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The Declaration of Independence

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1 The Declaration of Independence

2 Purpose of the Declaration
To formally separate from Great Britain State our philosophy The British government was not protecting our rights In fact it was abusing our rights State our reasons Specific grievances were given Unfair taxation Unfair harassment

3 Parts of the Declaration
Preamble States the purpose of the document States the philosophy behind the action

4 Parts of the Declaration
Declaration of Natural Rights Rights of Men Life Liberty Pursuit of Happiness

5 Parts of the Declaration
Declaration of Natural Rights Purpose of government To protect the rights of the citizens The people have the right to change the government if that government no longer protects those rights

6 Parts of the Declaration
A list of grievances

7 Parts of the Declaration
Resolution of Independence A free and equal nation Just like the other nations of the world

8 Guarantees listed in the Declaration
Equality Equality of OPPORTUNITY All people are assured of a FAIR CHANCE Equality of OUTCOME All people are assured of the same standards of living

9 Guarantees listed in the Declaration
Rights Powers and privileges governments GIVE to citizens Unalienable Rights Rights that NATURALLY exist and cannot be given or taken away by any government

10 Guarantees listed in the Declaration
Life Liberty Freedoms of action and thought which governments cannot give or take away

11 Guarantees listed in the Declaration
Pursuit of Happiness To be able to try to achieve the highest levels possible

12 Guarantees listed in the Declaration
Democracy Governmental power comes from the citizens!

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