursement Requests Each grant section now contains a Final Expenditure Report page New FER section

10 FER – Procedure

11 FER – Reporting Expenditures
Report YTD expenditures by account and line item FER only displays accounts and line items that contain approved budget Can only enter expenditures for cells with approved budget Can only exceed budgeted amount by 10%; otherwise a budget revision is required Hover on cell to see approved budget amount Complete for each grant

12 FER - Procedure After all expenditures have been entered, go to Sections page, Final Expenditure Report

13 FER Adjustments Summarizes Allocation, Expenditures, Cash Received and Remaining Amounts LEA fills in amount to carry over and/or acknowledges intent to not carry over remaining funds IF carryover allowed Switch to HMB presentation on FER Have live demo up and running

14 FER Adjustments If carryover is not allowed, screen will only provide the summary of Allocation, Expenditures, Cash Received and Remaining Amounts Switch to HMB presentation on FER Have live demo up and running

15 FER – Completion When expenditures are entered and adjustments (if applicable) are completed, go to Sections Page of FER Click FER Draft Completed Will send application to TDOE for approval

16 FER Approval For grants with carryover:
Decreases this year’s allocations by carryover amount Increases next year’s allocations by carryover amount The addition of carryover will put application into Revision Started status Moves excess Cash on Hand from this year’s application to next year Generates Reimbursement Request(s) for LEA to pay them any outstanding deficits in each grant Switch to HMB presentation on FER Have live demo up and running

17 FER Approval Decreases FY16 allocations by carryover amount
Switch to HMB presentation on FER Have live demo up and running

18 FER Approval Increases FY17 allocations by carryover amount
Switch to HMB presentation on FER Have live demo up and running

19 FER Approval Moves excess Cash on Hand from FY16 application to FY17 – displays on Reimbursement Request screen Switch to HMB presentation on FER Have live demo up and running

20 FER Approval Generates Reimbursement Request(s) for LEA to pay them any outstanding amount owed in grant Switch to HMB presentation on FER Have live demo up and running

21 FER Approval For grants with NO carryover:
Generates Reimbursement Request(s) for LEA to pay them any outstanding deficits in each grant Completes the grant for FY16 Switch to HMB presentation on FER Have live demo up and running

22 FER Adjustments Additional columns if transfers to Consolidated Administration Switch to HMB presentation on FER Have live demo up and running

23 FER Adjustments Any unspent Consolidated Administration funds will be moved to FY17 grants as carryover Funds will be returned to contributing grants in the same proportion as original transfer If a refund is necessary, we will advise the LEA on an individual basis Switch to HMB presentation on FER Have live demo up and running

24 Questions?

25 Excellence | Optimism | Judgment | Courage | Teamwork
Districts and schools in Tennessee will exemplify excellence and equity such that all students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to successfully embark on their chosen path in life. Excellence | Optimism | Judgment | Courage | Teamwork

26 Notifications can also be submitted electronically at:
FRAUD, WASTE or ABUSE Citizens and agencies are encouraged to report fraud, waste or abuse in State and Local government. NOTICE: This agency is a recipient of taxpayer funding. If you observe an agency director or employee engaging in any activity which you consider to be illegal, improper or wasteful, please call the state Comptroller’s toll-free Hotline: Notifications can also be submitted electronically at:

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