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Welcome to 3rd Grade Third Grade Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 3rd Grade Third Grade Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 3rd Grade Third Grade Team

2 Our Goal To help your child grow in his/her reading, writing, math, science, and social skills. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. To help your child reach their academic goals through the idea that “practice makes progress”

3 Our Daily Schedule 8:40 - 8:50 Unstructured Play
8:50 - 9:05 Morning Routine 9:05 – 9:15 Phonics 9:15 – 9:45 Reading 9: :10 RtI Reading Intervention 10:10 – 10:30 Reading 10: :00 Writing & Grammar 11: :45 Special 11:45 – 12:15 Lunch 12:15 – 12:45 Recess 12: :55 Class Meeting 12:55 - 1:50 Math 1:50 - 2: Character Education 2:00 - 2:30 Science/Social Studies 2:30 – 2:45 Number Corner 2:45 – 3: RtI Math 3:20 – 3: Unstructured Play 3: Pack-up & Dismissal Drop off procedure (tardy after morning announcements, go straight to office to sign student in, missing more than 10% of school year can lead to promotion in danger) Absentee policy ( write a letter for illnesses or send in doctors notes. See code of conduct for more info on excused and unexcused absences) Visitors (must sign in, wear visitor tag or asked to go back to office, bday celebrations will occur at lunch. There are no longer allowed to be any food or drink brought in. You may bring in pencils, erasers, stickers sct. Please schedule with teacher in advance)

4 Thursday Schedule 8:40 - 8:50 Unstructured Play
8:50-9:05 Morning Routine 9:05 – 9:15 Phonics 9:15 – 9:45 Reading 9: :10 RtI Reading Intervention 10:10 – 10: Reading 10: :00 Writing & Grammar or Science/Social Studies 11: :45 Math 11:45 – 12:15 Lunch 12:15 – 12:45 Recess 12: :55 Class Meeting 12:55 - 1:05 Character Education 1:05 - 1:35 RtI Math 1:35 - 1:55 Number Corner 1:55 – 3: Special 3:25 - 3:30 Class Meeting 3:30 Dismissal

5 Student Agendas Students have been given an agenda in which all assignments will be recorded daily by each student. It is your child’s responsibility each day to record these assignments. If a student is struggling with this responsibility, together we will discuss a plan. Please sign your child’s agenda every night after homework has been checked for completion. We will check agendas every morning. This is a communication tool between parents and teachers.

6 Policies Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures Absentee Policy
Visiting Classrooms Class Routines Doors open at 8:40. Marked absent after announcements. Phonics instruction begins at 9:05am. Need to be on time to prepare for day/morning routines etc. Visitors must first report to the main office for a pass. Morning time is not the time for parent conference. Please contact the teacher to schedule a time to address a concern or visit the main office to schedule an appointment.

7 Attendance Policy When your child is absent a note must be sent in to school within 5 days of the absence. If your child is absent for 5 consecutive days a doctor’s note is required to excuse the absence. If a child is absent for more than 18 days, his/her promotion to third grade may be in danger. CSD’s attendance policy is further explained on pages 14 – 16 in the Student Manual.

8 Classroom Community/CRPBIS
Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other and grow academically. Our class rules are: Follow directions quickly Raise your hands for permission to speak Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat Make smart choices Keep your dear teacher happy Brader’s Schoolwide ROAR / CR-PBIS (hallways/cafeteria/classroom) R Respect O Outstanding Achievement A Achievement R Responsibility

9 Earn Your Stripes Students will manage their behavior by using a behavior chart system. All students begin each and everyday on “green”. It is their goal to “stay on green”. When a student does not meet expectations, the following consequences will come into play when the clip is moved to either yellow or red. *** blue- You went above and beyond!!! *** pink- You went above and beyond!!! Step One- green - Great Day!! Step Two-yellow - Warning/ note in agenda Step Three- red – Teacher’s choice: note in agenda/phone call home/ will owe recess or lunch time/ possible CR-PBIS LEVEL 1 documentation Each day the color earned will be noted in your child’s agenda and it will be signed by a teacher. Explain yellow and cycle through

10 Incentives Individual Rewards – students earn “paws” for following class and schoolwide principles. They can cash their paws in for rewards monthly. Group/Class Rewards – Each class and/or table groups earns rewards based on compliments by adults in the building or by their classroom teacher.

11 Incentives Grade Level Incentives –
Your child followed the expectations of our schoolwide ROAR principles as outlined & shared by our team or in your child’s individual plan. Your child did not serve an In-School Suspension (ISS) or Out of School Suspension (OSS). We will collect monies and send home a permission slip for the event two-three weeks in advance based upon your child earning the incentive. If your child does not earn the incentive trip, we will notify you in writing or by phone 2 – 5 days prior to the incentive. Incentive events are an earned privilege. The CRPBIS incentives are designed for every student to participate in. However, these incentives are a privilege and participation is based upon each child showing their ROAR (Respect, Outstanding Attitude, Achievement and Responsibility) on a daily basis.

