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Declaration of Independence

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1 Declaration of Independence
Chapter 3 Declaration of Independence

2 What does the Declaration mean?
In this document independence of British colonies in North America from Great Britain is declared This document was adopted in July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Independence Day in the US is the Day of acceptance of the Declaration of Independence

3 Four parts of Declaration
First part- the main objective of the Declaration is to justify the legality of secession from Britain Second- the duty of the people is to overthrow the government whose activities are not consistent with people’s interests Third- the abuses of George the third Fourth- colonies are now ‘free and independent states’

4 The Founders Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration The independence of the colonies was declared by Congress on July 2 Neither the Parliament nor the ministers of the government are explicitly mentioned in the Declaration

5 The Congress The first Continental Congress was called in Philadelphia in September 5, 1774 Congress officially sanctioned the formation of states, independent from England in May 15, 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights was adopted in July 1, 1776

6 Committee of Representatives
Committee of representatives of the five colonies formed text of the Declaration Thomas Jefferson did the main task of writing of the Declaration B. Stone in 1820 made a reprint of this manuscript copy of the document with the signatures of all members

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