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Where it came from and how it got here

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1 Where it came from and how it got here
Freedom of the Press Where it came from and how it got here

2 America’s first newspapers
Publick Occurrences Published in Boston in by Benjamin Harris Shut down by the British after one issue Boston News-Letter Published by John Campbell in 1704 Printed with "authority” of the British government

3 Freedom of the press 1735 in New York Weekly Journal John Peter Zenger printed articles critical of British government and the local governor Arrested for “seditious libel” and jailed Defense attorney Andrew Hamilton said yep, he did it – but he shouldn’t get in trouble for it

4 Andrew Hamilton Who was he? What is libel?
Scottish lawyer in the Thirteen Colonies living in Philadelphia Best known for his legal victory on behalf of the printer and newspaper publisher John Peter Zenger Established that truth is a defense to an accusation of libel What is libel? It is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual person, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation as well as other various kinds of defamation.


6 Assignment: Zenger case
1. Use the internet to research the Zenger case Others are acceptable and encouraged 2. Using Microsoft Word, write a two-paragraph summary of the case 3. Write a third paragraph on the importance of the case to journalism today Save to your H drive as [your last name] Zenger Case [class period] and then turn in to Mr. Nigrelli via Google Drive by the end of class on Wednesday, March 8th

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