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Dorsett Shoals Elementary

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Presentation on theme: "Dorsett Shoals Elementary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dorsett Shoals Elementary
Gravity Games Dorsett Shoals Elementary

2 Our team of experts!

3 Putting the Tires on the car
HMMM Putting the Tires on the car

4 Working Together

5 Now to add the final touch!

6 Now to paint the car

7 Waiting for it to dry

8 safety Inspection

9 Making adjustments

10 Safety first

11 Safety first




15 Jaden Jaden taking the lead!

16 Go DSES!!!! Team Spirit Proud of our team! All Smiles!

17 Go DSES! Waiting on the Race And it’s Tanner! Proud of our team!

18 Go Jaden!

19 Racing for the High School

20 Go Tanner!!!!

21 Beating Dr. Thompson’s team!





26 Mr. Sills, Mrs. Morris, coach Epstein, and mrs. Coldiron.
We would like to thank our sponsor and teachers for this great opportunity 5th grade gravity games team members Thank you to The bank of the Ozarks Mr. Sills, Mrs. Morris, coach Epstein, and mrs. Coldiron.


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