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PVAAS Update PAIU Curriculum Coordinators Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "PVAAS Update PAIU Curriculum Coordinators Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 PVAAS Update PAIU Curriculum Coordinators Meeting
November 2016 Kristen Lewald, Ed.D., PVAAS Statewide Director

2 Topics PVAAS Reporting Release
Currently Enrolled Students – PVAAS Student Level Projections PVAAS Common Questions – Teacher Reporting PVAAS Google Site PVAAS Professional learning PVAAS Roster Verification Other?

3 PVAAS Reporting Release

4 Sy15-16 PVAAS and PEERS Reporting Release
All PVAAS Reporting has been released to all account holders District Reporting School Reporting Teacher Reporting Student projections (last tested) PVAAS Public Site has been updated with Sy15-16 reporting PEERS has been updated with PVAAS 3 year avg. scores and SY15-16 SPP scores A few LEAs with suppressed SPP scores will have Sy15-16 SPP scores updated 11/11

5 Enrollment data will be updated in PVAAS on Thursday (11/10) evening
Current Enrollment Enrollment data will be updated in PVAAS on Thursday (11/10) evening

6 PVAAS Projections SAS EVAAS initially releases projections based on where students last tested Student may have moved/gone elsewhere; SAS EVAAS would not know where to release the projection Protecting confidentiality of student data Projections can be “surfaced” after enrollment data is submitted by the district into PIMS If enrollment data was submitted into PIMS by noon on 10/18, enrollment info will be available in PVAAS by 11/11 Next date for PIMS submission on Wednesday 11/9, TODAY Next Date is January 2017 Students who did not test in the previous year: projections are not “surfaced” within PVAAS SAS EVAAS initially releases projections based on where students last tested Student may have moved/gone elsewhere; SAS EVAAS would not know where to release the projection Protecting confidentiality of student data Projections can be “surfaced” after enrollment data is submitted by the district into PIMS If enrollment data was submitted into PIMS by noon on 10/18, enrollment info will be available in PVAAS by 11/11 Next date for PIMS submission on Wednesday 11/9, TODAY Next Date is January 2017

7 Changes/Updates in Menu Options (with the release of “currently enrolled” data; IF LEA submitted student data into PIMS by Oct 18) In Reports menu, new report called Projection Summary (Single Enrolled Grade) In Reports menu, College/Career Readiness will now indicate Single Enrolled Grade In Student Search, will now be a drop-down menu to search by “grade last tested” OR “grade enrolled” Students who did not test in the previous year: projections are not “surfaced” within PVAAS SAS EVAAS releases projections based on where students last tested Student may have moved/gone elsewhere; SAS EVAAS would not know where to release the projection Protecting confidentiality of student data Projections can be “surfaced” after enrollment data is submitted by the district into PIMS If enrollment data was submitted into PIMS by noon on 10/18, enrollment info will be available in PVAAS by 11/11 Next date for PIMS submission on Wednesday 11/9 – no current timeframe for availability in PVAAS

8 Common Questions and Answers about PVAAS Teacher Reports

9 Keystone Business Rule: Highest Score Used Does not apply to PVAAS teacher reporting!
This business rule does NOT apply to PVAAS teacher reports Business rule applies to district & school reporting only t/PVAAS- IncludingRetestersKeystoneS cores.pdf

10 Roster Verification Summary
Spring 2016 roster verification summary is still available for access! This can be used to investigate numbers of students on rosters, %s verified, etc. If any questions on why a student was/was not included, Click on Contact Us and submit a ticket to SAS EVAAS

11 Access to Teacher Reports for Teachers Who Changes Schools/LEAs
Access to Teacher Reports if teacher changed schools within SAME district/LEA: Teacher is able to see his/her report within the same district even if s/he changed schools School Admin is able to see teacher reports for school users that have a teacher report at the SAME school School Admin will NOT see any data tied to a different school even if the teacher has an account at their own school District Admin is able to see all data within the district/LEA When the next round of reporting is released, the current year principal only sees previous years of reporting IF from the same district Access to teacher reports if teacher changes LEAs/districts and wants a 3 year average across districts (teacher choice): for How-To info

12 “How could Composite be a different color than any other color I’ve had in a single year?”
A teacher’s group of students is assumed to be green UNLESS we have enough evidence to say otherwise Composite is not an average, but really an accumulation of the evidence across 3 years, across grades/subjects that we have in students’ growth Starting Point: Refer to the Understanding the Composite video (available via the online Help system, link for Teachers: Using PVAAS for a Purpose on PVAAS login page, or PVAAS Resources site!) Refer to additional details/formula in the PVAAS online Help system

13 “Why is School Value-Added different than Teacher Value-Added when I only have one or two teachers in that grade/subject?” District-level and school-level value-added reports are not a simple aggregate, or average, of teacher-level reports The main reason is that different students may be included in each model/analysis. Teachers may claim students on their rosters who are not attributed to a school, and the school model may include students who are not claimed by a teacher Also, students are counted and weighted differently in the district/school level analyses than they are in the teacher level analyses as % instructional responsibility is taken into account

14 “Why are Value Added results different between teachers who share instruction?”
PVAAS measures the INFLUENCE of each teacher on the growth of their group of students. The purpose of shared instruction is to portion out the evidence of what occurred with students. It is all about the amount of evidence in the student assessment results. The teacher with the higher percentage of shared instruction (higher percentage of Full/Shared % Instruction) would have MORE evidence of that teacher’s influence on a group of students as compared to the other teacher. The more data available, the more evidence we have to see if the group of students exceeded the PA standard for academic growth OR not.

