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Dominance, mating and crossbreeding

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1 Dominance, mating and crossbreeding
Chapter 10

2 Mating Mating is pairing selected sires and dams
= comes after selection Mating determines how selected alleles combine within individuals Benefit from non-additive genetic effects

3 Mating strategies Mating within populations Mating between populations
Which individuals to mate together? Mating between populations = crossbreeding Which lines to cross with each other?

4 Mating within populations
Affects genetic make-up of next generation of selection candidates Does not affect long-term genetic improvement

5 Major mating strategies
Random mating Assortative mating Mating based on family relationships Mate selection

6 Random mating = Absence of any specific mating strategy
Mates chosen at random within selected sires and dams NOT same as random selection!

7 Assortative mating Mating based on phenotypes or EBVs Two types:
Positive assortative mating Negative assortative mating

8 Positive assortative mating
= Mating of similar individuals Progeny? More extreme  Increases genetic variance (temporarily) Practical use limited Also need to mate poorer animals with other poorer animals!

9 Negative assortative mating
= Mating of dissimilar individuals Progeny? More intermediate  Decreases genetic variance (temporarily) Compensatory/corrective mating Aims to correct faults of parents in offspring Dairy cattle

10 stierenkaarten

11 Mating on family relationships
Preferential mating of relatives = Inbreeding Avoidance of mating of relatives

12 Minimum kinship mating
x Avoiding mating of relatives Calculate coefficient of kinship for all possible combinations of sires and dams Choose matings to minimise average coefficient of kinship Postpones occurrence of inbreeding Reduces long-term rate of inbreeding

13 Minimize kinship mating in practice
x In real life, minimum kinship mating is complicated but can be done Many breeding programmes use some sort of mate selection to restrict kinship - avoid matings between close relatives Full sibs Half sibs cousins

14 Mate selection Combines selection and mating in a single step
Calculate expected progeny performance for every possible mating of candidates Do matings with highest expected progeny performance Utilises non-additive genetic effects but you have to know them.....

15 Summary: Mating within…
…populations means deciding which sire to mate with which dam You can benefit from Corrections in phenotype non-additive genetic effects Main use: avoid highly inbred offspring full sibs half sibs cousins

16 Mating between populations
Used to produce final production animals Pure production strategy, no effect on breeding population

17 Crossbreeding Breeding system where sires and dams originate from different lines Lines within breed Different breeds Many ways to combine lines Benefit as much as possible of heterosis Breed complementarity Common in pigs, chicken and beef cattle

18 A tropical breed: Nelore
short hair, skin folds, long ears, no body fat reserves, long legs

19 A temperate breed: Red Agnus
Coarse hair, subcutaneous fat, short stature

20 corssbred: productive in tropical climate, high tick resistance!

21 Crossbreeding in dairy cattle
Crossbred (F1)between indigenous cattle and Holsteins perform well in a number of developing countries Should crossbreeding be implemented? Consider population with F1-cows

22 Crossbreeding in dairy cattle
Large pure-bred cow population needed for the production of F1-replacements. Bottleneck: Reproductive rate males: no problem Reproductive rate females: very low 1 offspring per year 4 offspring during life time

23 100,000 F1 animals (Zebu*Holstein)
Parental breeds: Holsteins: imported (semen) Zebu: local pure-bred cow population Replacements for F1 population? Every year 25% of cows (F1 and purebred) replaced 25,000 F1-heifers needed each year. 50,000 Zebu cows need to be inseminated with Holstein semen. 50,000 Zebu cows need to be inseminated with Zebu semen for maintaining Zebu population

24 Crossbreeding between breeds: concluding remarks
In developing countries: Quick fix: improved performance, No long term genetic improvement! Who maintains the local breed? Only when the local breed serves a purpose!

