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Police involvement in the protection of key populations

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1 Police involvement in the protection of key populations

The Ministry of Health goal is to ensure Universal access to quality and non discriminatory health services to all members of the Swazi population To strengthen coordination among stakeholders and enhance organizational capacity to effectively deliver comprehensive services for key population.

3 Definitions: key populations and vulnerable groups
Men who have sex with men Transgender people Sex workers Prisoners People who inject drugs Vulnerable groups- mobile populations- cane cutters, factory workers, transport operators, construction workers, long distance truck drivers - uniformed forces -young women15-24yrs - people living with disability

4 HIV prevalence for the sub groups
Commercial Sex Workers-70.3% (BSS2011) Men who have sex with Men -17.3% (BSS2011) People who Inject Drugs-No data Prisoners-33.8% (BSS2010) Factory Workers-50% (BSS2011) LDTDs – 26% Cane Cutters-33.4% (BSS2011)

5 The situation BSS study revealed that most human rights violations came from the police 20.8% Sex workers are not able to report Violations to the police Fear of the law enforcement agencies is a barrier to access to health services by key populations PWUD are used by the police to trap dealers MSM are laughed at when they report crimes with the police

6 Involving the police

7 Seminar for the senior Royal Swaziland Police executive
Evidence of the situation in Swaziland – BSS and Size estimation and Mapping study Best practices from Kenya and Uganda Seminar for regional police commanders Sensitization training for the Domestic & sexual violence unit on issues affecting key populations ( sex workers, MSM and PWUD)

8 Next Steps conduct a Context Analysis and to assess the needs among police in Swaziland (Laws, mechanisms, knowledge and practices) Guide the development of an Integrated Training Manual on Sensitization of police on appropriate services for key populations

9 Thank you

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