15 “Why are Value Added results different between teachers who share instruction,” cont’d
A conceptual example: Two teachers teach the same group of students, but you observe Teacher A 73 times versus you observe Teacher B 27 times. Which teacher do you have more evidence of their practice? The teacher who was observed 73 times. Transfer this analogy to the example above. Two teachers teach the same group of students, but Teacher A has 73% of instructional responsibility versus 27% instructional responsibility by Teacher B. There is more evidence for the teacher with the 73% for the student group. You will also see a smaller standard error on Teacher A’s report as compared to Teacher B’s as teacher A has “more evidence.”

16 PVAAS Resources - Google Site
Accessible via direct url, the PVAAS login page, and the online Help system

17 PVAAS Resources Google Site
Access directly If your LEA blocks the use of tiny urls, use the full hyperlink, Access through the PVAAS login page Links in the Using PVAAS section point to different pages in the site, for District Leaders, School Leaders, and Teachers. Access through the PVAAS online Help System Click “Help” at the top right of any PVAAS page and look for the Using PVAAS section under Additional Resources – those links point to pages of the site!

18 PVAAS Resources Google Site
Search bar to help you locate resources! / resources/ Contact our team for help:

19 PVAAS Resources Google Site: Guides & How-To
Quickly access resources using the Navigation box, always on the left hand side of your screen. In particular, note the Guides & How-To Resources page!  PVAAS Guides and How-To Resources Guides to Reporting Short, “how-to” documents (how to export data, how to create a custom student report, etc.) Using Reports for a Purpose (how to use custom student reports, how to use student projections with other data for decision-making, etc.) Key Concepts Methodology documents

20 PVAAS Resources Google Site: Teacher Page
The Teachers: Using PVAAS for a Purpose page includes: Online Learning Link to e-Learning module about PVAAS teacher specific reports Link to the “Understand the Composite” video (15 min) Link to the “Respond to Teachers’ Common PVAAS Questions” webinar recording (1 hr) and PowerPoint Resource Documents Teacher Self Reflection Guide (fillable pdf and an annotated sample available!) Teacher Specific Reporting FAQ How to Create a Custom Student Report What Educators Should Know about PVAAS Student Probabilities Digging Deeper into Content Areas

21 PVAAS Professional Learning
January-June 2017 offerings coming soon! e-Learning Modules

22 PVAAS Professional Learning – Winter/Spring 2017
New webinars and resources will be available this winter/spring! Look for updated Professional Learning booklets soon (by December) advertising these offerings; LEAs and IUs will be ed link to the updated booklet Updated booklets will be accessible via the PVAAS login page, online Help system, and the PVAAS Resources site! January-June 2017 offerings coming soon!

23 Certificates of Completion
Certificates of Completion now available for most e-Learning modules!!! Reminder: Completing a module does not automatically earn a user Act 48 credit. Certificate can be used as proof of completion, as part of a district’s/LEA’s requirements towards Act 48 credit.

24 Spring 2017 Roster Verification

25 Roster Verification e-Learning Module
Part 1 is now available! Welcome (1 min) What is Roster Verification (10 min) Roster Verification Overview (12 min) Instructional Responsibility (19 min) RV Phase Dates and Resource Docs coming in next 2 weeks! IUs and LEA Admins will be ed this info Part 2 available by the end of February 2017

26 Spring 2017 Roster Verification
Roster Verification Resources page available on our PVAAS Resources Google site Currently posted: Roster Verification FAQ, SY16-17 Spring 2017 PVAAS Roster Verification Training & Resources flyer Additional resources coming soon! Spring 2017 Phase Dates (coming in 2 weeks) Sample Scenarios Guide to Implementation Resources coming February 2017 RV Quick Start Guide RV Checklist Student Enrollment Update (“Gap Enrollment”) Schedule for RV

27 Are Yoooouuuu Ready to Roster? Training webinar for new administrators!
Audience? NEW administrators (district and/or school level) who have responsibility for Act 82/Educator Effectiveness and PVAAS Roster Verification Administrators wanting a refresher Any additional new LEA staff who provide support and assistance during Roster Verification Webinar scheduled for Wednesday, 2/15/2017, 8:30-11:30 am Join Live: Prior registration isn’t necessary, but participants may register if they choose!

28 Educator Effectiveness Data Administrator
Candice Felton (formerly Candice Schuld) Replacement for Brian Truesdale Areas of Work: SPP Data Collections PVAAS Staff-Student-Subtest

29 Questions/Feedback/Info Needed?

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