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Basics of States.

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Presentation on theme: "Basics of States."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basics of States

2 What is a state? sovereign political institutions
possess the power to make policy decisions Can use force legitimately

3 What’s the difference between a state, nation and ethnicity?
State has: Sovereignty (no higher authority) Power Territory bounded by borders people “monopology on the legitimate use of force” People often refer to them as countries or nations

4 What’s the difference between a state, nation and ethnicity?
Ethnicity is common Language Religion History Self-identified

5 What’s the difference between a state, nation and ethnicity?
A nation is a group of people bonded together by a sense of sovereign political destiny (ie. We should be/are a state) Nation-state (compare borders…) Some nations are stateless… basis Often a desire for self government Scotland China versus Nigeria…

6 Citizenship? A formal relationship between the state and individual
Rights Privileges Purely political Basis for patriotism (pride in state)

7 Strong versus weak states (capacity)
Strong-government has ability to enact, execute and enforce policy Great Britain and national health system (Olympics) Weak state cannot carry out even popular programs Nigeria struggles with legal and law enforcement framework Failed states are unable to provide basic law and order To what extent are states autonomous? (need support of people)

8 Kinds of Legitimacy (perception of right to rule)
Traditional Legitimacy Power obtained through traditions being maintained Consistency and predictability Like hereditary monarchs Examples Tsarist Russia China Iran before revolution of ‘79

9 Kinds of Legitimacy (perception of right to rule)
Charismatic (personality cult) Single individual captures loyalty and attention of the people Often after revolutions/upheaval/crisis Stalin Mao Khomeini Trump?

10 Kinds of Legitimacy (perception of right to rule)
Rational-legal—rules of the political game Leaders exercise power under specific rules Rules say what powers and when (ie. Defined term of office) Great Britain United States

11 Kinds of state governments
Unitary states All or almost all centralized power Regional governments will not be very meaningful in comparison China, Iran Sometimes central governments adopt devolution policy (willingly cede power to obtain a policy objective) Tony Blair with Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland Canada with Quebec

12 Kinds of state governments
Federal Official division of powers (constitution) between central and regional governments US with ratification of constitution Mexico and Nigeria are federal Russia used to be…

13 Kinds of state governments
Confederation One central government is not truly sovereign over its members Uncommon in modern states (ie. USSR to CIS) Many supranational organizations are confederations

14 SUPRAnational Organizations
Group makes collective decisions Sovereignty may be given up in certain areas (ie. Trade, but not military) Some sovereignty given up: EU WTO Little/no sovereignty given up: UN

15 Politics & Society… Cleavages Attitude Ideology Culture

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