12 Common Core State Standards
To access the site for our Common Core State Standards visit: The purpose of CCSS is to provide clear understanding to teachers and parents of what a child should learn at each grade level.

13 Reading Text- Houghton Mifflin Journeys
Whole Group, Small Group and Individual Instruction Trade books

14 Reading Goals Develop Critical Readers and Thinkers
Develop a Love of Reading Prepare Students for 4th Grade and Beyond

15 RARE+ R Restate the question A Answer the question
R Revisit the text for reasons E Examples from the text + Evaluation “real world”

16 Access weekly reading
Utilize to complete comprehension questions at home

17 Writing Types of Writing Explored this year: Narrate Persuade Respond
Our writing curriculum focuses mostly on text based writing. Our new writing program correlates with the CCSS. Types of Writing Explored this year: Narrate Persuade Respond Inform Instruct

18 Math Third grade will be working on:
Bridges in Mathematics, published by The Math Learning Center, Salem, Oregon Third grade will be working on: Unit 1: Addition and Subtraction Patterns Unit 2: Multiplication Unit 3: Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction Unit 4: Measurement and Fractions Unit 5: Multiplication, Division, and Area Unit 6: Geometry Unit 7: Extending Multiplication and Fractions (See the Common Core State Standards)

19 Math Number Corner Daily 20 minute workouts that introduce, reinforce and extend skills and concepts related to the critical areas of study in third grade.

20 Helpful Websites 1. Dreambox website: Username: lunch number Password: lunch number 2. Bridges Family Support Site:

21 Science Earth Materials Water

22 Social Studies Unit 1 Citizenship and Government Unit 2 Citizenship
Unit 3 Communities are Everywhere  Unit 4 Working as Historians Unit 5 Communities Over Time Unit 6 Resources and Production

23 Homework Students are responsible for recording HW in their agenda at the start of each week/daily. Students should read every night. Books can be read with someone or independently. Some classes assign Math homework daily. (at least 2-3 times a week) Play Dreambox when math work is not assigned. Reading Homework is assigned daily/weekly. Parents can help by providing 30 minutes of structured routines at home regarding homework. (quiet place, same time, looking at and signing agenda so students feel more accountable for work, ask your child about their day, even ask about specific subjects)

24 Blue First Day Student Folder
Principal Welcome Letter Title I documents Right To Know What it Title I? Arrival/Dismissal Letter Student Handbook Parent Calendar CR-PBIS Pamphlet CR-PBIS Student Handbook Nutrition Policy Letter Child Nutrition Newsletter from CSD Paper Recycling Letter Teachers may have inserted the following on this side: Curriculum Assessment Letters Team Welcome Letter Team Activity/Field Trip Fee Letter Personal Classroom Welcome Letter Office Information Form Student Manual – return page Acceptable Use Policy Permission Form Permission To Photograph Form Anti-Bullying Pledge Movie Policy & Permission Slip Counselor Introduction Letter Free/Reduced Lunch Form Teachers inserted the following on this side: Title I Compact (signed by teacher first and then copied) Team Activity/Field Trip Fee Letter All signed forms were due on Friday, 9/15; Missing any forms – forms are available on the Brader website. Packet #2 (Right Hand Side) – Labeled “Please Sign & Return” Packet #1 (Left Hand Side) – Labeled “READ CAREFULLY”

25 Family Participation Please try to get involved in our classroom this year! Homeroom Parent/Cash in Help Field Trip Chaperones/Class Parties Volunteer packet will need to be filled out if you plan to attend a trip where students are in groups without teacher.

26 Class Celebrations

27 Trips DASEF’s Outpost: Rocks and Minerals Movie Theater- Incentive
Magic Show- Incentive The Grand- Play/Show The total activity fee for the school year academic field trips is $ We are asking for that activity fee to be paid in full by September 29th. Incentives will be paid for as they get closer. If you need another copy, please pick one up in your student’s classroom.

28 Upcoming Events Parent-Teacher Conferences:
Thursday, November 2nd (8:20 – 3:50 & 4:00 – 7:30 PM) Friday, November 3, 2017 (8:00 – 11:30 AM) Other Important Dates: October 3, Interims sent home October 26, 2017 – 1st marking period ends  Monday, November 3rd Parent Conference dates. Please sign up.

29 Let’s Have a Great Year! Mrs. Williams
School ext. 207 Ms. Parey School ext. 206 Ms. Mahoney School ext. 305 Ms. Keyton School ext. 203 Ms. Gearheart School ext. 208 Available for conferences most weekday mornings 8:00 am – 8:45 am. (not on PLC days or committee meeting days) or send note in child’s agenda. Also available during planning.

30 Located in your student’s classroom….
Activity Fee Letter Conference Sign Up Helpful Website List

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