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Superheroes Year 1 Term Maths

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1 Superheroes Year 1 Term 1 2017 Maths
Sort, count and represent objects. Count, read and write forwards and backwards from any number 0 to 10. Count one more and one less. Compare groups using language such as equal, more/greater, less/fewer. Understand the meaning of = , > and < symbols. Order groups of objects and numbers. Ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd ….). Explore the part whole model. Learn number bonds to 10. Addition and subtraction problems. Geography To explore the human and physical features of Downton Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment. Use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features; devise a simple map; use and construct basic symbols in a key Art / DT Creating superhero pictures using a variety of media. Design and make capes for teddy bears Computing Logging on and off the computer independently Becoming familiar with the programmes for the year group Be able to create a picture with text accompanying it Science To learn to identify and classify some woodland animals. To gather and record data. To record using simple scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams and bar charts. Superheroes Year 1 Term 1 2017 Music KS1 singing practice. Learning new songs related to our topic with actions. Rhythmic activities with percussion instruments Literacy Daily phonics work at appropriate phase. Guided reading Become familiar with key stories retelling them and considering characteristics. Compose a sentence orally before writing it. Leave a space between words. Put a full stop at the end of a sentence. Stories to include: RE The Creation story PSHE To know how to feel safe and happy in my class To tell if someone else is feeling sad and how to make them feel better To know what is similar and different about me and my friends PE Rugby Tots – ball and games skills Moving in different ways and positions.

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