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From the Norman Conquest to the Decay of Feudalism

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1 From the Norman Conquest to the Decay of Feudalism
This period was marked by: - a struggle between the centralizing power of the king and the growing challenge from barons - a considerable development of trade and towns, which helped to disintegrate the feudal system - the transition from feudalism to pre-industrial era The long war with France helped to form a sense of national identity: a native English culture was born and English became the official language of the country.

2 Main events Main events: Kings: Wars:
William the Conqueror, the first Norman king, ( ) Henry I, Henry II, Richard I, John, Edward I, Edward III, Henry V, Richard II Wars: the Hundred Years War ( ) the War of the Roses (1455 – 1485) between two powerful families, Lancaster and York Main events: Magna Charta (Great Charter of Liberty ): limited the royal power and laid the foundation for the later Parliamentary monarchy. The Black Death ( ): an epidemic of bubonic plague (peste) reduced the English population by nearly a half

3 MAGNACHARTA 1) When was Magna Charta written? 2) Who reigned in that period? 3) Why do people believe that King John was one of the worst kings in history? 4) What was the problem with the barons?

4 MAGNACHARTA 1) It was written in ) King John reigned in that period. 3) Because he imprisoned his former wife, starved his opponents to death, murdered his nephew 4) He imposed heavy taxes on them to pay for his foreign wars and if they refused, he punished them or seized their property.

5 MAGNACHARTA 5) How did they react? 6) What does the first clause say? 7) Where can we find today parts of Magna Charta? 8) What is the most important legacy of Magna Charta?

6 MAGNACHARTA 5) They demanded that King John obey the Law and obliged him to negotiate 6) It says that all “free men” have the right to justice and a fair trial. 7) In the English Law, in the United Stated Declaration of Independence and in Universal Declaration of Human Rights 8) It is that everyone – including our leaders – must obey the law.

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