25 Time for a break

26 Crossbreeding: Atlantic Salmon
25 ♀-Gaspe 25 ♀- Mowi ♀-Laks Milt 15 ♂ Gaspe (CD) Mowi (NO) Laks (UK) eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs ♂- ♀ GA LA MO GAGA GALA GAMO LAGA LALA LAMO MOLA MOMO Crosses: 15/05/2018

27 Cross Breeding: salmon
Ranking for GF3 from smolt to 4.5 kg The results of the SP tests are used to direct the crosses in future spawning's for production. 15/05/2018

28 Heterosis Crossbred offspring is better than parent average
Also called hybrid vigour (plant breeding) Caused by dominance (and epistasis) “Specific combining ability of lines” Can be expressed in trait units HF1 = µF1 – ½(µsire + µdam) Usually expressed as percentage HF1 = 100% x (crossbred mean – parent mean) (parent mean)

29 Example: Heterosis in salmon
Harvest weight Mowi-line: harvest weight = 3.8 kg Laks-line: harvest weight = 4.0 kg Mowi x Laks F1: harvest weight = 4.1kg What is the heterosis? HF1 = ½( ) = 0.2 kg HF1 % = 0.2 kg / 3.9 kg x 100% = 5.1%

30 Genetic basis of heterosis
Crossbreeding leads to more heterozygotes if there is a difference in allele frequency () Line1 = MM, line 2 = LL,  = 1 F1 = ML = maximum heterosis 1-locus: d > 0  F1 will be better than parent average = ML > (MM + LL)/2

31 Example: Fillet% in Salmon
Line 1, p(M) = 0.8; Line 2, p(M) = 0.3  = = 0.5 GMM = 60%, GML = 64%, GLL = 65% o = (65+60)/2 = 62.5% d = = 1.5% HF1 = d x 2 (eq 10.10) = 1.5 x 0.52 = fillet%

32 Heterosis: two types Direct or individual heterosis Maternal heterosis

33 Crossbreeding: two-way scheme
dam line Breeding line D C sire line Breeding line C Selection on reproduction Selection on growth and meat quality (♂ & ♀!) CxD F1-offspring Production Population

34 Two-way system More uniform F1 production population
Breed/line complementarity Heterosis in (CxD) progeny Note: F1 animals are not used for pure line breeding!  All selection within pure lines D and C

35 Two-way system Heterosis for growth (CxD) progeny? Direct: growth
Maternal: -- Hgr = 4% Gr (C) = 700 g/d; Gr (D) = 680 g/d Gr (CxD)= 1.04 x ( )/2 = 718 g/d

36 Two-way system Heterosis for litter size in (CxD) progeny?
Direct: vitality Maternal: --! Hgr = 4% (vitality) nr Pl (C) = 10; nr Pl (D) = 11 Nr Pl (CxD)= 1.04 x (11) = Pl

37 Crossbreeding: three-way scheme
Selection & Replacement Selection & Replacement Selection & Replacement Line A Line C Selection on reproduction Line D F1 sow C×D Selection on growth and meat quality Fattening pig A × (C × D)

38 Three-way system: heterosis
Direct: growth in (A x (CxD)) pigs Mean parental lines? (750 + ½( ))/2 1.04 x 720 = 749 g/d Heterosis CxD is not heritable!!

39 Three-way system: heterosis
What about litter size? Direct: 4% (vitality of piglets) Maternal: 6 % (nr of piglets born) Mean litter size A: 8 C: 10 D: 11

40 Three-way system: heterosis
Litter size: parent mean CxD ! (10+11)/2 = 10.5 Maternal H: 0.06 x 10.5 Direct H: 0.04 x 10.5 Sum: = PL

41 Three-way system Uniform end product (A x (CxD)); breed complementarity Heterosis in (A x (CxD)) pigs Maternal heterosis in (CxD) sows  better reproduction Protection of genetic material

42 What is the breeding goal?
Selection & Replacement Selection & Replacement Selection & Replacement Info Info Line A Line C Line D F1 sow C×D Selection on growth & litter size Selection on growth, backfat and meat% Fattening pig A × (C × D)

43 Summary: Crossbreeding…
… = production strategy Crossbred individuals are (usually) not parents Crossbreeding itself does not contribute to G Aims to benefit from heterosis & line complementarity Genetic improvement within pure lines Should aim at crossbred performance

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