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Weekly Spelling/Handwriting Practice

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1 Weekly Spelling/Handwriting Practice

2 Week 3 forgetting forgotten beginning beginner prefer preferred
accommodation accommodating accompany according accordance achieve achievable achievement overachieve forgetting forgotten beginning beginner prefer preferred

3 Week 4 aggressive myth aggressively gym amateur Egypt ancient pyramid
apparent mystery apparently appreciate appreciative appreciated unappreciated

4 Week 5 young touch double trouble country attached attachable
attaching attachment unattached available unavailable availability average awkward young touch double trouble country

5 Week 6 awkwardness disappoint bargain disagree bargained disobey
bruised misbehave bruising mislead category misspell categorise categorisation categorisable categorically

6 Week 7 impossible immature impatient imperfect inactive incorrect
cemetery committee communicate communication miscommunicate communicable communicative community competition competitive impossible immature impatient imperfect inactive incorrect

7 Term 2 Week 1 impossible immature impatient imperfect inactive
conscience conscious controversy convenience convenient conveniently correspond correspondence critic criticise impossible immature impatient imperfect inactive incorrect

8 Week 2 immature immortal impossible impatient imperfect desperate
desperately desperation determined determination develop developed development redevelop redevelopment immature immortal impossible impatient imperfect

9 Week 3 illegal illegible irregular irrelevant irresponsible dictionary
disastrous disastrously embarrass embarrassment environment environmentally equip equipped equipment illegal illegible irregular irrelevant irresponsible

10 Week 4 redo refresh return reappear redecorate especially exaggerate
exaggerated exaggeration excellent excellence excel excelled existence explanation redo refresh return reappear redecorate

11 Week 5 subdivide subheading submarine submerge substandard
self-explanatory familiar familiarise familiarity familiarisation foreign forty frequently frequency government subdivide subheading submarine submerge substandard

12 Week 6 interact intercity international interrelated internet
misgovern governance guarantee guaranteed harass harassed harassment hindrance identity immediate interact intercity international interrelated internet

13 Term 3 week 2 super – meaning above supermarket superman superstar
immediately appropriate appropriately concentrate concentrated concentrating demonstrate demonstrated demonstrative demonstrating super – meaning above supermarket superman superstar superglue superhero

14 Term 3 week 3 antiseptic anti-clockwise antisocial antibody antibiotic
hydrate hydration hydrated dehydrated dehydration incriminate incriminated investigate investigation investigated anti – meaning against antiseptic anti-clockwise antisocial antibody antibiotic

15 Term 3 week 4 auto meaning self or own autobiography autograph
invigorate invigoration reinvigorate unfortunate unfortunately vertebrate accessory accessorise personal personalise auto meaning self or own autobiography autograph automatic automatically automobile

16 Term 3 week 5 enterprise improvise summarise
symbolise turquoise uprise utilise vandalise classify classification Suffix – ation (added to verbs to form nouns) information adoration sensation preparation admiration

17 Term 3 week 6 disqualify disqualification identify identification
justify justification purify purification solidify solidification The suffix –ly added to a verb to make an adverb sadly finally usually completely comically

18 Term 4 Week 1 -sure sound measure treasure pleasure enclosure leisure
disappeared disbelieve discourtesy disorganise disapprove disapproval discovering disregarded distributed disallowed -sure sound measure treasure pleasure enclosure leisure

19 Term 4 week 2 creature furniture picture nature adventure repair
removable resolve realisation reliable reliability reload review recover reservation creature furniture picture nature adventure

20 Term 4 week 3 division invasion confusion decision television
overcrowded overgrown overthrown overtake overspent reappear recreate refresh refund repayment division invasion confusion decision television

21 Term 4 week 4 The suffix –ous dangerous famous various enormous
misbehave misbehaving misfortune misleading misread mistype misinform mistletoe mission mistake The suffix –ous dangerous famous various enormous jealous

22 Term 4 week 5 deflate depart departure detect
detective deserve desert dessert design deceive Keep e on root word before adding –ous courageous outrageous courteous gaseous hideous

23 Term 5 week 1 ious or eous serious obvious curious hideous spontaneous
who which where when whose that perhaps surely might should ious or eous serious obvious curious hideous spontaneous courteous

24 Term 5 week 2 Endings that sound like ‘shun’ spelt -tion invention
nearby secondly thirdly fourthly vice vicious grace gracious space spacious Endings that sound like ‘shun’ spelt -tion invention injection action hesitation completion

25 Term 5 week 3 Endings that sound like ‘shun’ spelt -sion expansion
anxious anxiety malice malicious precious consciousness delicious suspicious ambition ambitious Endings that sound like ‘shun’ spelt -sion expansion extension comprehension tension

26 Term 5 week 4 Endings that sound like ‘shun’ spelt -ssion expression
cautious cautiously fictitious infectious nutrition nutritious nutritional luscious spacious atrocious Endings that sound like ‘shun’ spelt -ssion expression discussion confession permission admission

27 Term 5 week 5 Endings that sound like ‘shun’ spelt -cian musician
antisocial initial finance financial financially commerce commercial commercially province provincial Endings that sound like ‘shun’ spelt -cian musician electrician magician politician mathematician

28 Term 5 week 6 Words with the ‘k’ sound spelt ch scheme chorus chemist
official unofficial officially special speciality superficial artificial artificially partial partially Words with the ‘k’ sound spelt ch scheme chorus chemist echo character

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