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Recap Research Says.

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Presentation on theme: "Recap Research Says."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recap Research Says

2 Lesson 6: Scope and Limitation Significance of the Study Conceptual Framework

3 Competencies Recall the guides, Formulate and Discuss the Following:
Importance of the study (CG) Scope and limitations of the study (CG) Conceptual Framework (CG)

4 Activity: Herb’s Power Dr
Activity: Herb’s Power Dr. Labe is puzzled with the possibility to produce a liquid concoction made of Moringa oliefera as antipyretic remedy How should Dr. Labe go about her investigation? What type of research will you recommend? 2. State the : Statement of the problem, Sub problems and hypothesis.

5 Furthermore, what do you think is the scope and limitation of the study?

6 Who do you think will benefit the study? And what will they get?

7 If you are to write a Conceptual Framework What will it be like?


9 SCOPE AND LIMITATION -refers to the statement of coverage. - it explains the boundary of the study: Subject, sampling, variables, locale, instruments, design and scope of time - by stating such the study is limited and specified for clear and realistic undertaking - written in narrative, not more than 250 words and maximum of 2 paragraphs

10 Title: Stress Level and Teaching Performance of Senior High School Teachers in STEC
The Problem Statement of the Problem The study aims to correlate the stress level to the teaching performance of Senior High School Teachers in Science and Technology Education Center, Basak Lapu-Lapu City for SY The findings of the study will be the bases for a proposed intervention program.

11 Title: Stress Level and Teaching Performance of Senior High School Teachers in STEC
The Problem Statement of the Problem The study aims to correlate the stress level and teaching performance of Senior High School Teachers in Science and Technology Education Center, Basak Lapu-Lapu City for SY The findings of the study will be the bases for a proposed intervention program.

12 Title: Stress Level and Teaching Performance of Senior High School Teachers in STEC
Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions: What is the profile of the Senior High School Teachers based on the following: 1.1 Highest Educational Qualification; 1.2 Years of Teaching Experience; 1.3 Trainings attended; 1.4 Income; and 1.5 Status (Marital) ?

13 Title: Teaching Performance and Stress Level of Senior High School Teachers in STEC
2. What is the Stress level of Senior High School Teachers in the aspects of: 2.1 Lesson Preparation; 2.2 Lack of Learning Resources; 2.3 Multiple Teaching Loads; 2.4 Misbehavior of the students; and 2.5 Many Ancillary Functions?

14 Title: Stress Level and Teaching Performance of Senior High School Teachers in STEC
3. What is the teaching performance of the SHS teachers based on: 3.1 Lesson Planning ; 3.2 Classroom Management; 3.3 Delivery of the Lessons; and 3.4 Assessment of Learners?

15 Title: Stress Level and Teaching Performance of Senior High School Teachers in STEC
4. Is there a significant relationship between: 4.1 Teaching Performance and Profile of SHS Teachers; 4.2 Teaching Performance and Stress Level; and 4.3 Stress Level and Profile?

16 Title: Stress Level and Teaching Performance of Senior High School Teachers in STEC
5. What Intervention Program can be proposed based on the findings of the study

17 Title: Stress Level and Teaching Performance of Senior High School Teachers in STEC
Null Hypotheses Ho: There is no significant relationship between: a. Teaching Performance and Profile of SHS Teachers; b. Teaching Performance and Stress Level; and c. Stress Level and Profile.

18 What is then the Scope and Limitation?
The study is a correlational quantitative design employing the test of variables: Stress Level (Independent) and Teaching Performance (Dependent). The profile of the teachers will also be sought and will be considered as Independent variable. Eight SHS teachers of STEC will be the subjects of the study. Research made and validate instruments will be used. The timeline will be 3 months.

19 What is then the Scope and Limitation?
The study is a correlational quantitative design employing the test of variables: Stress Level (Independent) and Teaching Performance (Dependent). The profile of the teachers will also be sought and will be considered as Independent variable. All the eight SHS teachers of STEC will be the subjects of the study. Researcher-made and validate instruments will be used. The timeline will be 3 months.

20 Significance of the study in a research manuscript lists the benefits of the study either to a body of scientific knowledge, to practitioners in the area of the research or to any other group which will benefit from the results. In short, this will answer the question: Why is it important for the study to be conducted? Who will benefit from it? What benefits could be derived from the study?

21 This can be stated in one or two paragraphs.
However, beneficiaries can be enumerated individually with their specific benefits based on the findings of the study. The most benefited group should be stated first followed by other groups. For example, education related researches always consider pupils or students as the beneficiaries. Findings in Business Researches are most significant to customers or consumers (see sample below).

22 Significance of the Study
Self-efficacy and leadership skills are important elements of educational leadership. Focusing on these two variables, this study is beneficial to the following: Students. They will be ensured that educational leadership is an important concern of educational institution because all efforts are geared towards total student development. Improvement of knowledge, skills and attitudes of educators and their leaders will always for the benefit of the students who are the beneficiaries of all educational endeavors.

23 State the Significance of the Study
State the Significance of the Study? Stress Level and Teaching Performance of Senior High School Teachers in STEC The Problem Statement of the Problem The study aims to correlate the stress level to the teaching performance of Senior High School Teachers in Science and Technology Education Center, Basak Lapu-Lapu City for SY The findings of the study will be the bases for a proposed intervention program.

24 State the Significance of the Study
State the Significance of the Study? Stress Level and Teaching Performance of Senior High School Teachers in STEC Significance of the Study The impact of stress may hamper the performance of the SHS teachers. However, through this study, an intervention program will proposed in order to provide the following benefits to: SHS Teacher. They will be given intervention program through the support of the school management in order to intervene whatever stress they have towards work. Some weaknesses of the areas like facilities and preparations could be streamlined.

25 Significance of the Study
SHS Students. They will be the recipient of the quality teaching performance of the SHS teachers. The delivery of such quality teaching will further the goal of the SHS department. STEC Administration. Parents. Family of the Teachers. DepEd Lapu-Lapu City.

26 Conceptual Framework - Establishes the clear direction of the study - It is presented through as schematic diagram explaining the nature of the study - A textual discussion followed by a diagram



29 State the Conceptual Framework
State the Conceptual Framework? Stress Level and Teaching Performance of Senior High School Teachers in STEC The Problem Statement of the Problem The study aims to correlate the stress level to the teaching performance of Senior High School Teachers in Science and Technology Education Center, Basak Lapu-Lapu City for SY The findings of the study will be the bases for a proposed intervention program.

30 APPLICATION: Based on your approved and edited title, statement of the problem, sub-problems and hypothesis, in 60 mins assign your members to write the following: 1. Scope and Limitation of the Study (25 points) 2. Significance of the Study (25 points) 3. Conceptual Framework (text and diagram (50 points) The output has to be controlled and checked and should be finalized before submission. Coherence is a must Prepare a powerpoint presentation 5. Assign a presenter next meeting

31 RUBRICS Indicators Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Fair 2 Poor 1 Weight 1. Limitation of the study (scope of variables understudied) X5 2. Significance of the study (Beneficiary and their benefits) 3. Conceptual Framework (text is coherent and clear) 4. Conceptual Framework (Diagram is coherent & understandable) Total 100

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