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An Exercise in Perspectives

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1 An Exercise in Perspectives
AP Psychology AP Exam Review

2 Psychodynamic / Psychoanalytic
The unconscious mind is key to understanding behavior Psychodynamic / Psychoanalytic

3 Humans are passive organisms that react to their environment

4 Humans actively seek, evaluate, combine, transform, and transmit information

5 Behaviors and thoughts can be taken back to the brain chemicals and hormones

6 People who did not grow up speaking English often do not get my puns
Social-cultural / Socio-cultural

7 Parents can model behavior and children can imitate them

8 Humans are born basically good, with an innate desire to grow and improve

9 I’m a man, you’re a woman---this makes us view the world differently
Social-cultural / Socio-cultural

10 It’s all about the consequences

11 Childhood experiences determine our adult behavior
Psychodynamic / Psychoanalytic

12 Serotonin and dopamine are important neurotransmitters in keeping people’s moods stabilized

13 It’s all about how we think about things

14 People try to create meaning in their lives through making connections

15 Social-cultural / Socio-cultural
Being Mexican, German, Chinese, or American will alter how a person will experience the world Social-cultural / Socio-cultural

16 Reality is different for each person because they interpret external events differently

17 Psychodynamic / Psychoanalytic
Sex and aggression are two inborn drives that push people to do different things Psychodynamic / Psychoanalytic

18 Hormones and genetics Biological

19 Reinforcement and Punishment drive behavior

20 Self-actualization and our drive to grow push us to excel

21 Gestalt (sub-group of cognition)
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts---context determines how we perceive reality Gestalt (sub-group of cognition)

22 My aunts helped raise me and I go to them for dating advice
Social-cultural / Socio-cultural

23 Psychodynamic / Psychoanalytic
There are no accidents because we may actually be doing it due to unconscious issues Psychodynamic / Psychoanalytic

24 Women, on average, have larger corpus collosi (part of the brain), and therefore can multi-task better than men Biological

25 Perception of self and how others feel about us are important

26 I’m older than you all---I’ve experienced things you have not
Social-cultural / Socio-cultural

27 I’m older than you and my nervous system processes experiences differently than you teenagers

28 We are all subject to stimulus-response connections to the world that determines our behavior

29 The schemas that I have will filter out and filter in different bits of information

30 Men reach their physical peak in their mid-20’s

31 Teenagers have more accidents with driving than adults because their hormones are pushing them into risky behavior Biological

32 Social-cultural / Socio-cultural
Psychologists address aspects of this point of view in comparing Latino and American Social-cultural / Socio-cultural

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