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Welcome to the Town Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Town Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Town Meeting
Please locate your groups seating area – signs are posted on the walls. Please have only your Meeting Notes, Speech and a pen/pencil on desk

2 Oct. 31, 2011 Today in class - begin discussion/notes
“Declaring Independence” Due Wed: Declaring Independence ?s Also Wed: Quiz

3 Declaring Independence

4 Fort Ticonderoga…. Got artillery –cannons & guns
used later to drive British from Boston!!

5 2nd Continental Congress ….

6 Formed the Continental Army

7 Appointed George Washington as commanding general

8 Printed $$ to pay troops

9 Fighting continues ….. at Battle of Bunker (Breed’s) Hill p.151


11 colonial militia were stronger than expected

12 …at Boston p. 162 Surround the city w/ cannons Threaten to bombard
Redcoats & Loyalists leave!!

13 Continental Congress tries a final attempt at peace…..
“Olive Branch Petition”

14 “When once these rebels have felt a smart blow, they will submit.”
King George III…. “When once these rebels have felt a smart blow, they will submit.” Rejected petition New laws to punish us Sends navy to blockade all ports Hires Hessian mercenaries to fight

15 Despite the fighting that has taken place and the increased measures by the King & Parliament, many colonists aren’t ready to call for a total break from the British government until…..

16 Common Sense written by…
Thomas Paine

17 Benjamin Franklin John Adams Roger Sherman Robert Livingston
The Continental Congress appoints a committee to draft a Declaration of Independence Benjamin Franklin John Adams Roger Sherman Robert Livingston And

18 Thomas Jefferson

19 Jefferson is chosen to write it because…
He was a very eloquent writer Articulate and persuasive He was from the largest colony They need the support of Virginia

20 Core idea? People have natural rights governments must protect
If rights aren’t protected, people should change the government

21 How about some jibjab?

22 Copy the following into your spiral….
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. …”

23 5 parts? Preamble Rights of the people/Resp. of Govt.
Complaints against King G III Attempted resolutions Official declaration of independence

24 Main goal? Convince world England was horrible!!
Convince them to be on our side.

25 The signers of Declaration were committing what crime in the eyes of the British government?
TREASON!! “We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately. “

26 “the People” in the Declaration really meant…..
free, white men John Trumbull – artist

27 Left out of “the People” at that time…..
Women, slaves and Native Americans

28 When was it signed??? JULY 4th

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