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Writing 1 Lesson 8.

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1 Writing 1 Lesson 8

2 Homework for today P. 10 task 1 P. 19, task 3 P. 21 tasks 1, 2, 3
Read P. 22, 23 and do task 1 Check answers in Word doc ‘Answers homework for lesson 8’ Read ‘Foreign language learning’, check vocabulary and bring to class

3 A Topic Sentence The idea or thesis the paragraph is going to focus on should be clear from the first or second sentence. This helps to guide the reader and allows them to understand the purpose of each paragraph.

4 Cohesion The information a paragraph contains must be easily understandable to a reader. A good writer will repeat key words or use synonymous words. Pronouns can replace nouns in previous sentences and transition words help to link points.

5 Adequate Development The topic should be discussed as fully as possible. The length will vary from paragraph to paragraph, depending on the author's purpose, but writers should be wary of paragraphs that only have two or three sentences. It is more than likely that the paragraph is not fully developed.

6 Unity The entire paragraph should concern itself with a single focus. If it begins with one focus or major point of discussion, it should not end with another or wander within different ideas.

7 Paragraph Topic sentence  Development  Support
Link to subsequent paragraph

8 Text: Foreign Language Learning
Purpose of text Audience Presumed knowledge Framework Paragraph structure Cohesion Lexis

9 Paragraph 1 Identify topic sentence
Explain purpose of information in para. 1 Identify any instances of presumed knowledge Lexis: group words that are synonymous or contain similar meaning

10 Lexical nets language exams university state time school

11 Language modern languages French German Spanish Language Trends report
language entries language teaching of languages subjects

12 Language Trends report
The story of the decline of in UK universities is by now familiar: the numbers taking modern foreign language degree courses fell 16% between and  Although the numbers stabilised last year, this month, the OCR exam board announced it is to discontinue GCSEs and A-levels in , and The latest annual , meanwhile, found schools are not preparing for more GCSE or A-level despite the new Ebacc – intended to see 90% of pupils take a suite of five core GCSEs including a by With the in school declining, academics are asking themselves what universities can do to keep departments viable and the alive. modern languages French German Spanish Language Trends report language entries language teaching of languages subjects

13 State decline fell stabilised declining viable alive Time   last year this month latest annual

14 Universities UK universities modern foreign language degree courses academics universities departments Exams OCR exam board GCSEs A-levels GCSE A-level Ebacc five core GCSEs School numbers numbers schools pupils school

15 The story of the decline of modern languages in UK universities is by now familiar: the numbers taking modern foreign language degree courses fell 16% between and  Although the numbers stabilised last year, this month, the OCR exam board announced it is to discontinue GCSEs and A-levels in French, German and Spanish. The latest annual Language Trends report, meanwhile, found schools are not preparing for more GCSE or A-level language entries despite the new Ebacc – intended to see 90% of pupils take a suite of five core GCSEs including a language by With the teaching of languages in school declining, academics are asking themselves what universities can do to keep departments viable and the subjects alive.

16 Lexis: state and time decline (1) fell (2) stabilised (3)
declining (7) viable (8) alive (8) expansion (23) gap (23) initiatives (26) positive outcome (27) (2) (2) last year (3) this month (3) latest (4) annual (4) by 2020 (7) now (11) this year (13)

17 Lexis: school and exams
numbers (1) numbers (3) schools (5) pupils (6, 24) school (7) OCR exam board (3) GCSEs (4, 5, 6, 24) A-levels (4, 5, 18) Ebacc (6) Five core GCSEs (6)

18 Lexis: language Language Trends report (4) modern languages (1)
French (4) German (4) Spanish (4) Language Trends report (4) language entries (5) language (6, 14, 18, 20, 24) teaching of languages (7) subjects (8) languages (11, 16) language experience (19)

19 Lexis: university modern foreign language degree courses (2)
UK universities (1) modern foreign language degree courses (2) academics (7) universities (8, 12, 27) departments (8) University language courses (9) students (9, 15, 16, 19) ab initio courses (10, 23) courses (12)

20 Lexis: university minor degree subject (14) university (17)
joint honours language courses (18) minor courses (19) minor (19) joint honours (20) language departments (25) Routes into Languages Campaign (25) tertiary language learning (26) modern language degree courses (27)

21 Paragraph 2 Cohesion: what information links sentence 1 to the previous paragraph? There are two instances of exemplification. How are they signalled to the reader? °°°°°°°°°°°°° What is the purpose of paragraph 3?

22 Writing Now write a paragraph of 120 words where you explain the importance of being able to study a language from scratch at Florence University. Your first sentence should signal a link to the last sentence of paragraph 4 (… universities are trying their best …)

23 Production Planning Remember … Phase 2 Phase 1 write brainstorm ideas
proofread Phase 1 Planning brainstorm ideas organise work on lexis

24 Homework for lesson 9 P. 10 Task 2 P. 17 Task 3
(Check answers in Word doc ‘Answers homework for lesson 9’) P. 19 Task 3 Writing task: see slide 22. Print and bring to class

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