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Presentation on theme: "CULTURAL DESIGN TOOLS Unit 1 Days 11-14."— Presentation transcript:


Students will discuss how computing enables innovation in a variety of fields and the impacts that those innovations have on society.

3 Learning objectives The student will be able to:
Explain how computers can be used as tools for visualizing data, modeling and design, and art. Identify mathematical connections in the output of the tools. Edit an image using Photoshop.

4 Virtual Bead Loom Tutorial
Open this link

5 Virtual Bead Loom project
Read entire Cultural Background section Explain Four-Fold Symmetry: Describe how beads were used in the past and how they are used in the present: Explain how a Bead Loom is used:

6 Virtual Bead Loom project
Go through the Math Game Tutorial. Insert a screenshot of your work, below:

7 Virtual Bead Loom project
Open the Grade 4-12 Math Software. Create a design using at least 25 beads of at least 3 different colors. Insert a screenshot of your work, below:

8 Virtual Bead Loom project
Copy your screenshot from the previous slide and paste it below: Click on your screenshot, and then on the “Format” tab in the ribbon. Crop your screenshot. Give it a picture style. Give your picture border a color. This should all be shown on your picture, below.

9 Math Connections Open this link on Native American Beadwork
Explain the math term “Reflection” as it is described in this article Explain the math term “Median” as it is described in this article. How does she use a Median bead?

10 Math concepts – Look up and define these terms, below:
Translation Iteration Dilation Rotation

11 Math concepts – Look up and define these terms, below:
Symmetry Vectors Reflection Symmetry Four-fold Symmetry Cartesian Graph

12 project ANSWER: What math concepts did the computer scientists who created these design tools for beading need to know? How did he/she incorporate them into the program? Notes to take and to put in ppt to present Cultural history Tool – what it is and how to use it Take pic of your design and edit with photoshop Math – what math is used in the design

13 Explain how you achieved these Learning objectives
Explain how computers can be used as tools for visualizing data, modeling and design, and art: Explain what mathematical concepts were used in the beading design tools: Explain what you did to edit an image using Photoshop:

14 How to turn This in for a grade
Save this to your computer as we do in class Example: if your name is Alice Student, and you are in period 8, your file will be saved as 8StudentAliceUnit1Days11-14 Go to Password is “student” Add your file to the Dropbox Congratulations! You are done!

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