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Lessons Learned from AP History Redesigns

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1 Lessons Learned from AP History Redesigns
Jay Harmon Houston Christian HS sponsored by Bedford/St. Martin’s website:

2 You can access this presentation at ap. harmonhistory
You can access this presentation at Click on “some of Jay’s APWH Materials”

3 Overview Exam Changes for all AP History Courses 55 MC Q’s, 55 mins, 40% 4 Short Answer Q’s, 50 mins, 20% Break 1 DBQ, 55 mins, 25% 1 (of 2) Long Essay, 35 mins, 15% See “advances in AP”

4 Multiple Choice 55 Questions, 55 Minutes 40% of Exam Score Q’s appear in sets of 2-5 Students analyze historical textual evidence and interpretations by historians Primary and secondary sources, images, graphs, and maps are included See samples in latest AP History CDG’s

5 Some Short Answer Info Example from European History:
4 Short Answer Q’s, 50 mins, 20% 3 elements to each question, 1 pt per element Write in the box provided only, use real sentences, don’t need a thesis. Example from European History: “A) Briefly explain ONE important similarity between the wars of religion in France and the English Civil War B) Briefly explain ONE important difference between the wars of religion in France and the English Civil War C) Briefly analyze ONE factor that accounts for the difference that you identified in part B

6 Simplified DBQ Rubric Thesis and argument development 1-2 pts
Top or bottom of essay, one or more sentences, all parts of question, connecting relationships among the evidence Document analysis 1-2 pts Uses at least 6 docs to support the thesis, cites POV in at least 4 docs Using evidence beyond the documents 1-2 pts Contextualization: Couch the question in broader historical developments, processes. Done in a paragraph. Cites information not explicitly found in the documents Synthesis 1 pt Connects argument to a different era, place, approach to history that is not in the essay prompt, or a field of study such as art, literature, etc (this last sentence doesn’t apply to APUSH)

7 See Sample DBQ’s in the newest AP History Curriculum Guides and at A DBQ Prompt from AP US History: “Explain the causes of the development of the institution of slavery in the period from 1607 to 1750.”

8 How To Do the DBQ, part 1

9 DBQ, Thesis and Paragraph 2
Thesis: “There were many (examples of, factors, responses, effects, issues, etc, depending on the tasks in the question) in…repeat the prompt. For example, (example 1) and (example 2). The more important of these is _____because….”) However, (provide a counter- example) Paragraph 2: Context Briefly put the topic of the question in historical context: 1. Define the focus/issue of the question. 2. What other big social/political/economic/environmental things were happening in the era of the question, or led up to the topic of the question? This info must connect to the question in some way.

10 How to DBQ, continued Paragraph 3: First Relationship Document Group A
How to DBQ, continued Paragraph 3: First Relationship Document Group A. Name this relationship with a topic sentence that introduces this paragraph B. Use the documents and outside information to address the relationships in the question using THE terms of THE question. Tip: The Source line in the document and the doc itself will provide big hints for outside info. Use the “brainstorm” terms from step 2, above C. Tell the reader what each doc is saying in your own words. Quoting the doc is not necessary. (explaining the doc in your own words shows you are “wrestling with the document”—that’s good) D. Attach Point Of View to the docs in this group (Who wrote it? Why was this doc written? In what historical context? Who is it intended for? How might the author’s status effect what is in this doc?) E. Connect to another era that reflects this topic: “This is similar (or different) to (name an era) when such and such happened because….”

11 More DBQ Paragraph 4: Second Relationship Group (Repeat the structure of paragraph 3) A. Name this relationship with a topic sentence that introduces this paragraph B. Use the documents and outside information to address the relationships in the question using THE terms of THE question. C. Tell the reader what each doc is saying in your own words. Quoting the doc is not necessary. (explaining the doc in your own words shows you are “wrestling with the document”—that’s good) D. Attach Point Of View to the docs in this group (Who wrote it? Why was this doc written? In what historical context? Who is it intended for? How might the author’s status effect what is in this doc?) E. Connect to another era that reflects this topic: “This is similar (or different) to the (name an era) when such and such happened because….”

