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English 12 Novel Study Week 23

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1 English 12 Novel Study Week 23
Kite Runner English 12 Novel Study Week 23

2 Opening Activities January 30 & February 1st
Objective: Students will cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of Chapters 4-5 of Kite Runner. Warm Up: Read the “Basic Obligations and Prohibitions of Islam” handout provided. Record any notes/observations you have about the characters based on the information provided. Essential Question: To what extent does our relationship, or lack there of, with our parents shape our lives? January 31-Feb1

3 Class Work Work individually to complete the Scavenger Hunt and Quote Analysis for Chapters 4-5. Both assignments are due at the end of the period. Once you are finished, you can begin reading Chapters 7-8 and completing the character journal entries for both chapters. You must finish reading the first eight chapters by February 7th.

4 The Kite Runner Novel Study
Week 23, Day Two

5 February 2, 2017 Objective: Students will refer back to the text "Kite Runner" and analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of the story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed). CCSS.ELA- Literacy.RL Warm-up: Since continuing the reading, what additional examples of motif have you found within in the story. Give at least 2 examples from the text.

6 Characterization Definition:
Characterization in literature refers the methods an author uses to develop a character and to highlight and explain the details about a character in a story. The character can be described directly by the author or indirectly through the actions, thoughts, and speech of the character. Steps: Initial stage where the writer introduces the character with noticeable emergence. Then following the introduction of the character, the writer often talks about his/her behavior. As the story progresses, the thought-process of the character. The next stage involves the character expressing his opinions and ideas and getting into conversations with the rest of the characters. The final part shows how others in the story respond to the character’s personality.

7 Character Tracking Chart
Describe their moral code. What do they seem to believe about right and wrong? Amir has a fine line between right and wrong, especially when it comes to his relationship with Hassan even though he plays with him all the time; he is still mean and teases him even when he knows it is morally wrong. What events/actions suggest this? Page 28 What are the consequences/results of their actions? -Through the novel Amir feels constant guilt after his cruel encounters with Hassan but, even after all the guilt he never corrects his actions. Who else was affected by their actions? How? - Hassan was affected emotionally because he always believed that Amir was his true friend. Amir was affected as well because the guilt began to eat away at him over time.

8 Classwork Assignment 1: Complete a character tracking chart for the characters we have met so far in the novel The Kite Runner. You are allowed to work in groups of 2-3 people. This will be collected at the end of class.

9 Homework Assignment 2: After you have completed the Character Tracking Chart, choose one of the characters from the chart and write a paragraph analyzing how the author developed your character. Begin with the character’s emergence within the story. Be mindful of the characterization steps.

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