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Amendment 1 Freedom of/to:

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2 Amendment 1 Freedom of/to:
1. Religion 2. Assemble 3. Press 4. Petition 5. Speech

3 How we will remember Use 1 finger “shhhh”- freedom of speech
Point one finger toward the sky - freedom of religion Press one finger down on something - freedom of the press Use one finger to motion someone to you - right to assemble Use one finger to sign your name - right to petition

4 1st Amendment Clauses The Establishment Clause- states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". Free Exercise Clause- citizens are allowed to worship their religion freely without government interference

5 Amendment 2 The right to form a militia & the right to bear arms

6 How we will remember Use 2 fingers
To make the shape of a gun- right to bear arms

7 Amendment 3 The right not to have soldiers in ones home

8 How we will remember Use 3 fingers
Hold up 3 fingers & say 3’s a crowd- No quartering soldiers

9 Amendment 4 Protection against unreasonable search & seizures

10 How we will remember Use 4 fingers
Fold your four fingers down and knock- freedom from search with out a warrant

11 Amendment 5 No one can be tried for a serious crime unless accused by a grand jury. No one can be forced to testify against herself or himself. No one can be tried twice for the same crime. (double jeopardy) No one can be punished without due process of law. People must be paid for property taken for public use.

12 How we will remember Use 5 fingers
Place your whole hand over your mouth- freedom from self incrimination & double jeopardy & the right to due process

13 Amendment 6 People have a right to a speedy trial.
People have the right to legal counsel. People have the right to confront their accusers.

14 How we will remember Use 6 fingers
Hold out one hand and use one finger from other hand to point to watch- right to a speedy trial and attorney

15 Amendment 7 People have the right to a jury trial in most civil suits

16 How we will remember Use 7 fingers
I know court rooms! How we will remember Use 7 fingers Flash all 5 fingers from one hand twice and use 2 fingers from the other hand- 12 jurors right to a trail by jury in civil cases

17 Amendment 8 Excessive bail and Cruel & unusual punishment are forbidden

18 How we will remember Use 8 fingers
Fold over your 4 fingers on both hand and put behind your back as if your were handcuffed- protection from excessive bail & cruel & unusual punishment

19 Amendment 9 There are so many basic human rights that all of them could not be listed in the constitution

20 How we will remember Use 9 fingers
Hold up 9 fingers and the one left down shows that there is room for more rights- there are more rights then can be listed in the bill of rights

21 Amendment 10 Powers not given to the federal government by the Constitution belong to the states or the people.

22 How we will remember Use 10 fingers
Hold up both hands and make a stopping motion to the federal government- any powers not given to the federal government belong to the states

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