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March Vocabulary Words

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1 March Vocabulary Words
Do Now (2 min) Please take out your book Then, open your notebook and create this heading: Name Date March Vocabulary Words

2 Agenda Do Now (3 min) March Vocabulary Words (20 min)
Chapter 5 (40 min) Chapter 4 reading quiz (20 min) Chapter 4 Annotation Check HW (5 min)

3 Insipid (in-sip-id) Definition: Not interesting or exciting; bland or boring Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Dull, unexciting Antonyms: Thrilling, exciting, stimulating Example Sentence: I read my friend’s short story, but his writing was boring and insipid, and I was afraid to share my true opinion.

4 Laconic (la-con-ick) Definition: Using few words in speech or writing
Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Concise, direct Antonyms: Wordy, rambling Example Sentence: She was known for writing laconic essays.

5 Juxtapose (jucks-ta-pose)
Definition: the act of placing two different ideas or concepts side by side to compare/contrast them Part of Speech: Verb Synonyms: Pair, connect Antonyms: Oppose, disconnect Example Sentence: In her essay, there was a strong juxtaposition of Elie’s care for other people, and his will to survive.

6 Lethargic (leth-ar-gick)
Definition: A lack of energy or interest Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Lazy, indifferent Antonyms: Energetic, vigorous Example Sentence: Because he lacked food and nutrition, Elie felt lethargic throughout the day.

7 Lucid (loose-id) Definition: Able to think clearly
Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Articulate, coherent Antonyms: Dull, unclear Example Sentence: After losing his faith in God, Elie had a lucid understanding that his father felt the same way.

8 Manifest Definition: to display or show, usually through one’s acts or appearance Part of Speech: Verb Synonyms: Display, exhibit Antonyms: Hide, mask Example Sentence: During his time at the camps, Elie manifested signs of malnourishment through his emaciated appeareance.

9 Milieu Definition: a person’s social environment Part of Speech: Noun
Synonyms: Surroundings, context Antonyms: N/A Example Sentence: Elie spent a year of his life as a teenager in a terrifying and dehumanizing milieu.

10 Misanthropic Definition: Contempt or hatred for mankind
Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Cynical, pessimistic Antonyms: Positive, optimistic Example Sentence: After he endured the Holocaust, Elie had a more misanthropic perspective on human life.

11 Nepotism Definition: Unfair favoritism based on family relationships
Part of Speech: Noun Synonyms: Bias, Discrimination Antonyms: Inclusiveness, acceptance Example Sentence: Sometimes Nazi soldiers would save Jewish lives based on nepotism.

12 Oblivion Definition: the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening Part of Speech: Noun Synonyms: Unconsciousness, stupor Antonyms: Awareness, lucidity Example Sentence: As Elie and the other prisoners were running through the snow, they felt as if they entered a state of oblivion.

13 Beginning Chapter 5 (40 min)
We will start on page 66 Think ahead to your Chapter 5 annotations! Your first reactions to this chapter Most important plot event Most significant quote

14 Homework Finish reading chapter 5
Chapter 5 annotations due on Thursday *Turn in your poetry packet on your way out today! Your midterm: Next Thursday! We will talk more about this in class on Thursday this week

15 Chapter 4 reading quiz (20 min)
Complete the chapter 4 reading quiz Turn your quiz over on your desk when you are finished If you have extra time, finish reading chapter 5 silently

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