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End of Year Report and Renewal Process

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1 End of Year Report and Renewal Process
Focus Schools Grant End of Year Report and Renewal Process May 2016

2 Brinn Obermiller (615) 770-1802 Consolidated Planning and Monitoring
Family Engagement & School Improvement Coordinator Consolidated Planning and Monitoring (615)

3 Agenda 2015-16 End of Year (EOY) Report
Focus Schools Grant Renewal Process Grant Overview Application Development ePlan Directions Budget Guidelines

4 EOY Report

5 EOY Overview The purpose of the EOY report is to:
Examine the progress toward sub-group academic goals during the implementation of the grant, school year. Identify resulting outcomes and best practices. Reflect upon the effectiveness of intervention activities and begin to identify practices that will be sustained during school year, given grant renewal.

6 EOY Instructions Each school receiving Focus School Grant funds should complete the EOY Report and return it to the LEA Focus School grant coordinator. The Focus Schools grant coordinator will collect the reports and upload them to the ePlan LEA Document Library during the submission window: June 1–June 30. Information from EOY Report should be considered when completing Focus School Grant renewal applications.

7 ePlan Steps To find and submit the EOY report in ePlan:
LEA Document Library Folder Focus Schools Documents Focus Schools Milestone Documents End-of-Year Report Edit Documents to find templates and to upload completed report

8 EOY Report Components Part 1: Subgroup Achievement and Intervention Evaluation For each gap closure goal, please provide data from the school’s fall and spring administration of a universal screener or other formative assessment. All data should be subgroup specific and broken down by grade level. Briefly describe reasons for success and/or lack of progress.

9 EOY Report Components Part 1: Subgroup Achievement and Intervention Evaluation Based on subgroup data, which intervention activities will you continue in ? If intervention activity will be continued with modifications, please briefly describe.

10 EOY Report Components Part 2: Fiscal
Please indicate the school’s total Focus School Grant allocation and the amount obligated to date. funds expire September 30, 2016.

11 2016-17 Focus Schools Grant Renewal Process

12 Grant Overview The purpose of the Focus Schools Grant is to provide Title I Focus Schools with additional resources to help close the achievement gap of one or more identified subgroups of students. Funds must be targeted at closing the achievement gap of the subgroup(s) for which the school received its focus designation.

13 Grant Overview The grant is based on the five TDOE strategic priorities: Early Foundations – Ensure students are building the necessary skills in early grades to be ready for future success. Support Educators – Strategically support the preparation and development of a strong educator workforce in Tennessee. High School and Bridge to Postsecondary – Strategically support the preparation and development of a strong workforce in Tennessee.

14 Grant Overview The grant is based on the five TDOE strategic priorities: Empower Districts – Provide districts with the data, support, and autonomy they need to make the best decisions for their students. All Means All – Provide individualized support and additional opportunities for students who are furthest behind. Empower Districts – Provide districts with the data, support, and autonomy they need to make the best decisions for their students. All Means All – Provide individualized support and additional opportunities for students who are furthest behind.

15 Eligibility and Awards
Eligible districts are those with Title I schools who were awarded a Focus Schools Grant. Eligible districts may apply for an award less than or equal to the amount(s) granted in Upon approval, grant awards will be for the school year. Grant funds must be obligated by September 30, 2017 and liquidated by November 30, 2017.

16 ePlan Application Districts should assist Focus Schools in developing the application and gap closure plan. School leadership, responsible for implementing the grant, should be given the autonomy to take the lead. Timeline: Application available in ePlan: June 1, 2016 Application submission window: July 1–15, 2016 Grants awarded: August 1, 2016

17 ePlan Application The Focus Schools Grant is located in the Year 2017 folder on the Funding-Funding Applications screen. The link appears in the list of Competitive Funding Applications.

18 ePlan Application Click on “Draft Started” to begin working on the application. This application has questions at both the LEA and school level. Applicants do not need to complete anything in the Checklist or the New Applicant Summary sections.

19 ePlan Application – LEA Cover Page
Official Address and Contact Person Provide the LEA’s demographic and contact information. Schools to be Served Choose each school to be served from the drop-down list. Enter each school’s NCES# and amount of funding requested. Choose one or two strategic priority(s) from the strategic priorities list. Type the exact name(s) of the desired strategic priority(s) in the textbox. The list of strategic priorities is directly above the “School Name” textbox. LEA Capacity Provide a narrative response to the “LEA Capacity” question.

