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Workshop Bucharest March 22 –24, 2006

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1 Workshop Bucharest March 22 –24, 2006
Training and Development Coaching process Coach skills Workshop Bucharest March 22 –24, 2006 Training in Project Cycle Management, Procurement and Contracting of Pre-Accession Projects and Management of EU Structural Instruments – Training of Trainers program

2 What is Coaching? ? F31

3 Examples of Coaching Someone you know? Someone who you heard of? Why?
How? F31

4 What is Coaching? “Coaching is THE requisite skill for all who need to get the best from their teams” F31

5 What is Coaching? “Coaching is an approach that can help people develop thought processes. It’s not like teaching which involves telling somebody how to do something. It’s about showing someone how to apply the knowledge that they already have” The Leadership Trust F32

6 Types/Variations of Coaching
Helping another person to develop skills in knowledge Passing on your experience to someone else Shift to developmental focus “ Sub brands”of coaching – executive coaching performance coaching skills coaching developmental coaching career coaching life coaching! Training in Project Cycle Management, Procurement and Contracting of Pre-Accession Projects and Management of EU Structural Instruments – Training of Trainers program

7 Barriers to Coaching Little or no commitment to developing staff
Dominant, directive style/culture Perceived lack of time Lack of incentive to coach Lack of understanding of coaching and the skills involved Capable subordinates seen as a threat Knowledge is power - unwilling to share Fear of giving feedback Previous attempts have failed An inability to recognise coaching opportunities F33

8 Coaching Activities Job shadowing Secondments/transfers Deputising
Demonstrations Work rotation Attending meetings Representing the team Membership of committees and working parties Researching topics, project management Training Course follow up Delegation and mentoring Normal work F34

9 Definition of Transformational Coaching
“Transformational Coaching is a comprehensive communication process in which the coach provides performance feedback to the coachee. Topics include broad, work related dimensions of performance (personal, interpersonal or technical) that affect the coachee’s ability and willingness to contribute to meaningful personal and organisational goals.” F35

10 The Transformational Coaching Process

11 The Transformational Coaching Process
FORWARDING THE ACTION Prepare Observe Delegate Connect FOUNDATION LEARNING LOOP “The Heart of Coaching” - Thomas G Crane F37

12 The Transformational Coaching Process
“The Heart of Coaching” - Thomas G Crane FORWARDING THE ACTION State purpose and request permission Prepare Offer feed back and ROI (Result, Outcome, Impact) Observe Delegate Connect FOUNDATION LEARNING LOOP Ask questions and listen Use dialogue to gain insight Share your related personal experience F38

13 The Transformational Coaching Process
Obtain action commitment and offer support Require behaviours and state consequences Require specific behaviours Suggest possibilities FORWARDING THE ACTION State purpose and request permission Reinforce Positives Prepare Offer feed back and ROI (Result, Outcome, Impact) Observe Delegate Connect FOUNDATION LEARNING LOOP Ask questions and listen “The Heart of Coaching” - Thomas G Crane Use dialogue to gain insight Share your related personal experience F39

14 Common features of coaching
Coaching is a fairly short-term activity It consists of one-to-one developmental discussions It provides people with feedback on both their strengths and weaknesses It is aimed at specific issues/areas It is time-bounded It focuses on improving performance and developing/enhancing individuals skills It is used to address a wide range of issues Coaching activities have both organisational and individual goals It works on the belief that clients are self-aware and do not require a clinical intervention It focuses on current and future performance/behaviour It is a skilled activity Personal issues may be discussed but the emphasis is on performance at work Training in Project Cycle Management, Procurement and Contracting of Pre-Accession Projects and Management of EU Structural Instruments – Training of Trainers program

15 Coach skills Understanding the learner’s preferred learning style
Setting learning/training objective Developing a relationship of mutual trust and respect Developing the learning skills of the learner Encouraging the learner to seek their own solutions Finding and designing learning situations Giving balanced, constructive feed back Training in Project Cycle Management, Procurement and Contracting of Pre-Accession Projects and Management of EU Structural Instruments – Training of Trainers program

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