12 Even More DBQ Paragraph 5: Third Relationship Group (Repeat the structure of paragraph 3) Remember, the minimum standard to get the POV point is 4 documents, so attempt POV in 6 or all 7 documents. That leaves room to get a couple of POV wrong and still earn the point. Paragraph 6: Write a conclusion, which includes: A. all parts of the question and B. the named groups of documents based on the prompt of the question. (This will substitute for your opening thesis paragraph in case it is insufficient)

13 Final DBQ Tips AP essay readers know this is a rough draft essay written under high pressure, so scratch outs are OK, circling a paragraph and writing, “insert here” in a different place is ok. Write in blue or black ink! Write neatly—you’re trying to win over the grader, not punish them for your bad handwriting.

14 AP History Long Essays: 6 point Scale
Thesis 1 pt Uses the appropriate Historical Thinking Skill 1-2 pts Uses specific evidence 1-2 pts Synthesis 1 pt: connects to different era or place, OR connects to a different history theme OR connects to an outside discipline ----(art, lit,—EH, WH ONLY) They’re ALL Argumentation Essays! Types of Long Essays: Pick 1 of 2 choices (same Historical Thinking Skill) 1. Causes and/or Effects 2. Comparison 3. Change and Continuity Over Time 4. Periodization A: Turning Point 5. Periodization B: Define the Era

15 US History Causation Long Essay Prompt:
To what extent did the European Enlightenment affect political thought in the North American colonies along the Atlantic coast in the years after 1750?

16 Causation Long Essay (Cause and/or Effect) Paragraph 1: (Thesis): There were many causes (or effects) of (name the event). Causes (or effects) included (name 2). Perhaps the most important cause (or effect) was (name a 3rd cause/effect) because of its impact on history. Paragraph 2: Define the event itself and put it in historical context: WHAT was the event? WHEN did it happen? What was happening in society at this time? Paragraph 3: Discuss as many causes and/or effects of the event as you can think of. Name the MOST significant cause (and/or effect) and tell WHY it is so significant. Paragraph 4: Discuss a similar/different event from another time or place in history. How was that cause (or effect) similar (“This also happened when….”) …OR…Discuss how literature, society, culture, the environment or economics of the era was part of the event. (This last tip does not apply to APUSH) Paragraph 5: (2nd chance at thesis) Write a conclusion that summarizes all parts of the question, with specificity, like in your thesis but worded differently.

17 Sample APWH Comparison Essay
Analyze similarities and differences in how TWO of the following used religion to govern before 1450: Byzantine Empire Islamic Caliphates Mauryan/Gupta Empires

18 Comparison Essay This essay may ask you to evaluate the significance of a person or event. In that case, offer examples showing great significance and lack of significance. Paragraph 1: (thesis): There were many similarities and differences in (name the 2 things being compared).  For example, there were similarities in (provide an example or two) and differences in (provide an example or two). Perhaps the greatest (sim or diff) was (provide either a sim or a diff). Paragraph 2: Perhaps the greatest similarity between (name the 2 things) was _______ because_______. Other similarities include (name as many similarities as you can think of). They were similar because _______.   Paragraph 3: Perhaps the greatest difference between (name the 2 things) was _____because_____. Other differences include (discuss as many differences as you can think of). They were different because _______.   Paragraph 4: Discuss a similar/different event from another time or place in history (“This also happened when….”)…OR…Discuss how literature, society, culture, the environment or economics of the era was part of the event. (note: this last sentence doesn’t apply to APUSH). Paragraph 5 (2nd chance at Thesis) Conclude with a summary that accurately reflects all the terms of the question, with specificity.  In other words, re-write your thesis in another way.

