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Welcome to “Back to school Mesa View middle school!

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1 Welcome to “Back to school night” @ Mesa View middle school!
Julie Dutchover SI Math 7th, 8th

2 Purpose & Course Overview
SI Math is designed to help students make progress toward grade level standards as well as target specific needs relating to individual IEP goals, in Mathematics. Each unit focuses on concepts that include Ratios, Rational Numbers, Expressions and Equations, as well as sharpen basic math skills.

3 Curriculum to support Common Core State Standards
Engage NY~ New adopted general education supplemental curriculum District adopted textbook Prentice Hall Skills Intervention Kit Times Tables The Fun Way (picture method for mastering the multiplication facts)

4 Technology Students will be working on the “24” math game either in the classroom, at home, or in the computer lab. Students will have multiple, yet specific, opportunities to work on the computer to practice math skills.

5 grading Students will be graded on class work, quizzes, tests, homework and notebooks (Math homework is crucial for practice/2-3 times a week, limited). Students who are earning a C- or lower will receive a progress report. The best way to monitor your child’s academic progress is through ABI ~ MVMS’s website:

6 Classroom website Each student/family is encouraged to join my classroom web page located on the school fusion website: If student does not have home access to a computer, there are computers in EVERY classroom and in the library. Relevant information regarding the classroom: Projects, Homework, Updates

7 Quizzes & tests Weekly quizzes and/or skill check
Weekly or bi-weekly tests I ALWAYS give opportunities to retake (it’s about mastering the skill, not discouraging students) I have high expectations because I believe students CAN be successful I am in the classroom every TUE/THURS for lunch (for make-up quizzes, tests, and/or homework).

8 Expectations Students will be required to write in their school-provided agendas (please check these daily for information information/homework – students in LC will receive a grade for this) Students are expected to keep organized notebooks with paper, both lined and graph (used daily for classwork, quizzes, tests, vocabulary, and homework).

9 Expectations Behavior Parent/guardian support is crucial.
I have high expectations for students to: Follow directions Respect themselves & others Remain seated (unless participating in group activities) Raise their hand

10 I will always return calls or emails within 24 hours
Contact info phone: (909) ext. 5207 (leave a message and I will return calls/not during class time) I will always return calls or s within 24 hours

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