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Los Pronombres Personales

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1 Los Pronombres Personales
Subject Pronouns

2 What is a subject pronoun (pronombre personal)?
In English, we use pronouns every day. Pronouns are the words that replace nouns in a sentence. For example: imagine you were telling a story about your friend Sara. It might go something like this: “Sara drove to the store. Then, Sara picked out groceries. Sara paid $20, then drove home.” What word would you use to replace Sara?

3 Subject pronouns answer the question, “WHO
Subject pronouns answer the question, “WHO.” Who or what is doing the action in the sentence. What other pronouns do you know in English? I You He She It We They

4 Which words are Singular and which words are Plural?
You He She It We They

5 Pronouns In Spanish, there are 12 subject pronouns. (Pronombres Personales) BUT we’re only going to study 10, because 2 of them are used exclusively in Spain.


7 Talking TO a friend or family member.
Do you speak Spanish? Talking TO a friend or family member.

8 You-Usted Do you speak Spanish? Talking to an ADULT.

9 Ella-She Maria speaks Spanish. SHE speaks Spanish.
Talking about a FEMALE.

10 He- Él Roberto speaks Spanish. He speaks Spanish.
Talking ABOUT a male.

11 We- Nosotros We speak Spanish. He and I speak Spanish.
Talking about yourself AND someone else. The group is all male or co-ed.

12 We- Nosotras Talking about yourself AND someone else.
We speak Spanish. She and I speak Spanish. Talking about yourself AND someone else. The group is all female.

13 They- Ellos They speak Spanish. Talking ABOUT a group of people,
Maria and Roberto speak Spanish. Talking ABOUT a group of people, either all male or co-ed.

14 They-Ellas Talking ABOUT a group of girls. They Speak Spanish.
Maria, Lisa and Sara Speak Spanish. Talking ABOUT a group of girls.

15 You all- Ustedes Do you all speak Spanish?
Talking TO a group of people.

16 Subject Pronouns Copy this chart: EXACTLY likes this unto your notes.
Singular Plural YO (I) Nosotros (We-boys/co-ed) Nosotras (we- all girls) TÚ (You-informal) Él (He) Ella (She) Usted (You-formal) Ellos (They-boys/co-ed) Ellas (They- all girls) Ustedes (You all)

17 Subject Pronouns You probably noticed that there are TWO ways to say “YOU’ in Spanish. Tú is used to address family and friends. Usted is used to address elders, strangers or people of importance.

18 Actividad 1: Use the Flashcard given to complete the following activity. When I say the Spanish subject pronoun, hold up the card that matches.

19 Actividad 2 Now, hold up the Spanish subject pronoun card that matches the picture you see on the screen.



22 & Yo


24 & Yo

25 If you are speaking to….

26 If you are speaking to…

27 Tú y



30 Actividad 3 Now try holding up the card that matches the English subject pronoun that I say.

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