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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO RECOGNISE & MANAGE YOUR STRESS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Aims: To raise awareness of stress
To help you to identify coping strategies in managing personal stress

3 OBJECTIVES: Help you to identify your personal stressors and your stress responses Recognise your own stress limitations Understand that some stress is normal and healthy Develop coping mechanisms for managing stress Know when to seek help and support

4 What is Stress? A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances Oxford Dictionary

5 Stress Puzzle!

6 Individual stress Life Events Bereavement Divorce & separation
Moving house Money problems Relationship difficulties/abuse Exam stress Course work/assignments Work

7 Global stress Major Disasters Terror attacks Flooding Disease War
Tsunami Earthquakes Credit Crunch

8 What can You see?

9 What can you see?

10 Response to Stress How an individual reacts to stress a stressful event or situation How stress can effect the body

11 Responses to Stress - Behaviour
Crying/Emotional Unkempt appearance Sulking Withdrawing Avoidance/Phobias Bad time keeping Anorexia/Bulimia Absenteeism Alcohol/Drugs Sleep disturbance Restlessness Compulsive behaviour Loss of appetite Over eating Aggression/Irritability Increased smoking

12 How are we with others Behaviour towards others may change Aggressive
Quiet or withdrawn Unreliable Secretive Unfriendly

13 Emotional Effect Anxiety Depression Anger Guilt Hurt Jealousy
Shame/Embarrassment Suicidal Feelings

14 Symptoms Tension Headaches Palpitations Rapid heart beat Aches & pains
Indigestion Nausea Butterflies in stomach Numbness Tremors Dizziness Feeling faint Dry mouth Cold sweat Sexual difficulties Stomach spasms Clammy hands Flashbacks

15 Thinking Patterns “I must perform well” “Life should not be unfair”
“I can’t stand it” “I must be in control” “I must have what I want” “Others must approve of me” “Its awful, terrible, horrible etc” “I must obey “my” moral code and rules” “I must get distinctions” “Its always my fault” “I always fail” “They are talking about me”

16 The Stress Chemicals Three Chemicals released in the body in times of stress Adrenaline Noradrenaline Cortisol

17 Stress Chemicals cont. Fight (anger)
Increases Noradrenaline & Adrenaline Fear, Fight & Flight, (want to escape) Increases Adrenaline, Noradrenalin & Cortisol All three chemicals decrease when we are relaxed and not stressed Adapted From: Brief Counselling in Schools, Working with Young People from 11-18, Dennis Lines, Sage, London, 2002

18 Stress Chemicals cont. Adrenaline & Noradrenaline put the body into a high state of alert Fighting or escaping requires a lot of oxygen, so breathing becomes deeper and faster Under stress we feel exhausted Harder to deal with problems We want to run away Cortisol induces depressive moods We feel low and unable to get on with things Stuck with assignments Give up From Counselling in Schools: New Perspectives, J McGuiness Cassell, London, 1998

19 Consequences Possible health problems associated with stress
Addiction (alcohol/drugs) Allergies Skin rash/Skin problems Frequent urination High blood pressure Burn out / Fatigue Irritable bowel syndrome Diabetes Rheumatoid arthritis Asthma Flu/common cold Lowered immune system and many others

20 Stress can be good We need our stress response
Helps us to act, motivates us, gives us energy Stay safe Alerts us when things are not right Becomes a problem when it is out of balance

21 Exercise Time Exercise

22 Time Management Understand what you are being asked to do. If you don’t understand ask Use of academic year planner to help manage assignments/course work Plan assignments do not leave until the last minute Back up all assignments/course work on your computer/memory stick

23 Quotations “It pays to plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.” Anonymous “He who fails to plan, plans to fail” Proverb “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now” Alan Lakein PPPP- Poor Planning Prevents Progress!!

24 Exercise Stress Release Exercise

25 Ways to Manage Your Stress
It is important if you are feeling stressed or under pressure to find something that works for you in helping you lessen your stress levels. Here are some ideas:

26 Managing stress Go and do something that makes you happy/have fun
When you are feeling good you are not feeling stressed. Doing something you enjoy gives you time away from your stress. Talk to someone you trust Talking to someone about how you are feeling can help you to deal with and work through your stress. Having someone to support you can make stressful situations feel more manageable and can also help you to find other more positive ways of viewing your situation. Exercise regularly Regular exercise makes you feel good about yourself. It can have a positive effect on the physical symptoms of stress and give you breathing space and time away from stressful situations.

27 Managing stress Eat healthily
Having healthy eating habits helps to boost your immune system make your body more able to deal with stress. Be kind to yourself Don’t be too hard on yourself, if you make a mistake learn from it and move on. If you are not feeling well look after yourself, give yourself time out. Take things a step at a time Whatever it is you need to do or achieve take it a step at a time Be Be clear about what it is you need to do, ask for help if you are not sure. Plan your work. Stick to deadlines. These measures will stop you from becoming overwhelmed.   Notice your achievements It is really easy to notice when things are not going well. Be positive, what is going well in your life? Take time to reflect on and notice all the things you do well no matter how big or small.

28 Managing stress Say no Sleep well
Make sure you get enough sleep. A lack of sleep can be detrimental to your level of concentration and can also make you feel unwell, which can heighten your stress levels. Getting enough sleep makes you more able to deal with and respond appropriately to pressure. Learn to relax Relaxation can help us feel more able to deal with our stressors and gives us time out from physical and emotional stress Learn to meditate, try some deep breathing exercises, read a book or listen to music. Say no

29 Where to go for Help Counselling Service (VLE) Doctor / G.P.
Progress Coach Tutor External Organisations Friends Family Financial Support Team Careers Advisors etc

30 Questionnaire Issue Evaluation Questionnaire
(Send back a copy of the total course collated results to the Counselling Service)

31 Dolphin stress text The photo below has 2 almost identical dolphins in it. It was used in a case study on stress level at St. Mary's Hospital. Look at both dolphins jumping out of the water. The dolphins are identical. A closely monitored, scientific study of a group revealed that in spite of the fact that the dolphins are identical, a person under stress would find differences in the two dolphins. If there are many differences found between both dolphins, it means that the person is experiencing a great amount of stress. Look at the photograph and if you find more than one or two differences it's time for you to take a holiday.



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