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Working Papers for DCFWG ICAO TAG-MRTD/15
ICAO Document Content & Format Working Group and ISO SC17 WG3 TF2 Harmonization
WP2 Enhancing Communication of Lost/Stolen Passport Information
Existing Interpol database on Lost/Stolen passports fed by, and feeds law enforcement agencies, not passport issuing authorities. Reporting Lost/Stolen passports Voluntary ICAO Assembly Resolution A33-19 suggests FAL Annex 9 SARP and guidance material “to assist Contracting States in maintaining the integrity and security of their passports and other travel documents.”
2-Implementation Suggested Standard “Member States shall notify INTERPOL whenever they are made aware of lost/stolen passports. This includes L/S individual books as well as theft of unpersonalized blank books. As a minimum, this data should include date of theft, passport numbers, book inventory numbers, and type and size of passport.”
2-Action by the TAG/MRTD
Recommend adoption of suggested Standard into FAL Annex 9 Contact INTERPOL to request inclusion on their Lost/Stolen passport notification list Provide INTERPOL with contact information for as many passport and visa issuing agencies as is available
WP 3 Photos of Babies Some baby photos fail to meet minimum photo size standard of 31mm chin to crown Present Instant Photo fixed focus lens provide photos with 20-25mm height New lens is available for larger photos
WP3-Baby Photo Characteristics
Capture in upright position, or lying on a white or light colored blanket Car seat position OK with white or light colored blanket, not colorful designs Eyes should be open No hands or other people in photo Suggest shorter validity period for baby passports
3-Action by TAG-MRTD Note the Instant Photo chin-to-crown size issue and advise if other States have this problem Note advice for capture of baby photos Consider inclusion of this advice in guidelines for photography in technical paper on biometrics
WP11 Comments on MRP Data Page Thickness
Present minimum page thickness is 0.25 mm (0.01 inch) or 250 microns (μ) Original requirement in Doc 9303 was based on requiring enough page thickness to resist page tearing in swipe readers Over time, thin lamina replaced thick, and data pages put on first inside page Opacity of data page also important
11 Data for Thickness Evaluation
Passports of 142 countries surveyed 66 States had passport on cover. All met present thickness standard 76 States had data page on an inside page. Of these States, 38 have data page caliper too thin, 27 meet standard, and 11 could not be determined.
11-Action by TAG/MRTD Consider the wording of Doc 9303 Part 1, paragraph IV minimum thickness “Selection of the data page thickness is at the discretion of the issuing State or organization, bearing in mind that it must pass though passport swipe readers and thus be durable. It should be opaque enough to not interfere wth readers.” Consider including cover thickness when determining compliance with present thickness
WP12 Guidance for ePass Logo
Visual logo necessary to indicate presence of contactless chip in passport Suggested Guidance Logo copyrighted to ICAO Usage rights granted when State’s system meets NTWG standards, or Logo used to indicate presence of chip ePass logo stamped on cover with title wording, at least 5mm in height, in 1 cm zone (centered) at top of cover, above present stamped seal.
WP12 Guidance continued If chip in cover, not stamped on that cover
Logo not indicate exact location of chip Include logo on data page. Suggest either end of Zone 1, upper left or upper right Include usage guidance in passport similar to: “This passport contains sensitive electronics. For best performance, please do not bend, perforate or expose to extreme temperature or excess moisture.”
12-Actions by TAG/MRTD Note the suggestions for use of ePass logo
Discuss the merits of the suggestions Endorse the approved suggestions for use in implementation of the contactless chip passport
WP13 Proposed Amendments to Doc 9303 to Accommodate Biometrics
Addition of Biometrics compels change Include salient parts of Biometric Deployment Report as Annex K Sect II, para 3 Definitions Sect IV, para 1 Scope Sect IV para 5.4 changes to VIZ Sect IV para 6.5 changes in MRZ
13-More Proposed Changes
Sect IV, paras on Data Storage Capacity, Machine Assisted Identity Confirmation and Machine Assisted Document Verification Sect IV para 20 to include chip on card Annexes B & C to indicate which technologies are interoperable Annex E Bar Codes only for own use Annex F Contactless Chip remove references to other than ISO chips
13 Stage 2 Revision and Action
After Stage 1 approved and completed, immediately begin Stage 2. Object to completely integrate the Biometric Deployment Report Revisions OKed by NTWG ACTION BY TAG/MRTD Endorse two-stage plan of action
WP15 Audit Methodology Establish a formal Audit program for quality of MRPs and production process Growing number of States seeking assurances that products meet ICAO spec Informal reports to Secretariat of poor-quality MRPs being supplied to States
15-Terms of Reference Name: Facilitation Audit Standards Team
Aim: Support FAL section in promotion of world-wide adoption of MRTDs Composition: Small number of discreet, skilled government personnel Actions: 1. Respond to general and specific questions 2. Evaluate production using G-8 factors 3. Determine chip compliance 4. Provide feedback to process owners of noted problems
15-Evaluation Criteria Document Methodology
Dimensional Characteristics VIZ Characteristics MRZ Characteristics Security Features Durability
15 Document Handling & Issuance