20 ePlan Application – Assurances
Click the checkbox at the top to agree to the grant conditions. Once you open up the “Assurances” page, you will simply check the box at the top of the page to agree to the conditions. You will not need to upload as signature page this year as this is a grant continuation and we still have the form you submitted last year. Now you are ready to move on to the school level information. So again, click “Save and Go To” at the top, select “sections” and that will take you back to your main page.

21 ePlan Application - School Information
On the Sections page, make a school “active” by selecting it from the dropdown box. All of the pages below the school name will apply to that school. Do not complete any items in the Plan Relationships section. Use Related Documents for any school level supporting documentation.

22 ePlan Application - School Program Page
Question 1: Strategic Priorities and Intervention Activities Select one or two checkboxes to indicate the strategic priority(s) for the active school. These should correspond to the strategic priority(s) indicated in the LEA Schools to be Served section. Under each strategic priority, select the desired intervention activities. Provide an explanation if choosing “Other.”

23 ePlan Application - School Program Page

24 ePlan Application - School Program Page
Question 2: Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan Narrative Using information from the Needs Assessment section of the School Plan, discuss the needs of the targeted subgroup using data to help identify gaps and determine priorities. Provide a narrative description of the needs assessment and the school’s plan for addressing and closing achievement gaps.

25 ePlan Application - School Program Page
Question 3, Part A: Gap Closure Planning Template Schools may enter up to two gap closure goals. Strategic priority - For each gap closure goal, choose the corresponding strategic priority(s).

26 ePlan Application - School Program Page
All gap closure goals should be: Focused on the targeted subgroup(s). Created using end of year universal screener/formative assessment data. Compare subgroup vs. non-subgroup performance to determine current gaps. Constructed as a SMART goal (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely).

27 ePlan Application - School Program Page
Question 3, Part B: Gap Closure Planning Template Intervention Activity For each gap closure goal, schools may implement up to three intervention activities. Please answer the five required questions for each activity listed.

28 ePlan Application - School Program Page
Activity description: Please describe the activity and how it will help achieve goals. Ensure that all purchases related to the activity are discussed. Implementation Steps: Please describe steps for the activity, person (s) responsible, and a detailed timeline for completion. Initial Budget Estimate Activity Evaluation: What data will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity? Sustainability: How will this activity be continued after the grant?

29 ePlan Application - Budget Page
Complete the budget page as you would for any other budget in ePlan. Use “Add Item” to add budget line items. Use the dropdown menu to choose items. Remember to save often. Narrative descriptions are required. This is a one-year budget. Grant funds must be obligated by September 30, 2017 and liquidated by November 30, 2017. All purchases should be reasonable, necessary, linked directly to subgroup achievement, and focused primarily on instruction.

30 ePlan Application - Budget Guidelines
Indicate original budget before each narrative Type “ORIGINAL BUDGET” before each narrative. This differentiates the original budgets from the revised budgets you will complete later in the year.

31 ePlan Application - Budget Guidelines
Indicate Cost for Personnel Positions Include number of positions, amount allocated to each and a brief description. If multiple positions of the same type and cost, combine. Returned Example: Approved Example:

32 ePlan Application - Budget Guidelines
Include Quantities Include the quantity, unit price, and a brief description of all equipment, materials, and supplies. Returned Example: Approved Example:

33 ePlan Application - Budget Guidelines
When submitting revisions, indicate revision#, before each narrative Type “REVISION #” at each revision. This differentiates the original budgets from the revised budgets. Always leave the original budget and any previous revisions in the narrative. Add and clearly label the next revision below.

34 Submitting the ePlan Application
The Focus School Grant Coordinator will click “Draft Completed” to submit the application. The LEA Fiscal Representative will receive an to approve the application. The LEA Fiscal Representative will click “LEA Fiscal Representative Approved” to approve the application. The LEA Authorized Representative will receive an to approve the application. The LEA Authorized Representative will click “LEA Authorized Representative Approved” to submit the application. TDOE will receive and review the application. Applications will be processed in the order they are received during the July 1 – July 15 submission window.

35 Questions

36 Contact Information Grant Questions: (615) ePlan Questions: (615)


38 Notifications can also be submitted electronically at:
FRAUD, WASTE, or ABUSE Citizens and agencies are encouraged to report fraud, waste, or abuse in State and Local government. NOTICE: This agency is a recipient of taxpayer funding. If you observe an agency director or employee engaging in any activity which you consider to be illegal, improper or wasteful, please call the state Comptroller’s toll-free Hotline: Notifications can also be submitted electronically at:

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