19 APWH CCOT Long Essay Prompt
Analyze continuities and changes in the Indian Ocean trade network from c. 100 CE to c CE.

20 The Change and Continuity Over Time Long Essay
Paragraph 1: (thesis) “There were many continuities and changes in (insert the dates of the question)in (insert all tasks of the question). Continuities included (1-2 specific examples) and changes were in (2 specific examples). Perhaps the greatest (Cont or Change) was in….” Paragraph 2: Continuities in insert the terms of the question in this era included: discuss as many specific examples you can think of.  Perhaps the most important continuity was ______because_______. These remained the same over time because _________.  Provide as many relevant examples as possible Paragraph 3: Changes in insert all tasks of the question in this era included: discuss as many specific examples you can think of.  Perhaps the greatest change was_____ because______. These changed over time because _________.  Provide as many relevant examples as possible Paragraph 4: Discuss an event from another time or place in history that also changed or stayed the same…OR…Discuss how another field (literature, art, politics, society, religion, economics e.g.) of the era reflects a similarity or change that’s in your essay already. (note: this last sentence doesn’t apply to APUSH). Paragraph 5: (2nd chance at Thesis) Conclude with a summary that accurately reflects all the terms of the question, with specificity.  In other words, re-write your thesis in another way.

21 Sample AP Euro Long Essay: Turning Point
“Analyze the degree to which the Renaissance can be considered a turning point in European social and political history.”

22 How to Write a Turning Point Long Essay
Paragraph 1: (Thesis) “There were many reasons why the topic of the question (for example, Mongol invasion of Russia) was a Turning Point in (the terms of the question). Some of these reasons were (a and b) but the greatest reason was (c). However, some things persisted, such as (d).” Include one sentence here defining the turning point. Paragraph 2: Set the stage before the turning point. What was (society, politics, economics, the environment—whatever the terms of the question are) like in the era just before? Link your examples only to the terms of the question. Provide as many specific examples as you can. Paragraph 3: Discuss the turning point. What was it? How did it lead to changes in the next era? What was the greatest change in from one era to the next? WHY? Paragraph 4: This paragraph argues AGAINST the Turning Point. What DIDN’T change from one era to the next? Provide as many examples as you can think of. WHY did some things stay the same, despite the Turning Point? AND: Compare this Turning Point to another Turning Point in history. (Must fit into your discipline—World, US or European History) OR… How did art or literature of the era reflect the T.P. or continuities in the era? (note: this last sentence doesn’t apply to APUSH). Paragraph 5: (2nd chance at Thesis) Conclude with a summary that accurately reflects all the terms of the question, with specificity.  In other words, re-write your thesis in another way.

23 Sample “Define the Era” Long Essay I made this one up
US History To what extent is “The Era of Good Feeling” an accurate description of the years 1815—1824?

24 How to Write the “Define the Era” Long Essay
Paragraph 1: (Thesis): There were many reasons why the era of the question is an accurate label, for example: (cite two examples), but the greatest reason why this era is aptly named is____. However, one could argue that this label is incorrect because _______. Paragraph 2: Provide a definition of the era and briefly include why historians gave it that name. Paragraph 3: Provide as many examples as you can think of that support the idea that this era is correctly labeled. Which example MOST supports the label of the era? WHY? Paragraph 4: What evidence counters the idea that the era is correctly labeled? AND: Discuss another era that would be a better “fit” for the label given the era in the question. OR: How did art or literature of the era reflect or counter the name of the era? (note: this last sentence doesn’t apply to APUSH). Paragraph 5: (2nd chance at Thesis) Conclude with a summary that accurately reflects all the terms of the question, with specificity.  In other words, re-write your thesis in another way.



27 Final Essay Tips

28 You can access this presentation at ap. harmonhistory
You can access this presentation at Click on “some of Jay’s APWH Materials”

29 Many Thanks to Bedford/ St
Many Thanks to Bedford/ St. Martin’s Publishers for sponsoring this presentation

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