Blank Book Control Passport Application & Adjudication ID Verification & Name Check Process Biometric Identification Personalization Printers Physical Security at Issuance Facility Personnel Standards Internal Controls Senior Level Support for Issuance Procedures
15 Actions by TAG/MRTD Establish the FAST team to aid FAL, under terms of reference in WP15 Accept the proposed Terms of Reference, as amended, for the FAST team Evaluate proposed criteria for appropriateness
WP16 Three Letter Codes Doc 9303 specifies use of 3-LTR codes for State/organization identification ISO 3166/MA maintains the official list ISO 3166/MA gets codes from UN Technical Bulletin Country Names and UN Country and Regional Code for Statistical Use, published by UN Statistical Division
16-Code Access and Updates
ISO 3166 supports a web site, Site contains lists of codes available, prices for sale products, and excellent FAQs Newsletters available Automatic electronic updates available
16 Action by TAG/MRTD Be informed of the updated access to 3-LTR codes
Post ISO 3166/MA web site as a hot link on the web site for most current code information Inform States that they may begin use of new 3-LTR codes as soon as they are posted
WP17 ePass Indicators in the MRZ
First change in MRZ EP or PE not good options MRZ accuracy important as key for reading Error correction possible with codes Location: end of MRZ line 1 or replace old check digits Fall back position MRZ line 1, position 44
WP18 Emergency/Short Term Passports
Machine Readable Passports made to Doc 9303 Part 1 Standard Central Issuance or controlled distributed issuance High quality security features Still a need for issuance of passports issued under less than ideal conditions
18 Aspects of Short Term Passports
Not to lower standards, make a “weak link” Should still be MRPs Cover Color-different, not garish Period of validity-not more than 1 year Book size-Fewer pages (8 to 12) Book Designation-Short Term, Provisional Passport Number-Book Inventory Number Security Features-At least two from list Training-On features specific to Short Term book
18 Actions by TAG/MRTD Endorse the guidelines in WP18 for short term/emergency issuance passport Recommend posting this to the ICAO Web site for guidance to States Recommend these guidelines for inclusion in next revision of Doc 9303 Part 1 MRPs
WP19 Use of Personal Number as Passport Number
Passport number basic to international systems Nine number maximum length Tracking Lost/Stolen passports hindered by lack of uniformity among States as to what a passport number is, and how it is assigned and how to relate the “number”to illegal use
19 Passport Number Sources
Use book inventory (serial) number. This is recommended method Derive passport number from separate tracking number roster. Relation of this number to book serial number often lost National ID number This gives the person one passport number for life, with differentiation based on issue date.
19 Consequences and TAG Action
If an ID number book is Lost/Stolen, replacement books will have same number as the L/S book, causing problems to the holder-secondary, possible arrest, checks Recommended Practice: MRPs should not be issued using the national ID number as passport number. Passport numbers should be book inventory control (serial) numbers
WP22 Coping With Success Sub-title: Consequences of an expanded ICAO FAL role in operational affairs Chicago Convention Articles 22, 23, 37 Recurring meetings such as TAG-MRTD, FAL Panel, FAL Division meetings Regional efforts Drafting, updating of Annex 9, Doc 9303, circulars, manuals, other publications
22 Resources and New Tasks
Staff is Section Chief, Technical Officer and a Secretary with some part-time Key Repository for ICAO Blueprint MRTD Quality Assurance Program FAL/12 Division Tasks Assistance to Developing States PNR-access Study Group Guidance Material, and Security
22 Requirements for Extra-Budgetary Resources
Specifications & technology administration-update Doc 9303, convert biometric reports to specs,organize QA effort,web site upkeep Universal Implementation of MRTDs project management-coordinate with donor states, administer, carry out plans PKI Directory Management-oversee development and day-to-day management
22 Action by the TAG-MRTD Note the volume and importance of work requested of FAL Section Concur with impossibility of doing all these tasks with present staff, funding Consider ways of assisting Secretariat in accomplishment of these tasks, e.g. short-term loan of personnel, establishing a funding mechanism
WP23 Report of DCFWG Three Meetings Prague Sept 15-17 2003
Basingstoke, England March 8-10, 2004 Montreal, 17 May 2004 Thirteen Working Papers, including two co-written, one with TF3, one with NTWG
23 Working Paper Titles 2-L/S Info Sharing 3 Baby Photos
11 Data Page caliper 12 ePass Logo guide 13 Doc 9303 Amends 15 Audit Meth TOR 16 3LTR Codes 17 ePass MRZ * 18 Temp Passport 19 Pers ID not PPT # 22 Coping w Success 23 DCFWG Report 28 ePass Logo*
23 Future Work Plan & TAG Action
Continue support for Doc 9303 family Durability test procedures, w/WG3 Procedures for if chip inoperative/broken Develop Audit Plan for Audit Methodology Camouflage/Fantasy Passport Information Biometrics & Visas w/NTWG Possible Visa Card Specification Protection of ICAO marks and statements of compliance to ICAO standards Other work as needed
WP28 ePass Logo Selection
ePass Logo required Needs to be copyrighted Needs to be printable in any print method Needs to not have negative connotations Needs to be attractive
28-Logo Selection Design images from Canada, Germany, Japan, Netherlands and Switzerland Election by TAG members Run-off election if not clear majority Final election and announcement
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